Chapter 22 Final

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~Before Finn woke up after the explosion~

In Finn's mind

"Yuhoo...Finn wake up" Frost said waving his hand infront of Finn

"Uh..."Finn said as he sit straight

"Good your awake and since i don't have much time im gonna make it quick" Frost said

"What do you mean that you don't have much time?"Finn asked

"Do you remember the first time you fought the Lich?" Frost asked

"Yeah,why?" Finn answered

"Well you destroyed the Lich's body but not his soul" Frost said

"And what did that have anything to you leaving?" Finn asked

Frost just remained silent as a frown form in his face

"No...No!there is got to be another way?"Finn said as he realize what his planning to do

"There is no time, The Lich's soul is currently flying free right now and if i don't act soon he will find a new host and bring havoc to this land again" Frost said

"But are you sure about this? And don't you wanna see more of this world you have only seen a small portion of it" Finn asked

"I have seen enough of it, when i was looking through your memories i saw different lands, different sceneries, and different people smiling, laughing, dancing around and knowing that the Lich could turn those into sadness and fear is more than an enough reason to this" Frost said smiling

"Ok then...i guess there is no stopping you ha?" Finn said

Frost nodded

"Well then i guess this is goodbye?" Finn asked

"It is" Frost answered

"Well then goodbye bro" Finn said reaching out his hand

"Goodbye Finn" Frost said as he shook his hand

"Oh yeah i forgat, I left you a little parting gift" Frost said

"What for and where is it?" Finn asked

"So that you could fullfil your promise and you will know what it is soon enough" Frost said walking away as he dissappeared

"Bye bro..."Finn said smilling

As Finn slowly opened his eyes he hears Marceline whispered to him that she loves him

"I love you too" Finn said as he looked at Marceline smilling

"Finn!" Everybody yelled as they went to see how he was

"Geez guys im oka-"as Finn was about to finish he saw a black spirit running away from a blue spirit but the blue spirit catches up to the black one and when they touched they both dissappeared

"Bye bro" Finn whispered

"What did you say bro" Jake asked

"Ha nothing" Finn just smiled

~A few months later~

Ice king confirmed that Finn is now a real ice wizard but still kept his immortality

And the entire land partied knowing they won the war

Billy's body had a proper burial

And they are about to have Finn,Jake and Ice King's medaling

"Come on Finn we are gonna be late!" Jake yelled as he tied his bow tie

"I coming geez" Finn said as he flew down wearing his royal attire

"Wow since your apperance is back to normal you look much more handsomer in that" Jake said

"Yeah thanks bro"

"Okay then let's go!" Jake yelled opening the door but to see Marceline

"Hey Jake, Hi Finn" Marceline said waving her hand

"Hello Marcy" Finn and Jake said

"Finn let's go" Marceline signaled

"Hey Jake, me and Marcy are gonn fly there so see yah" Finn said as he runs towards Marcy and they hooked arms together as the flew away

"Man those two, well at least they are responsible" Jake said

but as he was about to leave he saw Finn's wallet filled with money and condoms, Jake burst out the door and tossed Finn his wallet and yelled

"No tier 15!!!"

And that is the end, sorry it took longer to write i kinda forgat i was writing the end and im sorry it was not such a good story but its already finished soo watcha gonna do about it :p

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