How did I do that?

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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | How did I do that?

June groaned lowly as her eyes blinked open, a stream of harsh light hitting staining her face. It took a moment to adjust her vision to her surroundings and could vaguely feel something gripping her left hand, like someone was holding it. The grip tightened around her it as the person realised she was waking up.

"June," A male voice breathed, relief seeming to flow out of his mouth.

She used her free hand to wipe her eyes, removing any sleep that had accumulated there while she had slept. Wait? What happened, she didn't remember going to bed. But, then everything came back to her – the mission to the Von Doom Station, the fight with Reed about what she was hiding from him and what he was hiding from her ... being hit by cloud waves as it burst through the portal and hit them. The pain she felt, but also the strange things that went through her body when it hit.

It must have been a side effect – were they infected with something?

June's eyes opened, her vision clear. She looked over to her left side, thinking it was her brother that was holding her hand but her eyes widen in shock when she saw it was Johnny holding her hand – looking concerned; something she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Johnny?" She croaked before clearing her throat – it was like she hasn't used her voice in days. She slowly, yet confusingly pulled her hand away from his, ignoring the hurt expression he wore in his features. She started to sit up in the bed, trying not to look at him as she assessed her surrounding properly, "Where am I?" Her eyes gazed around the room, seeing that she was lying in a clean double bed - but it was much nicer than the one she had back home – there were medical monitors around her bed, they must be monitoring her body for anything bad.

Looking down at her clothing, she seemed to be wearing a pair of red plaid pyjama pants and a grey tank top – a set she had originally put in her mission bag before they left Earth. Her eyes suddenly noticed the light brown fluffy boots over to the side, ones that she'd usually wear around her apartment.

"Um," He began, trying to form a grin on his face – ignoring the loss of warmth his hand was experiencing, "We're in isolation ... in one of Victor's facility's. They didn't want to take the chance that we got infected by something when the cloud hit us ... back up at the Space Station."

June nodded, getting that idea from the fact that she's in some kind of medical room, "That's understandable – they wouldn't want anyone catching something if the cloud had given us an infection – something that could possibly wipe out the planet." Her eyes caught the large pot of fresh white lilies next to her bed. Reed must have put them there. She pointed to them, "Did Reed come in while I was asleep?" She questioned, finally looking up at him this time.

"No," Johnny shook his head for a second but then corrected himself, "Well, yes, he's come in every hour for the past two days you were asleep - but those lilies weren't from him," He looked down slightly, embarrassed, "They're, er, from me." He saw June look at him with appreciation, "I remembered that lilies were your favourite. The nurse tried to put rose's next to your bed, but then I reminded them that you were allergic."

June bit her lip, she was really getting confused as to why Johnny was trying so hard to get under her skin again – especially when he was the one who left her in the first place, "Thank you," She told him sincerely, giving him a small smile, "I didn't think you'd remember." She muttered to herself honestly. Really, she thought that when he left her – he'd forget everything about her.

"Where is my brother?" June recalled what Johnny just said - about Reed coming in to see her every hour or something.

Johnny grinned to himself, looking down at his watch before starting to count down, "3 ... 2 ... 1 –" As soon as he spoke the last number, the room door opened on the right side of the room - revealing Reed walking in ... wearing what looked to be old grandpa clothing.

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