Chapter 7

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Narrator's Pov

As the news about Finn's new gained abilities and look spread like wild fire at the land of Ooo, some of the princesses were scared at first as they feared that he would be like the Ice King but later forgat as they knew that Finn became more attractive and they wished that he would marry them

"Oooooooooh yeah!!!" Finn said as he was flying with Ice king

"Finn you really are a fast learner" Ice king said complementing him

"I just can't believe you guys have this much fun while flying" Finn said as he landed near his treehouse

"You will get used to it and what is that pile of paper?" Ice king questions

"Ohh that just a bunch of invitations"Finn said boringly

"Why did you become famous while i don't?" Ice king asked kinda irratated

"Well maybe because you look too old for them and by the way when you wore the crown your body aged to looking like an old man, will i age looking like an old man too?" Finn asked nerviously

"No fair, and maybe because i was at my 30's or something that aged my body to and old man and since you are still young when you wore the crown it turned you into a adult, but thats just my guess" Ice king said not sure

"Well i just hope i don't go crazy like you and start forgetting about everybody" Finn said sadly

"Just think of the things that will help you keep your sanity like the story about me that Marcy told us" Ice king said comfortingly

"Well atleast your starting to sound like your old self but it took you a thousand years ha" Finn said

"Well its better late than never am i right bro" Ice king said raising his fist

"Yeah bro" Finn said while bumping his fist on ice king's fist

And after that ice king left and Finn entered his house

"And now too get some rest after a day of flying" Finn said tiredly

"You don't want to eat anything bro?" Jake asked

"Nah im good i just need some rest" Finn answered

"Ok good night bro" Jake said
"Night bro" Finn said falling to sleep

~At the lab of Princess Bubblegum~

"Hey Bonnie do you think that wr did the right choice and turned Finn into that?" Marcy asked worringly

"Well we didn't have any other choice and since his immortal you can finaly start asking him out" PB saif teasingly

"Wait what! I don't like Finn in that way" Marceline said embaressed

"Ohh as if i don't notice how you look at him and besides since his body aged to an adults your body age doesn't differ that much" Pb said

"Wha-what no i don't like Finn and even if i did he wouldn't like me back" Marceline said sadly

"You will never know if you don't try" Pb said comfortingly

"Fine i will ask him tomorrow" Marceline said

"Good" Pb said smiling

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