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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | Reunions

June arrived at Victor Von Doom's tower within no time; she left her car parked in the visitor's lot as she ran towards the front of the building - hoping to find her brother and Ben as quickly as possible. This would be the first time in a couple of months she's seen the both of the them in person. She had arrived back in town a couple of days ago, not that they knew this of course because they still thought she was getting a hotel after coming into town today. But no, she wanted a few days to herself in order to get everything together, so nothing could potentially be worried about later on.

Ben Grimm; he was a great guy but they weren't too close and this was because he's Reed's best friend. Although, he was great at making with the sarcastic comments – and in time the sarcastic mechanism had rubbed off on her a couple of times – mostly when it came to Victor Von Doom, a man whom both Ben and June didn't like at all. Both of them just always got a bad vibe from the guy, feeling it just roll off him whenever they were in his presence.

June stopped in the centre of the walkway, her eyes darting around the crowd, trying to see and hopefully find the familiar bodies of her brother and friend. It had only taken a moment though as she recognised her brother in his normal, black tie business suit while Ben (who was about twice the size of him) was wearing a brown rain coat and a cream turtle neck sweater. The two men stood side by side – gaping up at the massive statue of ... Victor Von Doom.

When June took her first look at the big piece of 'art work' (sarcastically noted) she shook her head in disgust. That guy just loved to waste money on stupid things like that, it doesn't even look that good to begin with. The whole piece was made in a stale black type of metal and you could clearly distinguish where every nut and bolt was – all stapled in at the seams. You could see them easily in either day or night ... that's how bad it looked. June noticed that there was still a repair man up near the neck of the statue, he seemed to be repairing it ... or finishing putting it together ... she couldn't tell.

June strolled towards Reed and Ben, coming to a stop behind them silently. Neither of them even noticed she was there as Ben began to speak, "Typical of Victor Von Doom to build himself a 30-foot statue of himself." His voice was riddled with irritation, especially since they were gonna have to see this guy for more than five seconds, and not only that ... they needed to convince the bastard to sponsor them with their proposal.

June sighed loudly to announce her presence, crossing her arms against her chest as she gained the boys attention. Both Reed and Ben went wide-eyed; startled by the loud sigh, making them jump with surprise. When they turned behind them, they saw June standing there – her arms crossed against her chest with a grin of amusement playing on her lips. "The statue is obviously aimed at the first-time visitors – it makes the population think they're smaller than Victor himself; creating a condemned atmosphere of nervousness and pity towards yourself for when you evidently screw up."

Ben's face instantly lit up with a beam, especially with what she had to say about the damn statue, "Good thing it ain't working, huh?" And almost instantly, he wrapped his arms around June before lifted her feet off the ground. "It's so good to see you, Squirt." He told her honestly.

June chuckled but grunted at the same time, not able to stop herself from being lifted up, "Good to see you too, Benny." She felt her feet touch the ground again as he let go of her, but then an annoyed scowl was painted across her lips, "Hey! I'm only 3 years younger than you guys." She exclaimed, she had always hated the name 'Squirt' ... it always made her sound like a kid again.

Ben huffed indifferently, "It's my nickname for you, deal with it." Not losing the name he came up with himself.

June rolled her eyes before turning to the brother who was just staring at her with a growing smile, it had actually been about a year since they had seen each other in person - unless you count phone calls and the occasional use of Skype, "Am I gonna get a hug then, big brother?" She asked sarcastically as she stretched out her arms to the sides – waiting for her brotherly hug.

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