(4) Redeeming Ourselves

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Girl stood up and spun around on her heel, ready to sink in her disappointment. Her head hung low as she placed her hand on the knob of her door but Lord Death called out to her.

"Wait Death the Girl. Just one more thing! I have a different mission for you two which I know that you both won't possibly blow up something! There is this killer going around in the urban areas of town. They call themselves Robin Hood. They hide out at different times of night attacking people in their beds and murdering them. So what I would like you two to do for now is investigate and move you and your weapons into Kid's manor!"

Girl nodded but after a few moments, it finally clicked making her vigorously shake her head.

"W-wait just a second! What do you mean move in together? I have to move in with HIM?!" she stammered in disbelief.
"Yeah Father isn't that a bit weird?" Kid said, backing up her statement.
"Well this "Robin Hood" seems to only attack people who are and look wealthy so if they continue up this way they'll definitely see Death Manor!"

"Sooo we are using ourselves as bait to exterminate him?" she asked.
" I STILL DO NOT SEE WHY I HAVE TO STAY IN HIS HOUSE! My house is a manor too!"
"But both of you are working together on the SAME mission, correct?" Even though Girl couldn't tell what facial expression Lord Death was giving her, it was clear that mockery laced his words.

"I-i... Yeah... Okay then..." she gave in after her short protest.

"Okay then I'll see you two later! Bye!" Lord Death said while waving as they left. Girl heaved a great sigh.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. But now I have to figure out how to move out my stuff AND tell Anthony and Kyle..."

"I'll help you move your things out so let's go and find our weapons." "No need for me." Girl lifted her finger to draw some figure in the air before whispering something and there were her two weapons before her.

"What do you do to summon your weapons?" "Well if you have strong connections with your weapons, it's kind of like a telephone. However, the only condition is if they choose to come. If you do and say this-" Girl whispered momentarily in Kid's ear.

Kid followed her instructions and as he finished, Liz appeared seeming confused. "Liz, where's Patty?" "She was rushing around in the cafeteria telling me she had to get the sweet bun before it ran out."
"See? Patty chose not to come so that's why she's not here." Girl said.

Kid mumbled underneath his breath before speaking again. "Oh well, might as well tell them the news. Liz, Kyle, Anthony. For a mission, Girl has to move into my place, Death Manor. So all of you will be living together." Everyone except Girl's jaw hung, a mix of excitement and worry drawn on their face. "We're all living together?" They said in unison. Girl reluctantly nodded. "Woah! That's gonna be fun! There will be more people in the house to talk to!" Kyle exclaimed. Anthony nodded his head excitedly.

"You don't take them out much do you?" Kid turned to Girl. She glanced at them and straightened the death symbol on her yellow undershirt. "If I let them out they eventually break something or cause trouble. It helps me not be in debt."

"If we're moving then come on let's go! What are we waiting for?" Kyle said before tugging on the sleeve of Girl's jacket and dragging her out of the hallway. "Liz, you can go get Patty. I'll follow Girl and call for you when needed." Liz nodded and ran off. Kid ran off in the opposite direction to catch up with the others.

At Girl's house.... (Once again lazy to add more writing.)

Girl's P. O. V.

"Okay so... How do we go about this?" Anthony asked.
I shook my head. "I don't know."
"I don't know." Anthony flopped onto the floor.
"I have an idea." Kid said.
"What is it?" "I can use the demon tool, Orias. It's demon tool that transport objects to where you choose."

"That's pretty convenient." Anthony said.
"Come, demon tool Orias." He called out. A large puff of smoke appeared and by the time it cleared, a handheld mirror was on the floor. We all stood confused as the mirror looked too significantly small to transport anything.

"Does anyone have a marker or something of the sort?" He asked. I looked on the desk in the living room and found an azure marker. I handed it to him and he wrote in Latin on the mirror. Placing it on the floor once more, it shone as the mirror morphed into a large standing mirror.

As if it wasn't large enough, the length began to expand to the ceiling. It's already taking up most of my damn living room... "Yes..." the mirror hissed gently. I almost tripped over my heels as I stepped back a little feeling very shook.
"Hello Orias. Can you transport these objects to the manor for me please?" Kid asked the mirror. "Very well~" It complied. It sounded male to me but I didn't want to assume.

You guys should start packing and place what you want in here. He's a two-sided mirror so you can push your objects through either side." We all nodded and started pushing things inside of Orias.

(No! Not like that, I know I have those weird readers out there.)

We pushed little things in there like suitcases but also things like game consoles, machinery we normally used, and all that sort. Sometimes I didn't have to do anything because Orias would do it for me. Eventually, Kid summoned Liz and Patty so they would help to speed things up.

Once we were finished with the house, I sighed in accomplishment. "Phew! That's all of it!" I exclaimed. Everyone nodded. "You were a huge help! Thank you Orias." I said before giving a swift peck to the side of the mirror. A puff of black smoke appeared and when it dissipated, a human... no demon boy was sitting on our floor, his face lit up like an all red Christmas tree.

Kyle morphed into his weapon form immediately as I pointed him towards the stranger, finger on the trigger.

"Who are you and where's Orias." I demanded. The demon silently raised his hand. "I'm right here..." The boy mumbled. I blinked in disbelief before returning Kyle back to his human form. "That's you Orias?" I inquired as I examined him closer.

The boy had onyx horns, caramel skin, black curly locks that covered his eyes, a plain white long-sleeved shirt, black shorts that didn't go lower than his knees and a maroon colored tail to top it off. Orias picked himself off the floor and dusted off a bit. I used my hand to part his black hair and came in contact with two emerald orbs looking at me. I was instantly mesmerized by how vibrant his eyes were, my heels clicked as I quickly backed up. I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me but a smirk danced on his lips. The moment I blinked, he was facing me with a smile.

"I didn't know that demon tools had human forms... Nice to meet you, my name is Death the Girl." I said before holding my hand out for him to shake which he gladly accepted.

"Okay, Orias. You need to go back to the underworld." Kid said.

"I don't wanna! You can't make me!" Orias whined before sticking out his tongue. He's so childish, seems like another Kyle... "Perhaps a day or two wouldn't hurt?" I asked. Orias turned towards me before facing Kid and nodding his head.

"Plus..." He trailed off. His tail whipped towards me as it snaked around my waist and nudged me closer to him. "I don't wanna leave her. She's cute. Very cute." He purred. I could feel the heat getting to me, rushing to the tip of my ears. Why does he find an interest in me of all people? Anthony looked down but Liz looked strongly interested. Kyle and Patty were staring, watching us like this was a play. Kid's eyes narrowed, "Don't think you're staying for more than a day here, got it?" The room probably dropped a couple of degrees.

"He's scary Girl-sama!" Daemon mewed. He was running to hide behind me but he fell over right into my chest. Everyone paused, wondering what I was going to do but honestly, I had no idea. A flame turned into a wildfire running rampant all over my face and body. Absolutely struck with embarrassment, I couldn't get him to move off of me.

"Ahh~ your chest is so comfortably soft... What is this, a C?" Daemon said, the waves of his voice vibrating in my cleavage. "Oh wow. How did you know." I monotonously replied. Quickly he raised himself off of me. "I'M SO SORRY GIRL-SAMA!" he yelled and went to grovel on the floor but fell mid-grovel. As he rose up, his head went underneath my black skirt. "It's dark in here..." his muffled voice sounded.

He's sooo...

{End of Chapter 4}

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