Chapter 24

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I'm so sorry it's been ages :( and I'm sorry if some of this is bad, it's probably because I wrote it on a Friday on my way home from work.
Actually to be honest, I kinda forgot about the story, especially since no watt pad notifications were appearing. Turns out it's because I turned them off :P oops

This chapter is dedicated to @chasehatake for remaining a faithful reader of this and giver of motivation :) thank you, gracias, merci, arigato, gomawo :)

Chapter 24

Walking into the bar, my ears were attacked by the vibrating thumping of the bass. I turned back to look at Tory dubiously.
"Go on." She insisted, pushing me towards the centre of the room.
I rolled my eyes at her, pushing through the throng of sweaty dancers.
"I don't know about this Tory." I mumbled.
"What?!" She yelled in my ear.
"I don't know about this." I said again, raising my voice.
"I can't hear you!" She bellowed again looking over my shoulder. "Wait here I'll be right back!"
She disappeared into the vicious sea of people towards the bar, all I could see was the top of her head when she came up for air.

Feeling kind of awkward with Tory gone, I looked around, trying to decide on what to do.
I hope I don't know anyone here I thought to myself.
I had just started dancing, trying not to rub up on anyone, when Tory reappeared with two drinks in her hands and a guy on her arm.
"Here he is!" She declared, gesturing towards me with her head.
"Hey." I nodded at him, taking in his appearance.
Tall, brown hair, hazel eyes, sharp jaw line and slightly muscled but not too much, just right.
After assessing him, I looked towards Tory who was giving me a quizzical look.
"What?" I questioned.
"He just asked you a question!" She rolled her eyes.
I looked back at the stranger in surprise.
"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, cheeks aflame with embarrassment.
"What's your name, gorgeous?" He smiled as he repeated himself, winking cheekily at me.
"Oh, uh, Nathan." I answered before it plunged into awkwardness.

Sudden realisation hit me and I quickly said "and you?"
It must have been a long pause in the conversation because he responded with, "me?".
I chuckled, "your name is...?"
"Frazer." He smirked sexily down at me.
I shifted a little, uncomfortable under his powerful gaze.
Breaking eye contact, I turned towards Tory, "we should ge-".
Where's she gone?
"Um, sorry, I need to go find my friend..." I trailed off before starting to search the heaving crowd of people for my fag hag.
I heard a distant, "wait!" behind me but I pretended I never heard and continued looking.

"Hello." I heard a voice say loudly to my left.
Turning, I was met by a crimson-cheeked guy who stood about a foot shorter than me.
His sandy blonde hair was short but styled and his pale blue eyes were gazing at the floor as if there was something extremely interesting down there.
"Hi." I responded, waiting for him to look up before smiling at him warmly.
"I'm uh.... I'm Riley." He managed to get out before his eyes returned to the floor once again.
"I'm Nate," I glanced over his head for any sign of Tory, "sorry, I need to find my friend." I apologised.
He said something which I couldn't hear so I bent down so my ear was closer to his face.
He looked a little flustered.
Cupping his hand around my ear, he repeated "Is she the one wearing a light green blouse?" tilting his head slightly.
"Yeah, that's her!" I exclaimed, "did you see where she went?"
"I think... She went this way..." He pointed vaguely behind him, "here I'll take you."
He shyly reached for my hand which I gladly took, hoping to find Tory at last.

Weaving through the grinding mass, we stumbled through the other side, only getting my ass groped a few times in the process.
Gently he lead me out the side door of the club.
Standing in the alleyway, the street lamps illuminated our faces and the previous booming music was reduced to a muffled thudding. He let go of my hand.
"She came out here?" I asked, confused.
"I'm sorry." He said immediately, bowing his head so I could see his face.
"What for?"
"I didn't actually see where your friend went." His voice was shaking.
"Why did you bring me out here then?"
"I just wanted a chance to talk to you without all of the noise and people." He explained, wringing his hands slightly as they were clasped tightly together.
Aw, he's so cute I thought to myself.
Without thinking, I hugged him.
He did nothing for a few moments before his arms wrapped around my back and squeezed me back.
"You should have just said, silly." I smiled.
He nodded into my chest.
Pulling apart, I grinned down at him.
"So..." Time to turn on the charm. "Do you come here often?"
He pulled a face at my question before promptly bursting into fits of giggles.
My face dropped.
Why didn't that work?
He should be feeling weak at the knees by now.
Did Mike lie to me? He said this always works for him.
Wait.... Wake up Nate, he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Eventually, his laughter had subsided to a slight chuckle every now and then.
Goddamn he's cute though.
"No this is my first time." He answered my question finally.
"Oh really? How come?" I asked, interested.
"My friend said it would be good for me. I just came out of a bad relationship." He looked down, avoiding my eyes.
"Aw, well you met me so that's gotta be good right?" I smiled.
He just nodded his head, the corner of his mouth turning up a little.
I took in what he was wearing.
A striped blue and white tshirt, black jeans and some distressed looking converse.
We were still standing in the alleyway down the side of the club leaning against one of the walls.
We stood in silence for a few minutes before I had to ask the question on my mind.
"What happened in your last relationship?" I blurted.
His eyes widened and he looked stunned at my sudden question.
"Um... I don't really wanna talk about it..." He trailed off.
"Oh okay sorry," I muttered, "he didn't hit you did he?"
"No!" He quickly replied, shaking his head furiously, "he just... I dunno... Made me feel small and useless." He shrugged.
"You deserve so much better than that, I can tell already and I've only known you for what? 5 minutes?" I stated looking into his eyes.
He blushed profusely, looking everywhere except me.
"And besides,"I continued, "you are small, but that's what makes you cute."
He shrugged once more, turning so his back was against the wall, no longer facing me.
"If you say so." He mumbled.
I moved so that I now stood in front of him. 
"Listen to me okay? You're gonna find someone so much better than that dickhead. He wasn't even worth your time." I smiled reassuringly, gently placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Someone like you?" He glanced up into my eyes before quickly shifting his gaze to the ground again.
I'm sorry, Jai.
"Yeah..." I trailed off, moving my other hand to lean against the wall beside his head which brought our faces closer together.
Removing the hand on his shoulder, I tilted his chin up so he had to look me in the eye.
"So cute." I muttered before placing my lips softly on his.

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