(5) Moving In

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Kid was about to confront Orias but someone else already beat him to it. In a fit of rage, Anthony dragged Orias out of her skirt by his collar before striking him with the back of his hand. The demon fell to the floor clasping his cheek, his brown skin tinged with red. "What the fuck do you think you're doing to my meister?!" Anthony yelled, his fist clenched this time but Kyle pulled him back asking him to calm down.

Anthony's P. O. V.

The moment I saw that demon slip himself underneath her skirt, I was blinded by pure red. I yanked him away from her and smacked him as hard as I could. Girl would never have it in her to reprimand him because it was an 'accident.' Accident my ass! I was about to raise living Hell onto him until Kyle pulled me back telling me that it's enough. Even Liz and Patty stood there with crossed looks on their face, I wasn't the only one feeling livid, I have every right to!

"You've got a lot of balls feeling up my meister like that!" I yelled, wanting to spit at him. "Hey... was it always this hot in here..." Girl slurred, wobbling closer to Kid before she fell over her own weight.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body was close to hitting the ground until Kid caught her by the shoulders. Kyle's grip released and he rushed to Girl as so did Liz and Patty.
"Hey Girl, what happened? Wake up, you okay?" Kyle exclaimed. Kid placed two fingers on the side of her neck before sighing in relief.

"She's fine. Just passed out." Kid said, shooting a nasty look in Orias' direction. The wretched demon groveled on the floor once more. "PLEASE FORGIVE MY FOOLISHNESS, I DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING BY IT!" The look on his face was apologetic but I knew how demons worked. Kid's eyes softened, "Just shut up and let's go." "I SHOULD JUST GO BACK!" he cried.

"No. Let's go to the manor, we have a bigger problem here." Kid said as I was gesturing for him to pass Girl over to me. Glancing back at the demon, he wore a disgusting smirk on his face. The moment I blinked, his lips were back into a frown causing me to narrow my eyes. I swear if Girl hadn't fainted, if he didn't volunteer to go back to Hell, I'd send him right back there myself. I lifted her up and put her on my back effortlessly. "Come on. Let's go and walk to the manor. Lead the way Kid!" I said. Kid nodded and we left our used to be mansion. Orias was sulking the whole way but I knew that he was disappointed in himself one bit. Vile demon.

At Death Manor...

Anthony's P. O. V.

When we got there, my mouth gaped open. This place is larger than our house, holy shinigami! I felt a light tug at the tips of my hair and recognized that Girl was awake. She lowered her head and whispered, "You can let me down now." Slowly, I lowered myself down to the marble pavement and she climbed off of me. Her legs wobbled for a bit before she leaned on me.

She gaped just like I did and a sudden energy rushed throughout her. With a spring in her step, she rushed forward to Kid, talking about how his house is so symmetrical. That's just like her, I'm just glad she's okay... I glanced around and walked up to Kyle as he was talking to Orias. Kyle's mouth moved and both of them chuckled.

"Hey, Kyle... Quick second?"

Kyle looked at Orias before nodding and walked away with me. "Whats up bro?" "I don't trust Orias..." "I know he did some really awful stuff to Girl but when you talk to him, he's pretty nice! I think it was just an accident." "That was no accident. Did you see the dirty smirk on his face afterward? He's scum, he just thinks he can do that and get away with it!" I felt lingering eyes boring holes into the back of my head and I knew exactly who it was.

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