Chapter 10

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A/N please please please comment if I've spelt something wrong so I can fix it. I write this on my iPod so sometimes it autocorrects :( thank you :)

Nathan's POV

Ouch... That stung...

Turning away from Jai, I composed myself.

I don't want him to know what he's doing to me right now.

"Then why did you kiss me?"

He looked into my eyes, as if to look for his answer there.

"I-I don't know..." He trailed off.

"I need an answer Jaidyn, why did you kiss me? You started all of this so why did you do it? Why didn't you tell me to stop?" I raged, now finding his indecisiveness ridiculous.

"I don't know Nathan!" He yelled at me.

"Yes you do, Jai! Just admit you like me already!" I bellowed, raising my voice louder than his.

Jai looked conflicted before making up his mind, "Fine... I thought you liked me, I was so happy Nathan... But just as I started to like you back, I saw it. I saw you kiss Mikey... Is anyone good enough for you Nathan? You never liked me at all did you? You just wanted someone to help you to pass the time while you're not at college. It could've been anyone, me, Mikey, it doesn't matter, you use people and then throw them away. Never speak to me again!" He fumed.

Jai started to like me? I blew it, I shouldn't have kissed Mike... But use people? I don't use people.

"Jai look, I'm sorry for hurting you but I don't feel for Mike like that, he's my best friend," I winced, its not a total lie, I'm just not sure what I feel for him yet.

"But I absolutely do not use people."

"You're a lier Nathan, I saw you kiss him, how can you deny that? And you had your fun with me..." Jai looked away, "in the bathroom that day... And then it turns out you've already moved on. Moved on to older and better looking people obviously and I'm sick of it, just think about what you've done okay, because its out of order and I don't want it to happen to anyone else."

Fine..if your not going to listen to me ill give you something to think about...

"You know what Jai? You're just a tease, I don't know what Aiden sees in you but it's obviously something that I can't see. Now get out of my room." I finished, demanding.

With Jais mouth was shaped like an 'o' and his eyes wide, he looked dejected and stumbled out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I heaved a sigh.

Now look what you've made me do, Jai. I never wanted to hurt you...

I collapsed onto my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I suppose I'd better do something about 'this' I thought, looking down at my undone jeans revealing my pain fully tight boxers.


The following morning, at about 10:30, I eventually made it down stairs. I barely slept at all through the guilt of hurting Jai.

He's hurt you too remember?

Dragging my feet into the kitchen. I approached the cupboard, opened it and retrieved my cereal. I always used to keep a box of cereal at Mikes house because I never liked any of theirs and I was round here all the time. Nothing has changed so I brought a new box of cereal.

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