Chapter 20

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Finn flew right infront of the Lich full with anger

"Hehe so you defeated my general but can you match up with me?" The Lich taunted

"Im gonna kick your butt!" Finn yelled changing his sword to a staff and blasted the Lich with ice lances but the Lich grabbed his and casted a swarm of flying skull with black flame covering them causing both attacks to be cancelled out

"Is that all you got?" The lich taunted again

"Erghh" Finn yelled blasting a beam at the sky causing a storm of ice spike falling down the Lich but he protected himself with a dark shield

"Not bad... But not good enough" the Lich said as the storm stopped and he casted a black circle on the area he was an out of that circle was a bunch of heavily armored undead giants with huge swords

"Take that!" Said the Lich as he pointed at Finn then the giants charged at Finn

Finn created an ice dome protecting himself and he also summmoned a bunch of giant ice soldiers with giant ice sword and he commanded them to take out the undead giants

After a minutes all of the giants where destroyed

"Not bad but i have to end it now!" The Lich said as he made a giant burning black ball covered with a black aura

"Ohh yeah!" Said Finn as he made a giant ball of ice covered with a burning blue flame

"Lets see who will survive" The Lich grinned as he blasted the giant ball o darkness at Finn and Finn did the same thing at him causing the two meteor sized ball of energy to collide and cause a huge explosion that shaked the earth

~At where PB was at~

PB's pov
The war kept on raging without Finn and Jake in my sight, I was fighting a bunch of skeletons with swords but good thing that my blasters have lots of energy so i was able to take them out but then i felt i huge earthquake and saw a huge explosion at the Lich's territory

"What the... Lady!!!" I yelled out to Lady Rainicorn as she picked me up and flew to where the explosion is but as we were getting close we saw a huge clearing where a bunch of crushed skeletons lay there and saw Jake and Ice king laying down on the ground

"Lady land right there" i said pointing at where Jake and Ice king are

As we landed we ran out to jake and ice king to see their condition

"Princesses princesses one at a time..." Ice king mumble at his sleep

"Ice king wake up!!!" As i slapped him in the face waking him up

"Wha...where am i?" Ice king said still half asleep

"Where is Finn!!!" I yelled

"There" Ice king said as he pointed at a smoke filled area, that must have been where the explosion happend

"Let's go lady and pick them up also" i asked lady as she picked the two up and putted them on her back and flew to where the explosion came from

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