Chapter 17

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The war rage on

Some of the princesses where having a difficult time but then they realised that their enemies where now frozen

"Need some help ladies?" Ice king said trying to sound seductive

The princesses where digusted but somewhat relieved to know that a powerful wizard is on their side

Jake on the other hand has grown to a gigantic size and has been smashing and stomping all over the undead army

And Finn was now on land wielding his blue sword while hacking and slahing his way through the Lich

"Lich im coming for you!!!" Finn yelled with all of his might

"Hahaha you puny human do you think you could beat me and my undead army!" The Lich taunted

"Just wait and see" Finn said slashing 5 undead at once

~after a couple of hours~

The fight goes on

Jake was now getting tired
Ice king is running low on magic
And Finn was now tired and received a few scratches and bruises

"Puff...puff... Finn i can't fight anymore..." Jake said breathing heavily

"Me too Finn..." Ice king said while holding on his chest

"No! We can do this" Finn said while using his sword to keep him standing up

~after a few more minutes~

"I'm out" Ice King said passing out

"Me to" Jake said passing out

"Come on Jake wake up we still need to fight" Finn said covered in cuts and bruises

"Hahaha just admit it boy your army is nothing" The Lich taunts

"I...can...still...fight" Finn said falling to the ground

"I can still see hope in your eyes boy but let me change that" The Lich snapped his fingers and a giant skeleton was carrying a giant wooden cross which someone is chained to it

As the giant skeleton placed the giant cross next to the Lich Finn was able to make out who was chained to it

"Marcy..." Was all Finn could say until he passed out

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now