The Plan

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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | The Plan

June grabbed the original blue suit she had worn the same time as the cloud had hit the five of them. Last night, she had a theory about them – if they had gotten these powers when the cloud hit them – when they were wearing these suits too, it made sense that they would adapt to their powers as their bodies change.

June smiled when she looked through the microscope to see a close up of the suit. (the fibres of the material) They were changing like they would – Sue's would turn invisible when she would – Johnny's would adapt to fire and her brother's would fit him even when he stretched out a limb. For Ben, the suit is stretchable so she could easily modify the garment to his size. For her, her body didn't change like everyone else's so it was really going to just be a protection for her, of sorts.

It would feel awkward if everyone else wore the suit and she didn't – no matter how much she felt uncomfortable in it, she'd have to get used to it.


"The uniforms we wore up at the Von Doom Space Station were exposed to the storm cloud, like us," June began to explain to everyone, she was already in her own suit again. Everyone else had changed into theirs as well, especially when June realized something Reed didn't even think about.

In Ben's case, though, he refused to put it on – mostly because of his size but really, he hated the things even before becoming an orange rock figure. "Meaning they'll be able to transform like us ... well, you guys can. I don't have a physical difference, but you do." She was sitting next to her brother, Sue was holding Ben's suit, probably thinking the same as June when it came to fitting it to Ben's size.

Reed nodded, impressed ... how come he never thought of that? "Becoming invisible in Sue's case, for me it would be changing size on demand and for Johnny, it'll remain impervious to flames."

Ben snorted when he got a good look at the four in their costumes, "You guys look like an 80's rock band." He chuckled, finding the outfits even funnier back down on Earth.

Sue tilted her head at him, "You know Ben, this material stretches." She started, glancing at June who had nodded – indicating that she knew what the blonde was going to say, "I'm sure June and I can figure a way to make it fit."

Ben waved it off, he never liked the suits in the first place, "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." He stated, waving his metal jug of soda around – they wouldn't get him wearing that ... thing.

Johnny ran his hands up and down his suit, "I LOVE these costumes," He grinned manically, excitement bubbling in his gut – wanting to show it off, but there was just something missing, "They're missing something, though, like ... spice." He tried to think of the proper word for what he was trying to insinuate.

Reed sighed, Johnny was the one who seemed to like going against what people say – that alone made it frustrating for everyone. "They're NOT costumes."

Sue agreed, there was no way they were going to become this 'Fantastic Five' group everyone in the public was now talking about, "You CAN'T use your powers in public, Johnny." She told her younger brother with a stern note to her voice.

Johnny did a couple of poses to, acting as though he were a model, "Ugh, you guys are worse than NASA." He grumbled, huffing to himself like a child.

June rolled her eyes at the whining, ignoring him as usual.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt." Ben retorted after a second but didn't look up – he then chuckled to himself, finding his own comment terribly funny.

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