{7} What Am I To You?

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Girl's eyes flickered open to see Kid's sleeping face, cowlicks sprawled in his hair. Her hair had receded back to its short form as daylight broke through the windows. Her eyes widened the size of cup saucers and took a peek underneath the sheet. Kid's shirt was nowhere to be found as her button nightgown somehow became fully open exposing the undergarments she wore underneath. She fidgeted around, nerves building up within her. She laid there wondering if she did more than banish Orias and kiss him but that's all she recalled. And not even those moments could explain why they were both half naked.

Girl's mind began to wander off with her, causing her hands to slap her cheeks as a way to bring herself back to reality. Kid heard the noise and his eyes fluttered open, a blush adorning his face the moment he saw her.

"G-good morning! Did we..." Girl trailed off, not even having the courage to finish what her rampant thoughts were thinking. "Don't worry, we didn't do anything indecent." She sighed in relief.

Kid sat up, causing the sheet to rise making Girl horrified. If he looked back down at her, she would pass out from overheating even if she knew it didn't matter anymore considering that it's already been twice he's seen her so revealed. Without even thinking, Girl grabbed his wrist causing his hand to slip and for him to fall onto her. Before he could fully collide, he used his hands at each side of her head to break his fall.

Girl's legs were propped up as Kid had his knee between them, both of them engaging in a stare. Girl bubbled in laughter, "Why have we found ourselves in this position twice in a row?"

"I don't know why don't you tell me..." Kid whispered before lowering himself down onto her. This time, she leaned up to meet him halfway, interlocking their hands together. Flipping their position so she was on top, Girl attempted to button her shirt back but Kid placed his hands in hers, locking fingers again, and she laid down on his chest. A swirl of emotion filled Girl, she never thought something could feel this right.

Small kisses after another, they continued to stay in their position, ever so often flipping.

The door quickly swung open causing both of the shinigami to jump up frightened. "Kid! Girl wasn't in her room when we checked up on her to get breakfast and so I got some of her clothes and-" Liz's jaw dropped and eyes widened.

They awkwardly separated from one another and looked at Liz. She quickly apologized, backed out of the room, and closed the door. "I guess that's our cue to go and start breakfast then." Girl chirped causing both of them to laugh.

Not wanting to change in front of each other, they turned their backs to each other and dressed up. Facing each other once more, they fixed each other up, brushed their hair, etc. After proper correction, they were ready. The shinigami stepped out of the room, stopping by Girl's room to get a pair of short black heels. After a basic routine of brushing their teeth, both of them finally came downstairs.

As they walked into the kitchen, everyone stopped to look at them making Girl feel bashful. Liz's pancake was mid-flip and almost fell onto the counter before Girl quickly grabbed a plate and threw it, perfectly sliding underneath the pancake in time.

Kid whispered in Girl's ear, "Liz probably talked." causing her to feel embarrassed. Straightening herself up, heels clicked as Girl walked around reprimanding, "Liz pay more attention, the food almost went to waste. Anthony, Kyle. I need you to get my paperwork off the desk in my room." Anthony and Kyle rushed off out of the kitchen.

Patty left to watch TV, and Liz apologized before she went back to making pancakes. She smirked at him before walking to the fridge. Kid told Liz that he'll make pancakes and thanked her for doing breakfast so far. Liz nodded and began to exit the kitchen. As she passed by Girl she whispered, "Go get him! He might be a keeper!" winking before fully walking out.

Girl chuckled in response before cracking eggs in a small bowl and whisking it. Cutting up onion and peppers, she turned on the frying pan. Suddenly she felt a presence behind her as she was putting in minced onion. The person wrapped its arms around her waist softly making her tense up until she realized it was Kid.

"Don't put in too much onion okay?" Kid whispered in her ear, his voice much deeper than normal. The tone of his voice sent pleasurable shivers down her spine. Losing herself in his voice, all she could do was nod. Lightly kissing her cheek, Kid went back to flipping the pancakes. Girl's face flushed, unsure how to make of her sudden emotions. After regaining herself, she went back to making the omelet. Everyone else in the house knew it took forever to get breakfast when Girl or Kid makes it cause, after all, symmetry is key.

Everyone finally was able to sit down and eat, their stomachs doing backflips from how hungry they were. Normally Kid and Girl would sit opposite from each other but there the shinigami were, sitting together at the middle of the table. As everyone dug into their food and spoke as usual, they all snuck glances at them. Hoping for them to say something confirming what Liz saw, their wish didn't come true.

Under the table, every once and a while both of them would interlock fingers together and break away to prevent suspicion. Girl looked down and clenched her skirt. Her eyes darted everywhere, pinprick tears forming at the corner of her eyes. A strong tinge of melancholy struck her heart, unsure what to concur of her new emotions. Tears fell down onto her plate, sliding into her eggs. Picking her head up immediately in surprise, Girl pushed back her chair and ran out.

"Hey Girl, are you-" Kid tried to grab her wrist but missed her. Moving out of his seat also, he vanished out the dining room rushing upstairs. Everyone else looked at each other.

"I wonder what's wrong with her..." Patty mumbled.
"But did you see how Kid just ran to comfort her?!" Liz said, her eyes sparkling.
Everyone in the dining room fangirled.
"Liz you owe me! It's 4 days before the month ended, I won that bet!" Anthony exclaimed, rubbing it in Liz's face.
"Finally Girl won't live forever alone!" Kyle shouted making everyone burst into full laughter.

Girl ran up the stairs as Kid ran after her. Before she could turn the corner, Kid held onto her wrist. Small tears flowed down to her chin, sniffling her nose, Girl didn't know what to do with herself. Pulling her closer, he stepped up to the last step and embraced her. "Hey... what's wrong, why are you crying?" Her nose was tinged red but she refused to look at him. Rubbing her face, Girl shook her head. "I don't know, I don't know... I just feel lost."

"About what?"
"It's just... we kissed and now I just feel so unsure, are we just doing that cause we're in the moment..."
"It's not like that and it will never-"
"Then tell me, how do you feel about me? I don't know how I feel about you... just tell me, what am I to you?"

Kid tilted up Girl's chin with his finger, forcing her to look up at him. He held her close as small sniffles arose. "I... I love you. And I don't know how you feel about this... But I'm declaring you as my girlfriend. Whether you like it or not." he chuckled at the last part. Girl's face swarmed with surprise, confusion mainly. "W-w-wait, I n-never agreed to-"

"It's not a matter of what you agreed to. You're absolutely mine now and I prefer it that way." Fully closing the gap between them, Kid pressed his lips against hers, rekindling the passion they held last night. All of Girl's confusion was gone through the window, it was quite clear what she wanted now.

{End of Chapter 7}

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