The End to Victor Von Doom?

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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | The End to Victor Von Doom?

"Three down ... two to go ..." Victor Von Doom muttered to himself with pride – his gaze lingered on the huge fireball in the middle of the ocean. The combustion of Johnny Storm.

Back in the Von Doom building; in the very office all this had begun from was Reed Richards tied to the desk chair – his hands and feet bound to the object. Frozen stiff, like a frozen Popsicle. Every part of his body was icy blue, his skin layered with frosty ice and his hair stiffer than Jack Frost's true personality.

Reed didn't remember much of what had happened, only that he had been knocked out by something. He vaguely remembered Victor; and coming to the conclusion he was behind his frozen behind and this was logical because he was definitely in the idiot's work room; inside the Doom Tower. For all the wakened 30 minutes he had been there, freezing – a pit in his stomach got worse and worse. Something in his gut was churning – every time when he thought about his sister's safety. He felt that something bad had happened, and judging on how he's ended up – it was completely plausible. But not something he wanted to believe sitting there with all his thoughts.

He was jogged out of his head when a rustle caught his ears, as painful as it was, he looked to the side slowly. He watched the switch turn off at the canister, the substance that had made him frozen was being cut off – by nothing? Susan! If he could at that moment, his eyes would have widened – scared for her safety much like he was frightened for what had happened to his sister.

The bounds around his extremities were being released also. "Sue..." He croaked, his voice barley above a whisper.

Sue stayed hidden within her powers, "What has he done to you?" She breathed to herself quietly, a nick in her voice that told anyone she was scared for Reed more than herself in this situation.

"How romantic?" A voice drawled behind them, initiating Sue's instincts in turning her around to the assailant. In the process her powers sunk away, going back to her original human body self.

Sue swallowed hard, resisting the urge to violently jump him then and there – not caring if she got hurt of not. He had done something to the girl she considered a sister – someone she knew her brother loved very much no matter how much he denied it. And now, he was hurting the one she loved more than anything in the whole world – her genius; Reed Richards. "Victor, please..." Maybe that crush he had on her would still give her some leverage, it was worth a shot if it meant getting out of there alive and Victor away from them for good.

Victor walked into the lightened area; he was wearing a black overall coat with two gold circular badges on either side of his chest – he had a hood attached to the coat, but underneath was what looked to be a mask made out of some kind of metal. "Call me ... Doom." He insisted.

"The machine works," Maybe they could bring him back to normal – bring back whatever good was left inside the man before things got ugly or will get ugly. "It's worked on ben, and it can work on you." She paused, trying to imagine what his facial expressions were like at that point. She couldn't see anything; nothing apart from his body movements that screamed he was in charge of the situation. "We can turn you back."

Reed could feel a little more; his limbs becoming a tiny bit more movable, now that the substance had been cut off from his body. His head slowly turned towards the Baxter building, noticing large flickers of light evolving around the top part – the part where they're apartment was. This time he did feel his eye widen at the prospect of what was happening up there.

Victor chuckled, darkness valid in his tone, "Do you really think fate turned us into God's so that we could refuse these gifts?" He questioned. He slowly began towards Susan, approaching at a strolling pace.

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