Chapter 6

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Marceline's Pov
As the show started me,Bonnibel and Jake sat down on the Ice chairs but i just floated above it

"Okay guys are you ready to see my design!?"Ice king yelled in the ice stage

"Just get on with it!"Jake yelled getting impatient

"Sheesh fine...For the first one Finn's house clothes"Ice king yelled happily
Then Finn walked in the stage wearing a light blue long sleeve, a dark blue pants and some black converse or what ever that is called

As Finn walked up in the middle of the stage i can't stop staring,even if his look change his still good looking and it seems like he noticed me staring and he blushed lightly and with that he returned back to change clothes

"And now for his formal,social or dating clothes if he can find a date,hehehe" ice king yelled jokingly
"Hey!!!"Finn yelled from the back of the stage and as he entered he was wearing a light blue suit,and some dark blue shoes

I was speechless i don't even know the proper words to say how Finn looks! I was just there mouth opened and soo was Jake and Pb

And with that Finn shyly returned to the back of the stage for the final,I don't even know if i can take anymore of this,Finn was just too charming and too hot arrrggghhh, just be cool Marceline he wouldn't date someone who is already a thousand years old, with that sadness formed in my face but then i heared Ice king yell for the final
"Now for the Grand Final! Finn and in his royal clothes," Ice king yelled excitedly
And with that Finn entered wearing a blue polo long sleeve polo and above it was a black coat that has white fur in the collar and sleeves and he was wearing a black pants with white fur at the end similar to the coat,with a black boots and he was wearing a blue scarf around his neck and his long white hair was tied in a ponytail giving him a very elegant look

And with that everyone just looked at him mouth opened and they can't take there eyes of Finn and i think that even Ice king kinda haves a man crush on himXD

And with that Finn returned an put on the house clothes ice king gave so that he was more comfortable and with that everyone clapped and complimented ice king for such beautiful things he made for Finn

"Soo guys how did i look?" Finn asked kinda embaressed
"You looked super handsome on does dude and i bet the ladies will be all ovef you when they see you hehehe"jake said teasing Finn
"Jake!"Finn yelled blushing
"I kinda agree with what Jake said, you looked super cute in them"i said embaressed and blushing
"Ohh... Um thanks Marcy"Finn said while blushing

And with that awkward silence filled between us

"Hey guys me and Finn are gonna go home so he could rest so countinue that lovey dovey stuff tomorrow"Jake said grinning

"What, Jake!!! And um bye Marcy see you tomorrow"Finn said still blushing

"Okay see y..." I was about to say goobye but he hugged me and left me speechless...

...I really do have a crush on him don't i?...

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