Tip Goes Wrong!

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~Tip goes wrong!~

"Well actually it's supposed to say reserved, but oh well, come on Baby Lux, let's get some ice skates for you!" Zayn said, taking Lux over to a counter with a different sized pair of white ice skates.

"There all our right sizes, so just get your ones and they'll fit!" Niall told me, "Let's go!" He added, slinging his arm around my shoulder, leading us to the counter full of shoes, I quickly found my pair, a 9 and a half. Niall and I went over to some chairs and sat down to put on our ice skates.

"So, you any good at this?" Nialler asked me.

"A little bit, you?" I asked him.

"Alright, I guess, better than Zayn, he's hopeless!" He informed me.

"It would just be a shame if everyone got mysteriously tripped, and fell over!" I devilishly smiled at Niall.

"Hmm, that sound interesting, I'll be right back with Lux, she can help us!" He snickered, we both finished tieing up the laces, then he went over to Pezza and Zayn to retrieve the bundle of joy sitting beside them! In the meantime, I got out my phone receiving a few notifications from facebook.

Niall Horan friend request

Harry Styles Friend Request

Liam Payne Friend request

Louis Tomlinson Friend Request

Zayn Malik Friend Request

Perrie Edwards Friend Request

Eleanor Calder Friend Request

Lou Teasdale Friend Request

Lou Teasdale and 8 others like your profile picture

Score! hehe, now I'm not forever alone, people actually want to be my friend, mental high five.

I quickly accepted everyone besides Harry. you know like to keep some people hanging.

"Book!" I put my phone back in my bag and walked over to Lux in Niall's arms, "Hug?" I opened out my arms for her.

"No!" She said cheekily, I pouted in response.

"Rejected by a one-year-old?" Niall commented.

"Maybe.." I replied, "Okay then I shall never give you another hug in my life, did you know that my hugs are way better than Horan hugs?" I spoke to Lux.

"Say What! Hug Hug Hug!" hehe gets them every time, I took Lux from Niall and gave her a big hug, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around me.

"You haven't even had a Horan hug yet!" Niall stated the truth.

"Well, I'll just have to have one later than!" I said back.

"So Lux, wanna beat Irish to the rink?" I asked the gorgeous Lux, she nodded in response, I left my bag on the seat as no one else was here to steal it.

I awkwardly rushed to the ice rink, not the best look to run in ice skates...

I slid onto the ice with Lux still in my arms I carefully put her down on the ice in front of me with my hands holding her. She was so cute when she ice skated almost tripping over every two seconds.

"Anyone up for tip?" I heard Harry's deep voice call, his voice was kind of sexy.

"I'm in Haz!" We all said in unison.

"Lux your with me!" Harry told her, picking her up into his large hands, oh my and what big hands he had, don't think dirty Brooke, just cause he has large hands doesn't mean he has a large penis, but probably has because he slept with so many girls.

"Tip!" Liam shouted as he tagged me on my back, sneaky bugger,

"Beach!" I said under my breath,

"What did you say?" Li asked me.

"Nothing!" I innocently smiled, on the other side of the rink, were Zayn and Perrie making out, and were practically having sex with their eyes when they took breaks, everyone else was scattered 'round, I decided to go for Louis.

I skated towards him, as he realised  I was coming, he skated towards El, hiding behind her, as she kept on moving so he couldn't hide behind her.

"Really Louis? Like that gonna help!" I said to him.

"Why me? Geez, go to Harry instead!" He shouted back.

"Hey, I thought we had something special?" Harry exclaimed sadly.

"Sorry, but everyone has to make small sacrifices!" Louis informed him.

"Small?" Harry pouted.

"Well, strictly speaking, you are very large!" Louis corrected himself.

"That's better!" Harry gave Louis the thumbs up.

"No wonder so many people sleep with you!" I said.

"No, they definitely just fall for my charm!" Harry winked at me.

"I thought we were playing tip?" Liam shouted, swooping up Lux from Harry, as he skated past.

I skated towards Harry and pushed him over, the boys snickered.

"Oi! What was that for!" Harry shouted.

"Look who's falling now!" I cheekily as I skated away, with my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, and you're in!" I reminded him, as I turned back for a short second.

"Nice one!" Niall commented as he skated by me, "By the way, I love your accent! Australian right?" He added.

"Yes, Niall, well done for finally figuring out where I come from! And for the record, I love yours too!" I replied. 

"But your accent doesn't sound like, well what I thought Australian's now!" He told me truthfully.

"Why not? Because I don't speak like Good 'ay mate, just going to put some shrimps on the barbie?" I said in one of my most stereotypical Australian Accent, "And also for the record we don't call them shrimps we call them prawns, and we put steaks on the barbie!"

"Wow! Okay, I never said you call them shrimps and by the way, I think Harry's coming to kill you or he just wants a hug! Who knows? But I'd probably just go with the first one, to be safe!"

I turned around to find a scary dude with curly hair skating fast, with arms wide, who I think was Harry.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, "Another 1D rapist, Really?"

I skated away from him, trying to keep my life from shortly ending.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, as the very large boy, dived on top of me, crashing both of us hard on to the already hard, freezing cold ice, that lay beneath us, my head banged hard onto the ice, I felt my glasses fling off my head, I opened my eyes a little, letting myself see the great amount of blood spilt from my head on the ice, even though I didn't have my glasses on I could see the bright red.

"Harry!" I muffled, now I could taste the red substance in my mouth, yuk.

"BROOOOOOKKKKKEEEE!" Was the last thing blacked out from the huge amount of impact from my head smashing into the ice.



ooooooh Cliff hanger ;)

Please read:

Boarding my heart, by t_salt

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