Chapter 13

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Narrator's Pov

~Flasback to time that Finn was dying~

In Finn's head
"Where am i" Finn said confused

"You're inside your mind" a guy with long white hair ,pale blue skin and who looked kinda older said

"Who are you?" Finn asked

"Well you can say i'm the spirit of the crown" he said

"What crown?" Finn asked

"The ice crown that you are wearing right now" he pointed to the crown on top off Finn's head

"What the!?" Finn instantly took it off

"Haha foolish human you're inside your head right now your physical body is wearing the real crown" the pale Blue guy said

"This crown looks familiar... Ice king!!!" Finn said remembering

"Yes its the ice crown" he said

"Why did ice king make me wear his crown!?" I asked confused

"Apperently you were dying and the only option for you to be saved was to become a vampire or be cursed and become the Ice Prince, amd they chosed the better one" he said

"How is being psycho who controls ice better" Finn said mad

"Well for one if you were a vampire you can't eat food and you can't go outside in pure daylight without protection" he said

"Good point, but still being a psycho is not good" Finn said

'The only reason why Ice king is a psycho is when he was a human he was a smart and silent adult but the crown turned him into the opposite a old man who is noisy and crazy" the pail blue guy said

"Wait if there is a spirit in our crown how is it that his spirit is crazy?" Finn asked

"Well the spirit changes to the opposite opposite of the host and as you know simon was a smart and silent adult" he said

"Yeah and the opposite is a crazy old man" Finn said kinda annoyed

"Well then are you taking over my body or not?" Finn asked

"Haha of course not for now" he said

"What do you mean not for now?" Finn asked questiongly

"Well i could just switch places with you when ever you want" he said

"Why?" Finn asked

"Well i would like to observe my hosts behavior first and to look in your memories" the spirit said

"Ahh...okay that sounds like a fair deal" Finn said

The spirit smillied and raised his hand for handshake

"Deal?" The spirit asked

"Deal" Finn said

"Okay then you better return your friends are worried" the spirit asked

"Ohh okay bye"Finn said waking up

~fast forward after Finn and FQ's fight~

Still inside Finn's head

"Hey..." Finn said greeting the spirit

"You okay?" The spirit asked

"I think you already have an idea why" Finn said lowering his head

"Yeah..." The spirit said

"I would like you to take over my body for a while... I need to clear up my mind" Finn said turning his back and started fading

"Ahhh. Okay" The spirit said kinda confused

~fast forward when Frost fainted after the party~

In Frost/Finn's head

Frost: You all okay now?

Finn: Yeah... And i know what happend with Marcy

Frost: i see... Well then i guess i will let you handle it

Finn: Don't worry you know me i will do anything to save a friend

Frost: Why can't you just be honest with yourself

Finn: What do you mean?

Frost: That you like Marcy

Finn: What...No! I don't like Marcy

Frost: Just be honest with yourself okay, i know why you kept it hidden since you think you don't stand a chance but look at you now you can live forever by her side

Finn: but...but

Frost: Do it for me please?

Finn: Fine, once i save her i will confess

Frost: Good, well then its time for you to wake up

Finn: yeah bye, oh wait whats your name?

Frost: Jake just named me Frost so call me Frost

Finn: Oh okay bye Frost

Frost: Bye finn

~Finn finally wakes up~

Jake: dude what happend to you?

Finn: i'm back bro

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