Chapter 20

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Nathan's POV

I must have cried for days.

After Jai left me standing in the bathroom, it took a few minutes to completely register what had just happened.

In the space of about half an hour, I had told him I loved him, fucked him and then been told I was hated by him.

I swear I heard my heart shatter into millions of tiny little pieces.
I'm such an idiot. Mike doesn't know what happened, nor will I ever tell him.

Jai's POV

I think this is the 5th day I've been holed up in my room. I haven't stopped crying. I haven't even seen Adey, I've told him I'm ill. The pain from that night has gone but there's still an aching inside my heart.

I'm such a dick. Nathan was completely honest with me and wore his heart on his sleeve and I trampled all over his feelings.

I'm such an asshole.

I was currently lying on my bed staring at the main menu of my playstation as I had been for the past few hours.

I sighed deeply before heaving myself up and leaving my room. Sloping down the stairs, I turned into the livingroom to find Nathan spread out on the sofa.
Hesitating slightly, I walked over to him. He was lying on his back, covered in a blanket, one foot on the floor.
His eyes were delicately closed and his lips were parted. I smiled to myself at this.

How could I do that to him?

Looking closer I saw his eyes were blotchy and red.

I bit my lip.

I never deserved him.

Turning away from him, I headed to the kitchen.
Standing in the doorway was Mikey.

"Morning Mikey," I whispered, being careful not to wake Nathan.

He gestured me over with his finger and I followed him into the kitchen. He then lead me out to the garden.

"What are we doing out here?" I asked normally now, the possibility of waking Nathan no longer an issue.
Mikey grabbed me my the shoulders and looked deep into my eyes.

"What the hell have you done to him?"

Nathan's POV

It had been a few days since the incident and I'd had a lot of time to think about the whole issue.

Mike has been great. I think he knows something's been up with me and he's been making me go out a lot more.

If that's how Jai's gonna be then I don't need him.

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and I was settled down to watch a film with Mike.

"What do you wanna watch then?" He asked, scrolling through the channels with the remote.

"I don't mind, you pick something." I replied, shrugging.

"Well this chick im trying to get with was talking about some film the other day, so I might watch that. I'm going for the sensitive, understanding Michael with this one." He winked at me cheekily.

I laughed and shook my head at him, "sure whatever."

Changing to Netflix, he found the film and put it on.

Turns out the film was about two bestfriends called Jessica and Nicolas. Nicolas had always liked Jessica but had never said anything. They went to a house party and had a drunken one night stand and he ended up telling her how he felt the day after.

"I love you Jessica."
The words just slipped from his mouth. His eyes widened as he realised what he had just admitted to.
She stood there stunned for a few seconds before shaking her head.
I could feel myself tearing up a little.
"I can't..." She whispered, barely audible.
He stepped towards her, reaching out to her with his arm outstretched towards her.
"What do you mean?" He spluttered, confused.
"I'm sorry." She said, before swivelling on her heel and walking away.
I looked away from the tv and bit my lip, tears threatening to spill over.
"Wait, Jess!" I heard him yell after her.
Her footsteps stopped.
"Why?" He questioned, sounding hurt and broken.
"There's someone else." She answered.
"Who?" He asked desperately.
And I laughed.

Body shaking and tears streaming down my face, I laughed.

At the irony? At myself? I don't know.

I could feel Mikes gaze on me but i just couldn't stop.
I had stopped laughing now and was leaning forward, face held between my hands.

I could hear the end credits for the film in the distance. Mike turned it off as he came over and sat next to me.

My breathing was erratic now as I cried my heart out.
He enveloped me in his arms, rubbing his hands slowly up and down my shoulders in a vain attempt to comfort me.

I could barely feel the tears on my face now, nor the pain in my head from crying. Not even Mikes arms as they squeezed me tight as if trying to hold me together.

I think he just knew that nothing he could say would make me feel better.

Eventually my crying subsided and he laid me down slowly so that my head was resting on his lap.
Reaching behind us, he pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and covered me with it carefully.

I attempted to get up to protest but he just pushed me back down and began stroking my hair gently as I rubbed my eyes with my hands.

We must have stayed like that for hours because the next thing I knew I was waking up the next morning.

I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I've been really busy and even though I've updated, it's really short :( sorry sorry sorry

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