One Direction Wants You!

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"Seeya mum I love you! Have fun at Nan's!" I kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her into a bear hug.

"I love you too, ill be back in two days" she kissed me back, "bye"! she waved

"Bye mum" I waved back as she got into the taxi, then off she went, to have her nose fixed, not as in plastic surgery, we both hate it, but so she can breathe better.

"Brooke!" I turned at the sound of Tiana calling my name.

"Yeah, what's happened now One Direction broke a nail?" I answered sarcastically

"Well actually... No, they need a new personal assistant! LOOK!" She screeched, I went and looked at the twitter post, she was pointing at.

"So your not really making it up?" I said in disbelief, as I read the tweet.

One Direction Wants You!

'Come audition to be One Direction's new personal assistant!

Call: 0422875603 or click on this link: www.1D'

To apply for the job!'

"Ha ha very funny, you should apply, you're looking for a job aren't you?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but thousands of girls will be applying for it there is no chance id get it like seriously look at me and even if I got the job they'll probably kill me, you've heard how crazy they can get, didn't one of the one knock over a statue at museum then wipe out Nando's food supply? And why don't you just apply?" I questioned.

"Who cares about that! You will just line them up, you've always wanted an assisting job, haven't you? Besides I can't apply I'll be hopeless and faint every minute I see them!' She replied truthfully.

Well, I guess she was right when I was little I was always good at assisting mum and other people, still am and I'm good at organising things. "

Fine then, I'll do it! So where do I sign up?" I asked as I leant over her shoulder looking at the twitter post.

"Yippee! You'll be AmaZayn!" She said as she winked at me. "Well, it says on here to call this number or follow this link to apply!" She explained.

"Click on the link" I ordered, Tiana clicked on the link and we were put through to an application form, asking all sorts of different questions.

"Okay!" I said, "I'll take over from here!' I pushed Tiana aside, off the seat, causing her to land on her arse, I then sat on the chair. 'Owww! Watcha do that for?' She screeched, still on the floor.

"Because I felt like it!" I laughed, she quickly got up and leaned over my shoulder to help me fill out the form, then excused herself and went to the bathroom.

I started to fill out the form, my name is Brooke Nelson, and I'm 20.

I put my contact number in, I can cook, buy clothes, and I'm good at organising things. My Hobbies/Interest are baking, dancing, listening to music, gymnastics, reading, sport, piano and guitar.

My experience well, I've managed Nando's, worked at Diva, McDonald's and worked as an assistant for a photography company.

I'm good at answering calls. I am single and yes I have babysat before. 'Why do you want this job?' I took my time answering this question the finally typed the answer that was the only true one, 'My friend will kill me if I don't get it.'

"Finished!" I informed Tiana as she came out of the bathroom. I clicked 'Apply' and then it said that they would call me if I get an interview.

"Good Girl! Let's hope you get it! By the way, you'll be my maid of honour when I marry one of them!" She squealed.


3 weeks later my phone started buzzing like crazy, I picked up the phone and answered "Hello this is Brooke!",

"Hello Brooke this is Julie, One Direction's management, we'd like you to come over to One Direction's souvenir shop in Sydney to audition for One Direction's personal assistant job", "Oh my gosh Thank you, thank you so much!" I exclaimed, "So what are the details?" I asked,

"On Wednesday, at 14 Alexandra Drive meet at 11:00, please bring a suitcase with all your things in case you get the job, which is very likely we were impressed with your application form! Good luck and I will see you there, goodbye!' Julie had a lovely British voice, "

"Thank you, goodbye" I answered.

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air while doing a little celebration dance.

I quickly dialled Tiana's cell "Hullo!" she answered,

''Hey Salt guess what?'',

''What!' she replied.

''I've got an interviewed for the Assistant job it's on Wednesday, next week!" I said excitedly.

''No way! Oh, my bloody god, I should start planning the wedding now! Well done I'm so proud of you, sorry I've got to go, bye love you. I'll call you later okay!"

''love you too bye!'' I ended the call and started packing for tomorrow, finally, I get a chance at a good job!

I packed my favourite business and professional looking clothes, but saved an outfit for tomorrow, sweats, jumpers, jackets, ugg boots, And my Penguin onesie! I didn't want to pack too much in case I don't get the job because I won't be bothered to put everything back in its place or too little in case I do little in case I do get the job I thought to myself oh, what the heck, I'll just put my favourite clothes in and buy heaps of stuff if I get the job, because I do hello money! Win, win for everyone right?

Finally, I finished packing my suitcase, backpack and handbag with all the essentials. I decided to take I long relaxing bubble bath to relax, after half an hour I got out and put my pyjamas on, an old baggy track jumper and a pair of shorts. Then I hopped into bed and began to read my book.


(Slow updates)

This fanfiction is copyright!

I know this isn't the best chapter but I promise the rest are better!

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Please read T_salt's story Boarding my heart

I know you'll love it!

<3 Carley x

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