{8} Loving Distractions

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After standing at the top of the steps hugging, it seems they weren't the only ones there. Liz and Anthony peered from the corner, internally screaming at how good of a match they made. Kid gave a kiss to her forehead and released his embrace, causing her to pout. Looking down at her, he smirked sadistically. "Don't look so sad, we can continue this later." Girl looked away before walking off without him.

"Hey I was just joking!" he called out.

"I'm going to the library, we still have to plan but at this point, it seems only I will be completing this mission." she huffed before picking up the pace. Finally stopping at two large doors, she pushed one open and came upon a massive archive of books, everything you could possibly think of was there and they all waited on the plethora of shelves. Even though she had already seen this room with its desks and boards, it still astonished her every time she walked in. To see all this accessible knowledge in front of her pleased her to no bounds.

Kid finally caught up with her moments later to see her trying to fix a book in the back shelf that kept leaning itself out.

In? Nope. In. Nope. In-

"ARE YOU SCREWING WITH ME RIGHT NOW?!" she yelled, slamming the book to the ground. Kid laughed at her short temper for such a small thing. Coming up to the bookcase, he picked up the book and looked inside the shelf before placing it in. The book stayed in place. Giving off a 'hmph!', Girl walked off to a desk in the front.

Clearly envious of his large mansion, Girl had all the riches in the world but didn't bother getting a specially made manor like he did. Buying a small one was enough for her and her weapons but seeing his made her feel inferior in a way.

Sitting down at the black round table, she scattered out the papers. Kid came by and sat next to her even if she was slightly upset with him. Plucking a paper off the table, she started. "Hmm... Robin Hood huh. There have been no surviving victims from their attacks so more than likely there's no way of knowing what they look like. What a specific name choice like that."

"Robin Hood in an old tale was also a generous thief, stealing from the rich to fill the pockets of the poor." Kid said, examining another.

One by one, they picked up different papers, reading off whatever they could observe from the lack of info.

"Look here, says that a victim managed to tell some small details before they died. Says here that they wore a forest green outfit with a hood attached. And the object that killed the victim was an arrow hitting them in the abdomen."
"That's not too vital of an area so how did they die to manage telling that much?"
"Seems that it's not the injury that killed them, it was the poison on it. Entered their system and shut down their cardiovascular system, what a deadly little thing." Girl sighed.

"So if one of us gets hit by the arrows, we're done for?" Kid asked.
"Not necessarily. If we get hit, it will paralyze us for a couple days at most. For our weapons, that's an immediate game over. And worst case scenario for us, yes."

"So considering that this Robin Hood has a high body count, its gonna be difficult. But then again the more dangerous, the better." Girl hummed, a smug smirk growing on her lips.

Kid got up and walked around.

"Now let's think as if this 'Robin Hood' came into the house. Even though it's risky, we should let our weapons lure them into the center of the house. As meisters, we use our weapons to fight and defend ourselves. It takes a lot of physical training when it comes to fighting without them. For example, how Black Star fights without Tsubaki."

Girl pondered on that thought, would it be worth it to train in combat? The chance of being away from her weapons was really low. After a few minutes, sitting down in one place reading over everything felt boring so she stood up before bending down at the table, using her elbows for support.

Completely Symmetrical (Death The Kid X Death The Girl)Where stories live. Discover now