Chapter 21

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As the four flew closer to where explosion came from they notices the shambles that it caused and in that shambles they saw a familiar figure lying unconsiously next to a broken wooden cross

" that Marcy?" Jake said squinting his eyes

"It is! Lady let's pick her up" Bubblegum said as Lady nodded and landed near Marceline

"Marcy,Marcy,wake up!" Jake yelled as he shaked Marceline up

"...oh...what the...where am i?" Marceline said slowly while opening her eyes

"We are at the outskirts of Ooo and currently at war with the Lich, but where did you dissappeared to?" Jake said

"I remembered a green smoke surrounding me and the next thing i know was im here" Marceline said as he got up

"By the way where is Finn?" She asked

"Ohh glob i forgat!" Jake said running towards Lady

"Come on!" Pb said to Marceline

As the five flew they finally reached Finn

"Finn!" The entire group yelled

"Hey bro wake up" Jake said as he picked up his brother

As Jake picked him up he noticed that the jewels on Finn's crown has now huge cracks on it

"Ice king come here!" Jake yelled

"What is it?" Ice king said coldly

"Why is Finn's crown like that?" Jake said asking Ice King

"I dont know, It never happend to me before" Ice king said

"Maybe because he used to much magic that the crown overloaded?" Pb said

"Nah that's not it i have used my crown to its fullest and it didn't cracked a single time" Ice king said

"But what will happen if the jewels are gone? They are the source of Finn's magic right" Jake said

"I could only think of two possibilities, one the jewels gets destroyed and Finn returns to his human self and regain his illness back that will kill him or two its a simple crack that will not effect him that much" As ice king said that the jewels on Finn's crown had disintegrated

"I think one is more likely"Ice king said but suddenly he saw a blue spirit that looked like the current Finn coming out of Finn's body and the spirit was heading towards a black spirit that looked like it was the Lich's soul and both of the spirits dissappeared

"That's odd" ice king said

"Hey guys what's happening to Finn!?" Jake yelled

Finn's hair was getting shorter but long enough to reach his shoulder and it was returning to its blonde hair color, while his skin was now returning to its light brown color

"Finn,buddy wake up" Jake yelled

"...Finn wake up i still need to say something important" Marceline said as she bow down next to finn

"I...Love...You" Marceline whispered in Finn's ear but as she said that a pair of blue eyes where now looking at her

"I love you too" Finn said smiling

Author's note:
The next chapter would be the Final and it will be up later on if i still have some energy that is and i apologize for taking to long i have been busy with school and by some games hehe

P.s. and sorry for it not having much romance in it(im not good with that stuff :/ )

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