Chapter 12

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Just so we're clear, were not American and so chips means fries :)
Chapter 12

Adey's POV

Walking round the arcade with Jai was fun. We'd occasionally stop to play a game, Jai's favourite was fruit ninja since its apparently so much more fun on a bigger screen. It was weird though, his mood suddenly changed after being there for about half an hour. I wonder what happened... Im sure he'll be fine whatever it was. If he's not gonna tell me, thats fine.

I looked down at Jai as he walked in front of me, seemingly in deep thought.

Yeah, somethings definitely on his mind.

"Jai?" i inquired.
"Hm?" he answered.
"Are you okay?" i asked, concerned.
He nodded, "yeah im good, why?" he replied, looking around distracted.
"You seem distracted." i stated my mind.
He finally looked at me. "Im not." he smiled, taking hold of my hand and now walkinh beside me.
"So, where do you wanna go now?" I asked.
He thought for a moment and decided. "Im hungry."


Eventually, we made our way to a Burger King. Walking in, I asked Jai what he wanted before motioning for him to go and find a table. After ordering, I waited, casually glancing around the place in boredom. I heard the door open and turned to see Jai's Brother, Murphy or something and some girl. They were laughing together merrily, looked like they were having a good time.

That's probably what Jai was thinking about. He probably saw them earlier and wondered who she was. Ah, must be nice to have a brother.

"Two chips, two cheeseburgers, a fanta and a coke."
"That's mine." I yelled back, brought back from my thoughts. Collecting the food, I walked over to the table Jai was sat at and set the food down.
"Gaah, so hungry." Jai moaned. Craning his hand into the box of chips, he grabbed a handful and stuffed them in his mouth.
My stomach growled in response to this and I realised how hungry I was. I didn't notice it through thinking about what Jai was worrying about.
So I picked up some chips and began eating.
"Ah, thanks Adey." He muffled gratefully.
I waved him off, "it's fine, I gotta treat my boyfriend right." I smiled cheekily.
He giggled like a girl which made me chuckle.
"Are you just going to drop me home after this? Or am I coming back to yours for a bit?"
"I don't mind." I shrugged.
"Okay, we'll go back to yours then." He smiled and then continued to eat.

If I could get him to stay the night, it might happen. I might finally be able to take him completely, body and mind. I've waited so long. He's such a goddamn tease sometimes.

"...Eah, Adey?"
"Huh?" I blanked.
"I said, we could watch a film later, yeah, Adey?" He repeated slowly.
"Oh yeah, sure." My mind was on other things.

Perfect, he's going to at least stay till the end of the film. That gives me plenty of time.

Nathan's POV

Getting back to Mikes house, it was silent.

It seems like everyone's out. Ah, Jai's probably in his room. It's a gonna be a little awkward so I think I'll just steer clear of him for now.

Wandering into the kitchen, I opened the fridge door and peered inside.
Hm, what shall I eat? I thought to myself.
Cheese on toast will do I decided.

Pulling out the cheese I set it on the side, and then reached to get the bread. I popped the bread in the toaster while I cut the cheese, putting the excess back in the fridge. When the toast was done, I sprinkled cheese on it, lit the grill and put it in.
Now I just have to wait.

Did I go overboard today by kissing Tory? She didn't mind but I might have really hurt Jai. I don't want him to hate me. No wait, if he comes to hate me because of that, then surely that means that he must like me. Maybe even love.

Stop getting ahead of yourself Nathaniel. Either way, were discussing plans on getting Jai to be mine with Tory tomorrow afternoon.

But what if? What if he did like me and I've just gone and blown it? What if he was unsure on his feelings but now there was not even a speck of me in his heart.

The smell of melted cheese had filled the air, maybe too long ago, which woke me from my train of thought. In a panic, I opened the grill door and was met with thick smoke.


After eating the ashy mess of a dinner, I started watching tv.

I was woken by the sound of the front door opening. I opened my eyes a crack just in time to see Mike attempting to sneak past the living room door.
"Mike!" I bellowed, hurting my barely awake ears.
That was a bad idea.
Mikes head then poked round the doorway.
"Oh you're in here." He murmured, walking over to the couch. Slumping into the cushions, he let out a long sigh.
"What time do you call this then?" I questioned, much like his mum Theresa would have.
"Well... Long story short, turns out Lindsey already has a boyfriend." He leant forward and put his head in his hands.
"Why is it always me, Nate?"  He said softly.
"I don't know..." I trailed off, unsure of how to deal with an upset Mike.
"I mean... I sure know how to pick 'em don't I?" He let out a strained laugh.
I awkwardly let out a few chuckles.
Still not knowing what to do, I glanced over at Mike's slouched figure.
"Why do I always get the crazy or taken ones? Why can't I just find someone?" His shoulders started to shake.
Oh no, I don't know how to deal with crying people.
Slowly, but cautiously I wrapped my arm round his shoulders firmly.
Wow, He's been working out.
I could see his hands trembling also as he attempted to cover his face.
I just want to make him feel better.
Under my arm, Mike leaned into me, allowing me to wrap my arm round him tighter.
"You'll find the right one for you eventually..." I reassured him gently.
Between his fingers, his muffled sobs could be heard. It broke my heart.
"I'm not so sure, Nate." He sounded like he'd lost all hope.
I need to do something.
Bringing up my other arm, I curled it round his hunched over frame and pushed my face into his neck.
"I promise you will." I breathed.
Mike pulled away slightly and took his hands away from his face. I brought my face away from him and looked into his eyes.
What have I done? I shouldn't have done that.
"Nate..." Mike trailed off.
"Yeah?" I choked out, trying to sound normal.
"What are you doing?"
His eyes, glazed and swollen, showed confusion.
"Dude, I'm trying to make you feel better."
"Well stop, you're creeping me out." He said giving me and soft shove and a half smile.
"Stop being so mopey anyway, at least you have me." I offered.

I don't like Mike.

"Wow... Gee thanks a lot, I feel so blessed by your existence in my life." He muttered sarcastically. I gave him a playful push, "shut your mouth."

I don't like Mike.

He laughed, sounding happier now.

I don't like Mike.

"Seriously though, you know I'm always here for you right?" I said, looking into his eyes once more.

I don't like Mike.

"Yeah, I know, thanks man." He wiped his eyes with a sniff and stood up. "Right, it's bed time for me." He began walking towards the stairs.

I don't like Mike.

"Me too." I decided and got up also. As I got to Mike, he stopped as I passed him.

I don't like Mike.

I got to the doorway out of the living room and was pulled back into a tight hug.
"Thanks, bro, it means a lot to me."
I froze for a second, before hugging back warmly.
"No problem." I muttered.
Big problem...

I like Mike

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