Chapter 4

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Princess Bubblegum's Pov
While i was at my lab mixing some chemicals to make a potion a suddenly saw Marceline come inside happily and said that Finn was already awake after that we rushed to Finn's room.

As we enetered the room we saw Finn was looking at a mirror that Jake was holding, he was wondering why his short blonde hair turned long and white and his emerald eyes turned to a ocean blue color

"Ohh hey Pb" Finn said redirecting his stare to me
"Finn are you all alright now?"i asked
"Yeah i don't feel any pain anymore from my body"Finn said happily
"Well im still gonna run some tests just to make sure"i said still worried
"Okay"Finn said
"Ohh and where is Ice king?"i asked
"He said he was gonna sew me some new cloths for being me being the Ice prince"Finn said kinda nervous
"Well since your the Ice prince does that mean your gonna stay at the ice kingdom now?"i asked
"What no way and besides Ice king said i could stay at the treehouse but i should visit him to train my magic and see if there is some abnormalities with the crown"Finn said kinda worried
"Well thats very thoughtful of him and what are you worried about?"i asked

"Well since ice king used to be human and im worried that ill end up like him being old, crazy and capturing princesses"Finn said
"He said that as long you have a strong will you will get to control the crown so just think positive"i said assuring him
"Okay and where is Marcy?"Finn asked
"She said she was going home first to get some stuff"i said
"Ohh okay"he said
"Im baaaack!"Ice king said with a bag in his hands

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now