Chapter 3

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Jade's P.O.V.

I fangirled inside, but hid it on the outside so I didn't make a fool of myself.
Andy Biersack actually noticed meWhy?
I ignored the thought when my favorite song started.
"This song is called Heart of Fire!" Andy yelled into the microphone.

_____________after song____________

Once the song ended I got really pumped. I was dancing and screaming and singing along to the songs that followed. The songs they played were The Legacy, Coffin, Goodbye Agony, Knives and Pens, Perfect Weapon, Wretched and Divine, I Am Bulletproof, Saviour, Youth and Whiskey, and In The End, which I know every word to all of those songs.
Once the concert was over, I used my V.I.P. pass to get backstage. I guess I was the only person with a V.I.P. pass because I was the only one there.
A security guard led me to the room the band was in. When I walked in, I nearly fainted.
When I opened the door, Andy was standing right there, so I basically hugged him. I turned bright red.
Almost on command, every pair of eyes turned to me. CC ran to me, picked me up, and spun me around the room while laughing his ass off. He said,"Don't be shy! We don't bite, except for maybe Ashley!" Again, I turned bright red but managed to giggle a little bit. All of the guys were laughing.
Once Andy calmed down a bit he said, "so you're the only person with a V.I.P. at this show? Cool. Less people to deal with. My name is––"
"Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Jake Pitts, Jinxx, and of course CC," I said pointing at each one as I said their names.
"So what's your name?" Ashley asked.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Ashley said in a flirty voice.
I looked up at Andy to see a hint of, jealousy? Anger? Something in his eyes. But what could he by angry about?
"How old are you, Jade?" Andy asked.
"I'm 19. I'll be 20 on August 28."
"Hey, your birthday is a week after mine!" Jake pointed out.
"Yeah I already knew that."
"I'm sure we are all wondering if you have any questions for us," Jinxx said.
"Can I ask anything?"
"Yep," Jake responded, popping the "P".
"Can I have all of your numbers?" I asked holding out a piece of paper and a pen.
All of them stood up and wrote down their numbers.
A mixture of "you're welcomes" and "no problems" rang out across the room.
"Any thing else?" Andy asked.
"No I thi–, wait! Can you sign this shirt? Its for my best friend. She couldn't come today," I said, handing them the shirt that was in my backpack.
At the same time, I grabbed my phone and dialed Lyndsey's number.
"Hello?" She said once she answered. Everybody in the room looked at my phone which was on speaker.
"Hey Lyndsey. I want you to talk to some people," I answered back.
"HI!" The entire band said in unison.
"Who is that?"
"Black Veil Brides," I answered.
"You sound cool. Can I have your number Lyndsey?" Jake asked.
"Uh sure. Jade you can give it to him," she answered.
"Ok I will," I answered.
"Thanks. I have to go so I can come get you Jade. See ya in a little bit. I'll talk to you later Jake."
"BYE!" we all said together, then I hung up.
"Well looks like I have to go. I'll text you guys later or tomorrow. Bye," I said, suddenly getting wrapped in a group hug.
"Can't....... Breathe!" I screamed.
They all let go muttering "sorry".
"Its ok, I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!" I said while walking out of the room and found my way out of the building and waited for Lyndsey to pick me up.


How am I doing? Trying to update as much as possible but school starts in 2 days for me so updates might slow down a bit.
But now that Jade has all of the band members' numbers and Lyndsey has Jake's number, what do you think will happen? Comment your thoughts and vote!
And Lyndsey if you are reading this don't comment because I already told you what is gonna happen. I love all of you guys and I will see you next time I update. ^-^

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