Chapter 14

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Narrator's Pov

"Are you really back Finn?" Jake asked

"Hell yeah i am" Finn said with such enthusiasm

"Soo... are you alright now?" Jake asked

"...Yeah, but enough with that we need to save Marcy!" Finn said with seriousness in his voice

"Hey Finn i just got some very interesting info from Frost" Jake said with a grin

"What info?" Finn questioned

"That you like Marcy!" Jake said with a bigger grin

"Wha-what no i don't like Marcy like that!" As Finn said that he felt his right hand forming a fist and punched himself in the face

"YOU PROMISED!!!" Frost yelled in Finn's head

"You didn't have to do that" Finn said to Frost

"Finn why you punched yourself in the face bro?" Jake said worried

"I kinda made a deal with Frost..." Finn said rubbing his shoulder

"What deal?" Jake asked

"Ahmmm... That i... Will confess to Marcy" Finn said blushing

"Thank you Frost!" Jake said like he was thanking God

Princess Bubblegum's Pov

After Jake carried Finn's body to his hospital room i went to my lab to see if there is any abnormalities in Ooo

"Normal,normal,normal" i said as i switched to different cameras that i have set up in Ooo

"Normal,normal,nor- wait that doesn't look right" i said looking at the camera

"No no no no, Can't be" i said running to my guards station

"Banana Guard General!!!" I screamed

"Yes my Princess!?" He said saluting

"Prepare all off your guards,all of your weapons and the giant gumball guardians" i demanded

"Why princess?" The general asked

"The lich is preparing an army!" As i said that the general got scared and quickly ordered his troops to get prepared

"I better get help from other kingdoms i can't do this with just my kingdom's strength alone" i said dashing to my lab where i pressed i button that sends a disstressed signal to all the princesses and later on each princesses was on each monitor

"What's the problem?" Wildberry princess asked

"I have a very urgent news for you all, The Lich is preparing an army that is large enough to invade all of Ooo" as i said that all the princesses paniced

"What should we do?!" Breakfast princess asked

"Prepare all of your armies we are all about to go to war" i said and later on they got off

"I better check on Finn, We will need his strength for this" i said rushing to his room

"Jake is Finn alright now!?" I said shouting

"Yeah Pb im all fine now, whats with the rush?" Finn asked tying his long white hair

"Finn Jake, get ready we are about to go to war!" I said seriously

"Who are we in war with?" Jake asked

"The Lich" i said

"Wait didn't we turn the Lich back to life and he became treetrunks child?" Jake said and Finn nodded

"Well whatever happened his back and an army big enough to challange all of Ooo's kingdoms"i said

"Okay then we will get our stuff where should we meet up?" Finn asked

"Near the borders off Ooo, the other kingdoms army will be there"i said heading to my lab

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now