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~Questions~chapter 15~

"You are not taking me away in that!" I argued, apparently, it's the hospital's policy that I have to leave in a wheel hair.

"Get in!" Liam ordered.

"Dude I'm the one in charge, not you! And I'm not leaving in a wheelchair I already look cripple enough as it is" I complained, Harry whispered something into Liam's ear then he nodded.

"Fine!" Liam gave in, then he picked me up bridal style.

"Oh no, you don't!" I wriggled, but it was no use, biceps is too strong.

"Why do you even try when he won't put you down?" Asked Louis.

"Because I don't give up" I replied still wriggling.

"I'll give you Nutella!" I whipped my head around to Niall, smiling like the cheeky little leprechaun he is.

"You say what?" I said confused.

"I'll give you Nutella if you stop wriggling!" Niall slowed down his speaking pace this time.

"Well, that's all you had to say!" I cracked open a grin.

"But I get to carry you!" Niall said with glee.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty heavy!" I warned him.

"Yeah, she's right!" Liam started to shift my laying position

"Way to make a girl feel special!" I glared at him, Liam handed me over to Niall as if I were a toy being shared by six-year-olds.

"Niall, my leg hurts," I whined.

"The Nutella will make it feel better!" He assured me, I cuddled up against his warm chest, he smelt bloody amazing, and his heartbeat was soothing. He carried me into a white van and lay me down across the back seats.

"Thanks, Niall." I mumbled, "But are you trying to rape me, sir?" He chuckled.

"You're far too beautiful to be raped princess, better to be loved I think." He spoke in his gorgeous accent, then kissed me on the cheek, Making me blushed bright red. He closed the door and got into his seat, right in front of me.

"Niall, how long until I can more morphine tablets my legs hurting again?" I yawned.

"You'll have to wait until we get home," Niall told me politely.

"Okay then." I moaned.


"Brooke, we're here!" Liam shouted from the front of the car.

"Thank goodness!" I breathed a sigh of relief, the car ride had taken ages for some reason, and we were overcrowded by screaming fans, the boys had to hide me under a blanket so no one could see me.

"Hey, Harry have you got my bag?" I asked him as Niall once again lifted me out of the car bridal style and started walking towards the door with the rest of the boys.

"Err no!" He replied unsurely.

"I've got it!" Zayn through it onto my lap.

"Thanks, Zaynie Poo!" I cooed.

"If you ever call me that again I'll hurt you!" He warned.

"Hurt a cripple? How could you?" I gasped jokingly.

"Eh," He shrugged.

"Tomorrow we have to go for an interview, and you're staying here! We aren't letting you hurt yourself more!" Liam informed me, sounding like a dad, as he opened the door.

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