Chapter 14

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Nathan's POV

I woke to the sound of hushed voices in the kitchen. Looking to my side, I realised that Mike was no longer there. Last thing I remembered, I was watching the final Lord of the Rings film of our marathon. I don't even remember falling asleep. Whos Mike talking to anyway? I shuffled slightly, causing my phone to slide off my lap. The voices in the kitchen stopped.

Sinking back down into the sofa, I pretended to be asleep.

I heard the kitchen door open slowly with a creak. Cracking open my eyes a little, I could just make out Mike looking around the living room. Shutting my eyes once more I waited for him to go back into the kitchen.

With a satisfying whine, I heard the door close and opened my eyes once more. I waited a few moments to make sure he wasn't coming back before creeping around the furniture and towards the kitchen. The closer I got, the clearer the muffled voices became. Finally, I was just outside the kitchen, the voices now legible.

"Jai... What happened?" I heard Mikes voice say.
So Jai's home. What happened? I thought he was at Adey's.
"Well..." Jai's breaths became shaky.
"You're going to tell me and it's all going to be okay, alright?" Mike soothed. I heard some shuffling.
There was a pause as Jai's muffled sobs filled the room.
"We were watching a film, but I fell asleep, so Adey took me to his bed."
What the fuck did he do?
I felt the anger start to course through my veins. It took everything within me not to storm in there and comfort him.

"No no nothing happened then," I took a deep breath to calm myself.
"I got up because I couldn't see him, so I went into the hallway and he came out the shower in a towel."
Shit, I know where this is going...
"Then... We went into his room and started... You know... Making out..."
I didn't want to hear this.
"Then he went too far, I mean, I'm not ready for that yet Mikey, I'm not ready for anything like that,"
That bastard touched my Jai.
"so I told him to stop and he did."
I heaved a sigh of relief.
Maybe he has changed...

"He looked really sorry, though." Jai reasoned.
I heard Jai take another breath before continuing.

"So then we went to sleep. Then I-I woke up with him on top of me... Touching me in places I didn't want to be touched by him..." Jai's voice was trembling now.
I saw red.

He's still the same slimy greasy sleazeball he's always been, he hasn't changed, he never will, I think it's time to give this motherfucker what's been coming to him.

Without thinking anymore about it, I dashed through the living room slaloming the fniture making my way to the front door. Ripping the door open, nearly taking it off its hinges, swiftly stalking over to my pick up.

I wrenched the door open and started making my way towards Adrian's from what I could remember.

Mikes POV

Panicking, I rushed into the living room to find Nate gone.
Shit, he heard us.
Without a seconds thought, I sprinted out the door in search for him.
Shit, Nate took the car.
With an almighty huff, I took off in the direction of Adrian's house.
What if he does something stupid? We can't risk going to prison, I mean, we'd obviously be going together.

The sounds of my shoes slapping against the road echoed through the houses.
Why was he listening anyway? It's none of his business.
My lungs were squeezing in protest to the strain on my legs.
Hold on a minute, Nate likes Jai.
I came to a sudden stop.
That would explain why he's so overprotective, even more than me.
I thought back to all the time they were together in the past.
It's so clear now. how didn't I notice?
I'm such a bad friend. But Nate wouldn't do anything since he's my little brother.
But surely that's going to make it 10 times worse.
I started running again.
Oh god, I have to get there. Now.
I picked up my pace, speeding faster towards Adrian's house.

Upon arrival, I was met with the site of an angry Nate pounding on the door with his fists.
"You fucker, I'm gonna make you pay for this you piece of shit."
Shiiiiit, he's super pissed.
"Nathan calm down!" I nearly screamed before realising that it was after all only about half 4 in the morning.
When he heard his name, he turned to face me, a picture of pure fury.
I've never seen him this angry before.
"Mike... What are you doing here?" He asked confused.

Before I had a chance to answer, he grabbed me by the shoulders, face contorted in worry.
"Where's Jai? Why didn't you bring him with you?" He urged, desperately.
"What? I didn't have time, he's at home, don't worry he's fine." I reassured. His expression didn't falter.
"No... You don't understand... Adey isn't here..."
I thought for a moment, putting 2 and 2 together.

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