Chapter 23

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Mikes POV

"I can't tell you." I sighed.
If I tell him he'll just go and look for him. He'll also hate me for not stopping him.
He wouldn't be able to move on.
"Why not?" He asked suspiciously.
"Because I don't know," I smiled slightly, "he just said he was leaving, didn't say where."
I shrugged, seemingly uninterested.
He heaved a sigh as he stood up and headed for the door.
Leaving my room, he shut the door behind him, not before a quick, "thanks for the plasters."

Nates POV

Why can't he tell me? He does know, I know he does. If he didn't know, he'd be worried sick about Jai.

He must think I was born yesterday.
But I will find out one way or another.

Jais POV

It was another normal summer day at Adeys.
I was slumped on the sofa playing his Xbox as usual whilst he was at work.

He would be home any minute now.
He works as a bouncer at the club in town called Cherries.

Cursing as I died again in the game, I switched it off and slid my phone out my pocket.
No new messages

I thought Mikey would've texted me by now.
I miss him.
And Nathan.
And my parents, not that they'd be there now, they're on holiday in Thailand for the whole summer.
I miss the house.
My house.
No, my home.

I had been browsing Facebook for a little while when I heard the front door open.
A familiar, "hello?" Echoed through the empty hallway.
"In here." I replied from the sofa.
Just then, Adeys head poked round the corner of the hallway.
"There you are." He smiled and walked towards me.
He was wearing his uniform which I loved as it clung to him in all the right places, accentuating his muscles.
"How was work?" I asked the same question I ask every night.
"Good, how was your day, babe?" He came over and kissed the top of my head.
I turned a little pink, "yeah good." I grinned up at him.
He unbuttoned his shirt and slumped into the sofa next to me.
Swiftly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap.
"I missed you." He breathed into my neck.
I snuggled against his chest, "yeah, me too."
"You should go to bed now though, it's 2 in the morning." He said, sounding concerned.
"Yeah, but I wanted to wait for you." I felt him smile.
"Well I'm here now, so bed time."
I sighed an 'okay' and climbed off his lap and started towards my room.
I'd been staying in Adeys spare room because I didn't feel comfortable sharing a bed with him just yet.
"Jai?" I heard Adey call as I got to my room.
"Why don't you stay in my room tonight?" He asked, taking my small hand in his large one.
"Um..." I did know what to say.
Why not? My mind was saying.
You've stayed in a bed with Nathan before, how is this different if not better?
"Please? I haven't seen you all day and then you go to bed." He pleaded.
"Okay..."I caved following him to his room.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want." He assured me.
Once inside, I quickly got under the covers and waited for Adey.
"Eager are we?" He grinned.
I said nothing.
"I need to have a shower before we sleep though." He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead before going for a shower.

I awoke to the sun in my eyes and arms round my waist.
Did I fall asleep?
I must have done.
I turned to look at Adey.
His eyes were shut lightly, allowing his long dark lashes to be seen clearly.
He looked so peaceful and beautiful.
He stayed true to his word.
I sighed contentedly and drifted back off to sleep with one final thought.
I might stay in Adeys room more often.

Nathan's POV

Tory came round to see me today.
We were sitting in the living room chatting.
"So... Have you heard anything from Jai?" She asked, leaning forward awaiting my answer.
"Nope." I replied.
"Nothing at all?" She questioned, disbelieving.
"Not even a post it note." I responded, running my hand through my hair.
"Right..." She trailed off into thought.
There was silence for a few minutes.
"That's it, go get dressed." She ordered suddenly.
"It's a secret, just make sure you look good." She winked at me before pulling me up and ushering me to my room.

Eventually, I emerged from my room wearing a white tshirt, blue ripped jeans and white converse.
Tory was wearing a tight lilac tank top with black skinny jeans and chequered vans.
I'll admit it, we looked hot.
"What is all this for?" I asked for what must've been the hundredth time.
She smirked evilly at me, "We're going to a gay bar."

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