You Love Me?

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"Peter, What was it like to be burned until you couldn't take it?"
It was an odd question, but I know that he won't close himself off again.
"It was like...Torture, and pure black hole of desperation to crawl out of."
"How'd you escape?"
"You really want to know?" His voice cracks with a saddened memory.
"I used his weapon against him. I burned behind his knee caps, then his wrists, and then an X on his back so he couldn't move."
I imagined Peter hovering over his Uncle completely broken with what happened to him and what he did.
"Does that make me a monster?" He asks with a vulnerability behind his voice.
"No, it makes you a survivor, and I Like you all the more because of your childhood."
"Mm, Now, tell me about your terrible memories."
I only have one thing left, Jane.
"There's one other thing I blame myself for."
"Okay, Go ahead."
He grabs onto my hand as we gaze up at the ceiling together in the dark.
"My roommate's death, Jane. We promised each other that we wouldn't turn each other into the government, but I had to break it. I had to. When I came into the room that night, I found her on the floor with shards of her mother's vase about her. She picked up a piece and began craving away at her arms. I had to call them, I had to. Not because I knew they could help, but because I had no idea how to help her! Or what to do." I let a tear or a couple slip out of my eyes.
"It wasn't your fault...She wanted to leave, and I'm sorry you had front row seats. It happens and the illness just takes over, but it wasn't your fault, Selena." His voice is soft and understanding.
Not my fault, just another incident.
"Listen, This weekend I'm going home to my parents, and I'd love for you to meet them."
"Are you asking me to spend a weekend away with you?"
"Yes, and I'm asking you to say yes."
"Peter, I don't do so well with parents-"
"You'll be fine, besides, I already notified them of your company."
"Come on, you seriously didn't."
"Oh I did, and my Mother's very excited to see you."
"No, I'm not going, Tell them I got sick."
"I told you I don't do well with parents!"
"No, I don't care if you tell me I love you or how much I love you, I'm not going, and I don't care what you say or do to stop me!" I shout and argue over him.
"You love me?" His smirk wide and his eyebrows quirked up.
I think through my words and find the three words I've been fighting and scared of saying to him. Look at me now though, shouting them at him.
"Well, well, well, The tables have turned."
"No, no, I mean...I like you, but..."
Think, think, loophole!!
"Uh huh." His voice not convinced.
"I meant you tell me how much you love me."
"Sure, sure whatever you say."
"So Lover, When are you going to answer my parent question?"
"If I go, will you agree with me that I didn't say I love you?"
"Yup." He smirks wider.
He's never going to live this down.
"Fine, I'll go." I grumble lowly.
"What was that?" Peter smiles widely.
"I said I'd go." I say louder.
"Atta Girl, Now lover, let's sleep the night away."
As long as it's my kind of sleep...wink, wink. Nah, I usually fall asleep in the next five minutes in his arms.

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