Chapter 8

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Jendayas POV

" Adrian and Amir come eat your food!" I herd them run downstairs. My babies are so cute and funny.

"What we eat mommy? " Adrian asked!

"French toast, Eggs, Sausage, and some fruit. "

"Yeah me love food
mommy, Amir said."

"I know you do I said with a chuckle! "

After the boys finished their food I got them dressed and then we headed to my store.

As soon as we pulled up I seen Carter sitting his ass down as usual.

"Hey girl he screamed from across the room."

"Hey my ass why every time I come to work your the only one not doing anything ?"

"Girl please he said fanning me off." Just let me see my little godsons.

" OKAY since your not doing shit just take them in the back and keep a eye on the please. "

"I got you don't even trip boo." Carter is my gay friend I met a few months ago he's super irritating but I love him like a brother.

After I got rid of carter's ass I mad sure the boys were okay before I went into boss mode.

By the time me and the boys left work we were all tiered but I new O'shea was gonna be picking the kids up tonight.

I decided to order some China chef for use to eat for dinner. I put the boys in the bath tub and by the time I was done with both of them the food was here, so I thought.

"Oh hey the boys didn't get a chance to eat yet the food should be here any minute can you wait? "

"Yup oshea said plainly. "

What o'shea has to face is I'm single , grown, and I'm gonna do whatever I want. He's been with plenty of people besides me so he can't say shit.

As soon as I went to the living room the doorbell rung. I paid the man his money then fixed the boys food for them. I said grace with them then went to the living room.

I sat on the couch and started working on some design's on my laptop. I glanced up and seen O'Shea looking at me.

"What are you looking at?"

"I really want to break your fucking neck for thinking everything is good and gravy Jendaya."

"On my side it is you have no right to be mad at me we aren't in a relationship and we haven't been in one since you decided to go and cheat. "So if anyone should be mad it's me." Yes I went and had sex with my friend that I've known for a long time now, hell it felt good to be with someone else besides your selfish ass." You need to stop trying to be mad at me and start being thankful for the fact that I let you in your sons life. We was just good a few weeks ago and now you wanna act shady cause I took one night out to enjoy myself when you took a thousand times to be with other bitches." It's not a good feeling huh?"

"Thought so!"

And with that I went back to working on my computer.

Two days later
O'Shea's POV

I was at my soon to be barber shop meeting up with the inspector and going over a few other things before I put my furniture in. Me and Trey had decided to close the shop down there and move it over here a long with my old employees.

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