Chapter 18

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The Lich was laughing to see that the hero of Ooo is lying on the ground unconsious

"I told you puny human that you can't do anything to stop us" The Lich said but then he felt a anonynous wave of power

"What the!!!" The Lich said in surprise to see the fallen hero rise up with a huge amount of energy bursting right out of him

"I'm coming for you" The hero said glaring at the Lich

The Lich quickly ordered his men to kill the human but Finn turned his amulet into a staff and Finn casted a hail storm so deadly that the hail is as big as a watermelons and instantly took the group of soldiers surrounding him

"Lets see you take this one down" the lich said as he casted his black magic on his undead soldiers causing the soldiers to fuse together as a huge undead giant golem

Finn stood infront of it and raised his staff as he made a giant ball off ice that is covered with blue flames and blasted it on the undead giant causing it to get smashed into pieces and turning the surrounding ground covered in ice

"How is this even possible"The Lich said as he saw Finn flying towards him

"How did you get so powerful at such a short amount off time?!" The Lich said

"But that doesn't matter im still more powerful than does weak walking garbage" said the Lich

Finn landed near infront of the Lich an as he landed he turned his staff into a sword and covered it with a blud flame that is slowly freezing the sword

"Let's see what you got human boy" The Lich challenge

As Finn charged forward the Lich, The Lich blasted a beam of darkness but Finn dodge it quickly and slashed the Lich but he was able to block it with his staff

"Is that all you got human boy?" The Lich said as he started to chant something that caused a black circle to appear on where they were standing so Finn stepped backwards to get out of the circle

"Good insticts human but im gonna let my general take over" The Lich said stepping out off the way and a shadow emerge

"Hello Finn" the shadow said

"Billy!?" Finn said

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now