Tears aren't always sad~16

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~Tears aren't always sad~16

A tear rolls down my cheek, from the news Zayn, has just told me.

"Don't cry, Brookie." Zayn let slip a small laugh while patting my back, "Why are you crying?" He asked, his eyes watering like he was about to cry. "If you start crying, I'm gonna start crying." I giggled.

"They're happy tears." I assured him, "That's so beautiful, who picked it?" I asked simply, whipping away another stray tear.

"I did." He wore a smug smile, proud of himself for picking out such a beautiful ring.

"I can't believe you're proposing to Perrie, I feel so emotional," I told him, a minute ago Zayn showed me the gorgeous ring, he was going to present to Perrie, down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage. Ever since I was little I loved weddings and anything to do with them. Zayn got up from the seat and walked into the pantry, leaving the ring with me, who is looking like a total emotional wreck.

"Here!" Zayn smirked at me, opening a block of marvellous chocolate, "Perrie said if any girl ever cries over nothing you should give them chocolate."

"But this isn't nothing!" I cried, "You're gonna get married!"

"She hasn't said yes yet." He laughed, "And you're not crying, you're bathing in your own tears." He snapped some chocolate off the block and handed me it, I happily ate it.

"Hey! I'm not on my Per-, I'll be back!" I awkwardly took my leg off the chair, snatched my crutches and hobbled off to the toilet, opening the bathroom door quickly, I stumbled over to the toilet with all pee on the seat.

"Seriously can't you guys learn how to lift the lid before you do your business!" I yelled annoyed, I put my crutches on the floor, got myself a handful of toilet paper and cleaned the pee off the seat and quickly sat down, as you do I wiped.

"Crap!" I murmured to myself, as I saw the blood.

"ZAYN!!" I shouted I could hear footsteps hurry towards the door.

"Bottom left drawer!" I heard not Zayn's voice but Louis'?

"Thanks, Lou." I whispered embarrassed.

I opened the bottom left drawer of the cupboard under the sink, still sitting down, there I found the essentials for any girl in need. I helped myself and soon was all fixed up, washed my hands and ready to leave the bathroom. I picked up my crutches, placed them under my arms, slowly opened the door to find a pink-faced Louis.

"That's the girl's drawer!" He smiled cheekily then ran off. I hobbled back to the kitchen looking like an idiot.

"All good?" Liam asked, with a caring look on his face, all the boys except for Zayn were standing in the kitchen looking at me, I blushed dark red. Harry had a cheeky grin on his face, Niall was blushing pink and Louis was giggling like a five-year-old.

"Umm, yeah!" I replied before I quickly scurried off to my room.

"Aww damn it!" I banged one of the crutches on the floor, I'd made it to the stairs then realized I can hardly walk, let alone walk upstairs. I looked back towards the kitchen, to see Harry's running towards me like a bull roaring like a lion, I screamed and shut close my eyes. Next thing I know I've been lifted off the ground, I open my eyes. Harry's jogging up the stairs with me over his shoulder, he put me down at the front of my room, smiling cheekily as ever, showing his gorgeous dimples.

"Bye bye!" he waved, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then ran off, leaving me and my blushing self.

As I opened the door I saw Zayn laying on the bed.

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