Chapter One

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The sound of my phone buzzing under my pillow woke me up with a jolt. Groaning, I slid my hand under the pillow and and turned the alarm off.

Today was the first day back after summer vacation and I was actually prepared for once. I'd packed my bag the day before and laid out all my clothes so all I had to do was get up and get ready. In all honestly I was sort of looking forward to going back to school, summer got boring after a while. The job I had as a lifeguard down the beach didn't fill up my time very well but I made a few dollars so out I went to the shops and bought some brand new outfits to wear to school. 

Over the summer I'd actually managed to drop at least twenty pounds in weight. Before I had always been unhealthy and obese, and though I'm no Olympic athlete I'm on the road to being fitter and healthier than I ever was before. I had also dyed my dull white blonde hair a deep, chocolate brown and pierced my nose and stuck a ring through it. A way to try and change myself into the person I wanted to be.

Once I was dressed and my face as good as it was going to get; it's 7:30 in the morning we can't all look like Beyoncé, I grabbed my school bag and ran down the stairs for breakfast. My family where in the kitchen chomping on toast and cereal. 

"Morning sweetness." My mother smiled to me as I sat down on one of the breakfast bar stools. I'd always been jealous of my mothers looks, kind of weird I know.
She was Latina and had beautiful, thick almost black hair and a tiny waist that could have belonged to a six year old child. I appeared to not have inherited any of these traits and only took her tanned skin and brown eyes. The rest I took from my father, and whilst he was just a simple Canadian man, he too had been slightly obese in his youth. Dad was just plain old dad, with round glasses and brown hair and a slight bald patch. But he was an amazing dad. My little brother Matías had taken every single trait from my mother except the eyes. He looked like a little model child smooth brown skin, hair dark as night and bright blue eyes. He was actually kind of cute and whenever people seen him they would coo and awe at him.

"Ready for your first day back?" My father asked as my mother lay down some jam on toast in front of me.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said crunching down.
"Well I better get to work." He said, standing up and grabbing his leather briefcase. "I shall see you all tonight." Kissing me and my brothers heads, he left with my mother swiftly following him to the door. I heard them share a kiss and Matías and I screwed up our faces are. No matter how old you get, it's still weird for your parents to show PDA.

Realizing the time, I threw my plate in the dishwasher and grabbed my bag; ready to go to school. I hugged my mother and brother goodbye, then left the house. I was able to drive but my car at the moment was stuck in the garage getting repairs and so I had to walk to school. My mum could've took me but then she would have to run from one side of the town to another because my brother and I attended different schools as he is younger than me. 

Walking through my neighborhood, I remembered when I moved here and how excited I'd been. Dad getting a new job in Australia meant we'd up and left our small town in the UK for the home of kangaroos and Vegemite. I suppose my accent is a bit mixed up. My mum is Latin American, my dad is Canadian and I've moved so many countries I can't count on one hand. When my dad was offered a permanent job in some firm in Australia, we'd jumped at the chance to finally stay put in one place. My mum was a teacher, so she was able to easily move jobs.
Pulling up at my new home had been scary but when I'd seen the ocean view right from my own bedroom balcony, I knew it would be fine. 

Ha, little did I know.

Entranced in my own thoughts, my auto pilot has brought me to the big grey building that was West Sea High School. Internally sighing, I walked inside and made my way to my locker. People stared at me as I walked past and I suddenly felt very self conscious. Inside I thought I was a slaying bad-ass queen, but on the outside I was kind of shy and a 'nerd'. Everyone seemed to watch as I put in my locker combination and opened it up. These jeans suddenly felt very itchy and tight and the t-shirt I was wearing felt uncomfortable on my hot, sticky skin.
Grabbing my books, I tried not to make any eye contact as I shoved them into my bag. As I went to close my locker, I was frightened by the abrupt slam of the metal door in my face. 

The Summer I Got Hot {L.H} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now