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Brooke's POV

"But Brooke's perfect already!" Harry commented, god damn it I blushed, he noticed and smiled at me, soon we head back to my room, I put my phone down on the kitchen counter before continuing to walk to my room. When we made it to my new room, El and Perrie made me sit on the desk chair while they got out the makeup, jewellery, dress and shoes we bought today and dumped everything on my bed.

"I'll be right back girls, I packed some emergency dresses just in case we were going clubbing in the car!" El told us,

"Okay," we replied.


"Hmm, so what makeup should I put on you?" Perrie murmured to herself,

"How about natural, with a darker eyelid?" I suggested,

"Good idea!" The replied, and picked out all the makeup she would be using on me.

Perrie was just finishing off my foundation when Eleanor came bursting through the door with two gorgeous dresses and what looked like a curler and a straightener in her arm and shut the door behind her.

"Did you miss me?" She squealed

"I almost died, without you!" I answered Perrie laughed.

"Ha, ha very funny, let's get to work with your hair!" She placed the dresses on the bed and plugged the straightener and curler in the powerpoints under the desks and started on my hair, after about hour Perrie finished my makeup because we kept on talking so much about everything, then started on herself, and half an hour after that El finished of curling then putting my hair into a waterfall braid, it was gorgeous. I helped El a bit with her makeup and Perrie with her hair, I straightened her hair then put the front of her hair into a sided braid, El curled hers and let it out.

Finally we put our dresses on, El wore a strapless, floor-length, pale blue dress with a split from her knee, Perrie wore a red dress just above the knee with a cut out heart at the back and I wore a white dress, knee length, it had two layers one longer than the other and has one strap from the middle over to my left shoulder with flowers on it, all the dresses were beautiful.

Next was shoes, El wore blue high heels matching her dress and Perrie wore Bright red ankle boots and I wore beautiful white lace high heels with shoelaces on the front, we got our bags we bought and headed downstairs we found all the boys playing Fifa in the lounge room.

"Hey boys let's go!" I said, the boys paused the game and turned around looking at us with awe, Louis walked up to El, "You look gorgeous El!" And kissed her, next was Zayn, "You look amazing not like weren't already!" He whispered then kissed her bright pink lips.

"You look beautiful as always!" Harry came up to me and kissed my hand,

"Oh, you big flirt!" I replied, smiling,

"You look amazing B!" With an Irish accent, Niall came and kissed my cheek, "Oh and here's your phone!" He handed my phone to me looking suspicious.

"Aw, thanks Nialler!" I kissed his cheek as well,

"You look gorgeous Brooke!" Liam walked up kissing my other cheek, I bushed,

"Boy stop flirting! Let's go!" Perrie saved me from blushing any more. We walked out the door to get in the car, there was a white limo out front.

"A limo really? Let me guess Harry?" I asked

"No, it was me! I thought we should ride in style!" Niall answered, saying style in an American accent,

"Aw Nialler, you cutie!" I gave him another kiss on the cheek, they were adorably soft as always. We got into the limo and I sat beside El and Perrie and across from Harold.

"So who have you got your eye on?" Perrie whispered, with El listening to the conversation

"No one, of course, I'm their assistant, even if I did like one of them, I couldn't management would kill me!" I whisper shouted,

"I don't believe that for a second!" El shouted, all the boys turned around and looked at us,

"Get back to your knitting! Nothing's wrong here!" I quoted from Harry Potter, they laughed then went back to there own little conversations.

"Well, I don't even know them that well like the only thing I really know about, is that Niall's a food addict, loves Nando's and is Irish!" I told them,

"Oh come on, is it Harry?" Perrie asked, I started fiddling with my fingers and looks down, "Oh it so is!" El yelled,

"El! Be quiet!" I shouted, the boys laughed at us then started talking again.

"Well maybe he's nice, funny and-" I got cut off by Louis, "We're here!"

"I'll tell you later, okay!" I whispered, they both gave me a thumbs up.

"Heads up Brooke, there are heaps of paps, so keep your head down and don't answer any questions!" Liam told me as he got out of the limo,

"Got it!" I smiled, one by one everyone got out, Niall, Lou and El, Perrie and Zayn, Harry and finally me, I went over to the door to see Harry standing outside with his hand out,

"Let's go beautiful!" He smirked at me, I gave him my hand,

Shit Harry has huge hands, massive I widened my eyes and stared at them jeez, the rumours were true.

he helped me out, outside there were so many cameras going off, flashes here and there, and heaps of questions attack us,

"Who's this Harry?"

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"Who are you?"

"Why are you with the boys?"

I kept my head low until we entered the restaurant it was amazing, the smell of food was filling my nostrils making me hungry.

"Wow!" I said in awe.

"Glad you like it, it's the best restaurant in London!" Harry told me.

"How did you get reservations in such short time?" I asked he looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Don't look at me like that! Just because your One Direction doesn't mean you get everything!" I told him off.

"Like what?" He asked the others went to our table.

"Me," I said and walked over to the table to join the others.


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