Chapter 3

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Marceline's pov
As Simon putted the crown on Finn's head, Finn's hair suddenly got longer and its turning white and his pale skin is turninh to a pale blue color like the ice king

"Why isn't he waking up Simon?"i asked Ice king

"You guys have to wait until Finn completely controls the crown but if he fails im gonna have a new roommate hahaha" Ice king said

"Not cool Simon!"i said angrily

~Time Skip After a few groans from Finn~

"Ahhh"Finn said opening his eyes

"Finn"Jake yelled

"Hey bro what happend?"he asked not knowing he became the Ice prince

"Apperently you had a illness that could not be tried and you were slowly dying so we kinda... turned you into the Ice Prince"jake replied nervously

"What! But where did you guys get the crown for and why am i not going crazy like Ice King?"he asked kinda worried

"Well i had a extra crown incase mine loses it magic and i modified that crown so that you can easily control its powers"Ice king replied

"Ohh...Soo if im the ice prince i can control ice and snow?"he questions

"Yeah of course and if you need help controlling it just go to this guy"Ice king said pointing to himself

"Nah i can handle it"Finn said as he made a sword mad out of ice

"Wow apperently your a genius in this Finn" i said

"Well we did once used Ice king ninja spell book to became ice ninjas"Finn said look at the sword he made and turned it into a living snow bunny

"Wow apperently you would make a great replacement for me in the ice kingdom"Ice king said

"What! im not going to replace you even if you saved me"Finn said kinda angry

"Sheesh it was just a thought, and besides im not gonna sooner or later as long i got magic from this crown im all fine"ice king said

"Well im gonna go fetch Pb so she can start examining Finn" i said leaving the room with joy on my face

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now