Chapter 15

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Jai's POV

Mikey went into the living room to see what the noise was whilst I waited in the kitchen. I leant against the counter whilst my thoughts wandered.
I can't believe Adey would do that. Nathan would never treat me like that.
Well that's what I thought about Adey to begin with, so I guess it could happen.
But I know him better than that.
Mikey had been a while now, so I chanced a look into the living room to find him gone. Nathan was also missing from the scene. Walking cautiously through the living room I pulled back to curtains and saw their truck had gone.
"Where have they gone at this time in the morning?" I mumbled to myself, confused.
Shrugging, I returned to the kitchen to get myself a drink and continue with my thinking.
It's not like I really, really hated what Adey did, I just wish he didn't push me to do things I wasn't ready for.
I opened the fridge to get out some milk for a tea.
You didn't seem to mind when Nathan did it, an inner voice reminded me.
I did mind, I minded that I wasn't the only one he'd done it to. If he has touched me like... That... Then who knows what he's done to Mikey.
Putting the milk away, I shook my head to dispel any further thoughts on what Nathan and Mikey had or hadn't done.
It was then I heard footsteps in the hallway.
"Where did you go?" I called out to Mikey.
"That's what I was going to ask you." A familiar voice replied.
Turning slowly, I found Adey leaning in the doorway looking ashamed.
"Oh... Adey... I um... I thought you were Mikey." I muttered awkwardly, pivotting and continuing making my tea.
Avoid eye contact, Jai, he'lol just make you feel sorry for him.
"Look Jai, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you like that." I heard him move closer.
"That doesn't make it okay, Adey." I almost whispered, feelings my tears begin to well up again.
"I know it's not okay, and I feel really fucking bad about it. I promise I won't do it again, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have." He moved closer yet again, this time placing his hand softly on my hips.
"How did you get in anyway?" I changed the subject quickly.
"Someone left the front door open, so I thought I should just come in, you know, in case something had happened." He sounded like he was telling the truth. "But don't change the subject, look, I've had a really bad week, I shouldn't have taken it out on you and I'm really sorry, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself, Jai." He rested his chin on my shoulder.
He does sound really sorry.
"I don't know Adey..." I struggled to find the right words, "I was really scared."
Adey's arms wormed around my waist, hands resting on my stomach.
"Come on Jai. You know I'd never hurt you like that."
"What, like the way you hurt Nathan?"
Adey stepped back, hands falling to his sides.
"What are you talking about Jai?" he seethed through his teeth.
"Don't pretend you don't know, Nathan told me everything..." I trailed off.
Turning around, I glared up at Adey, expectantly awaiting some excuse.
Why does he look angry?
"Is that the best sob story he could come up with?" Adey rolled his eyes.
What? I didn't even say what Nathan had told me yet.
"Why would Nathan lie about something like that?" I asked confidently, although I felt quite the opposite inside now.
How could Adey know what Nathan had told me unless it was true.
"He didn't want me to break up with him so he came up with that extravagant tale."
Youre thinking too much into it Jai.
Adey's brow was no longer furrowed. "He must not want you to have me, probably still has a thing for me after all these years."
No... Nathan wouldn't lie to me... Especially about that... He seemed so distraught.
"That's not Nathan, he's not like that." I defended him.
Adey came towards me. I froze.
He slowly leant down until his mouth was next to my ear before whispering, "If you seem to believe Nathan's story so much, why not go out with him?"
My eyes widened, "No!"
Adey pulled back and smirked.
"No Adey, I like you, not Nathan."
Who are you trying to convince?
"Adey, I'm sorry for doubting you." I rushed forward to hug him but he shifted out the way.
"Well you hurt me pretty bad Jai, leaving like that." Adey drawled, walking around my defeated form.
"I'm sorry Adey, please forgive me." I begged, reaching my hand out to grab his hand, intertwining our fingers.
Adey looked conflicted, face turned away from me.
"Do you promise you won't do it again?" He asked, looking down into my eyes now.
"Yes, yes, Adey, I promise."
"Good," he smiled, "now come here, babe."
He swiftly lifted me up into the counter before crushing him lips to mine in a hot, passionate kiss.
This is where I'm meant to be.
I kissed back with just as much force, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Nathan, is the one in the wrong.Adey hasn't done anything.
Adey's hands were resting on my hips, one slowly moving up the back of my shirt.
Whoa, it's a bit soon isn't it?
His other hand began travelling down my thigh, moving inwards.
Didn't I just tell him I was scared earlier?
It's fine Jai, he won't go any further.
I continued kissing him back, grateful that he gave me another chance. I mean, I can't lose Adey.
His hand was moving back up my thigh now, occasionally squeezing it.
Nope, I don't like this.
As I was about to push Adey away, we heard the kitchen door open.
"What the fuck?! Get off him!" I heard someone yell before Adey was yanked back from me.
On the kitchen floor, Nathan was now straddling Adey, punching at his face continuously.
"Nathan, stop!" I screamed at him, jumping off the counter and attempting to pull him off.
Apparently oblivious to me, he relentlessly pounded into Adey's face.
Mikey rushed into the kitchen, coming to a stop to take in the scene before him.
"Don't just stand there Mikey! Get him off!" I bellowed.
Snapping into action, Mikey surged towards Nathan. Wrapping his muscular arms around his torso, he heaved him backwards and onto his back. Adey nursed his face with his hands, blood trickling down his chin and cheeks. Kneeling down by Adey's side, I grasped his shoulders and helped him sit up.
"Oh God, Adey are you okay? I'm so sorry."
"It's okay Jai," he coughed, spitting blood onto the floor, "I know what it must have looked like, he had every right to pull me off you." He tried to smile, however winced in pain in doing so.
"No Adey, this isn't your fault,"I turned to amount the blame at Nathan but found Mikey on top of him, Nathan's face in his hands, kissing him.
Before I could even stop to think, the words came out my mouth.
"I fucking knew something was going on with you two!"

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