The Baxter Building

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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | The Baxter Building

June stepped out of the police car with Johnny, Sue and Reed behind her. They came out one by one while Ben had to come out of a police van, one that usually carried criminals back and forth from prisons. Ben had put on his brown rain coat and grey hat again before they left the bridge site. All five of them would be staying in the Baxter building from now on, needing to stick together and wanting to fix this problem as quickly as possible. Reed and June had already been living together in the Baxter building about a week before the mission - June was pretty much in the same living arrangements as before she moved away.

All around them, people were cheering as the crowd got a visual of the 'Fantastic Five'. The five of them were the heroes who stopped the bridge disaster from getting out of hand and losing lives, they even had special powers to go with them!

June walked into the Baxter building, her brother and Sue following her – not even realising that Johnny and Ben were still outside with the crowd. An older man in a doorkeeper uniform walked up to them with a small yet inviting smile, "Is all that for you, Miss June, Dr. Richards?" Gesturing the roaring crowd outside the building.

June sighed looking back at the doors, "Unfortunately." She nodded, suddenly feeling tired after the events of the day. She hasn't even properly rested after her energy slip back on the bridge, but she ignored it – not wanting anyone to worry about her health. She was sure that the nose bleed had come from the strength of the water barrier she had instantly created, it was also the first time she had ever used it - so her theory was, that the more times she used it, the more she got used to it. And then, she wouldn't have to worry about the energy slip because she'll be stronger with her powers.

Reed looked back too, also feeling drained, "It's all to do with the bridge event." He gestured towards the elevator to June and Sue, "Let's get up there." The girls nodded before following him, watching as the older man left to continue with his duties.

They noticed Johnny and Ben come up behind them just as the mail man - Willie, caught up to the Richards siblings, "Welcome back to the Baxter, Dr. Richards, Miss June." He started to pull open his mail bag, "I've got the usual and it is so nice to see you back June. Your brother had missed you around here dearly."

June chuckled slightly, she had missed this man after being away so long, "Yeah, seems as though he can't live without me." She grabbed the letters for herself that the Willie passed to her. Reed took his own as well, but his was almost a metre pile in his hand. The nice old man nodded to them with a smile, "Good to have you both back, sir, ma'am."

"Thanks, Willie!" Both Richards siblings called out to him as he walked away, the man having to deliver a lot more letters before the end of the day.

June sighed and grabbed Reed's letters from him when he just skimmed through them, "Give them here." She saw Reed glance over to a concerned Sue, the woman having seen what the letters were about, "We've had a tough year." With that, they all walked into the elevator that opened up. June skimmed through the letters; they were pretty much all final notices and bills that needed to be paid. They really needed to find a way to gain some money before they lose the Baxter building – they couldn't lose this place; it's been their home for years before their parents passed away.

Ben scoffed from behind, glancing over to Sue, "Yeah, like nine straight." The elevator creaked when everyone got on. June didn't notice this as she handed the letters back to Reed before leaning against the side of the lift's wall.

The doors closed, waiting to go up to their level but neither of them felt the lift move an inch. Johnny decided to be sarcastic, "Either we're moving really fast or not at all."

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