Chapter 9

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Narrator's Pov

As Finn was gaining more powers and abilities from training all by himself, there is a evil growing within the outskirts off Ooo

"Huh that boy is getting more stronger and stronger as day pass by... I should start my plans as soon as i can but that could ruin it... I should kidnap someone dear to him!hahahahaha" A dark floating shadow said as he mixed the ingredients in his cauldron

Back to The Candy Kingdom
"Hey Marcy im gonna throw a Ball tonight and i invited Finn over so you should try and ask him out okay!" PB said excitingly

"Wha-what! I can't do that and besides he could have already brought a date with him" Marceline said sadly

"Unless you ask him out first, come on go to his house amd ask him!" PB said pushing Marceline out the door

"Fine i guess i have no other choice"Marceline said sighing

~Time skip as Marcy gets to Finn's treehouse~

Marceline knocked at the door and heared Jake inside yell "I'm coming" as he opens the door he was shocked to see who it was

"Marceline what are you doing at broad daylight?" Jake asked

"Hey i got my umbrella so im fine and i have to ask Finn for something"she said blushing

"Oh... Marcy i have something to tell Finn has been acting wierdly within this past few days"Jake said worrying

"What do you mean by acting weirdly" Marceline questions as she raised an eyebrow

"Well...Finn has been more cold this past few days" Jake said

"Did his temperature drop even lower!?" Marceline shouts

"No not that he is becoming more emotionless or calm as an adult i should say...and his been training for longer hours" Jake said

" do you think that it has anything to do with the crown?" Marceline said questioningly

"No...I think his training to get revenge on someone?" Jake said unsure

"Like who? His good with Simon" Marceline said wondering

"No not Ice king... someone that could be very strong and had a bad history with"Jake said thinking

"Hm...The duke of nuts?"Marceline ask

"No his too weak and they at good terms already" Jake said

"Well the only one that could possibly think of is Flame Queen" Marceline said giving up

"Thats it Finn is mad at Flame Queen!" Jake said shouting

"Bu why would he be mad at FQ didn't he already moved on?" Marceline questioningly

"They must have met by chance and they arguied or something" Jake said

As Marceline was about to say anything she sensed a cold presence behind her, As she looked back she was now staring at a cold emotionless eyes

"Hey Marcy" Finn said coldly

"Hey Fi-finn" Marceline stuttering

"What are you doing here?" Finn said in a low calm tone

"Oh...I was looking for you" Marceline said as she lowers her head to hide her blushing

"So what do you need?" Finn asked

"Well... Pb is throwing a Ball tonight and i was wondering if you would night?" Marceline said nervously

"Ohh okay then" Finn said smilling

"Wha... Really!" Marceline shouted happily

"Yeah of course you're one of my closes friend that always stayed by my side even for what even the odds could be" Finn said smilling while staring at Marceline

"Ahh...meetyouat7tonight!" marceline said quickly as she runs off to hide the redness of her face

"So Finn... What happend to you or are you Finn?" Jake asked

Adventure time fanfic: Ooo's new PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now