Johnny being an idiot, again

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Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | Johnny being an idiot, again

June and Reed were in the Baxter Building lab; getting to work on the machine that coincided with the design they created – the device that would turn them back to normal. They knew it would take a while, but just like June promised, they were going to make sure Ben returned to his normal human-like body as soon as possible.

The construction itself was actually coming along nicely – moving at a good pace, time-wise anyway. Every time they started a new section to the project; both Richards siblings took detailed notes, making sure they didn't miss anything. Any minor detail that's missed and not re-checked ... could quite possibly end in disaster.

As soon as the machine's built, they'd be able to get to the hardest part of the project – the trial and error simulation faze.


Over an hour into the process; Ben padded in with his rocky feet slamming against the ground towards the siblings and Sue, an angry expression plastered on his face, "You need to see this." He told them, leading them quickly towards the living room area. The TV was still on and the show that was playing seemed to be a motorbike show.

The guest star ... Johnny 'the idiot' Storm.

Sue placed her hands on her hips, standing next to June as they stared at the screen. They stopped behind the couch, Reed next to them while Ben paced angrily. "He didn't." Sue sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

How did she happen to get a brother so immature and reckless as him?!

Sue really wished she was dreaming right now – Johnny was flaunting about with the crowd. The crowd roared with cheers as a response for him. She was so going to kill him later!

June nodded but it was obvious that she wasn't at all surprised by the turn of events – she knew something like this would have happened sooner or later. It just goes to show how much she really knew about the bastard. "Of course he is." She scoffed, narrowing her eyes towards the screen at how predictable he seemed to be.

Ben clenched his fists, feeling an unbelievable urge to strangle the kid until he choked, "Flame boy NEVER listens!"

Sue's eyes quickly caught something on her brother's uniform through the camera staring at him, there was some kind of logo plastered on his chest. "What did he do with his uniform?" She questioned, squinting her eyes. There was a large '5' symbol on his chest, it was clear as to what it actually meant.

The Fantastic Five.

Reed silently looked down to his own uniform, seeing the '5' on his too – he had been the one to do it to the uniforms but it was a secret. No one else in the room had their uniform on so it was easy to hide it – of course, until Johnny took his out of the cupboard and wore it.

The woman interviewing Johnny spoke up, holding the microphone over to him, "Johnny, I've gotta ask you about this outfit." Gesturing towards the Fantastic Five uniform with an interested look on her face – she was desperate for information about this new superhero team in town.

Johnny sent his signature smile towards the camera – June would never admit it out loud, but that smile always gave her the butterflies. She suddenly shook her head, disapproving of her own bad thoughts – NO! She couldn't go through something like that again, the first time almost broke her heart completely in two. "Yeah, it's sort of Armani meets astronaut." Johnny commented, flashing another smile.

"So ... what are your superhero names?"

Johnny grinned, practically brimming with excitement – he's been waiting for that question all week, "They call me 'The Human Torch' ... but June calls me 'Torch'." June narrowed her eyes even further – actually, the only things she's been calling him lately is 'Storm', and not in a nice sense.

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