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If anyone has watched 'H20 Just Add Water' then you'll figure out that June's power are a mix of all four girls.

Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | Powers?

As soon as they returned to the Medical Centre, Johnny and June headed straight to the dining room. It was the most likely place for everyone to be – no one really liked staying in one room for hours on end. Johnny was still wearing June's coat around his waist, but other than that – still pretty bare.

On the way back from the 'Powers' incident and on the helicopter – somehow, when June got frustrated with Johnny (which wasn't a total surprise) she was able to explode the water bottle the Pilot had beside him ... then it steamed up, leaving no water behind. She evaporated every water particle in the plastic bottle.

June had to admit it - the powers were pretty cool. But, it felt uncontrolled and scary - she was able to bend and manipulate water to whatever she liked and it was ... strange and unknown. It wasn't natural for the human species to have this kind of power – ever!

They were able to find Reed and Sue in the dining room; they were sitting opposite each other on a three-person table. And, just by looking at their faces, they knew the pair had just figured out the same thing as they did.

"Reed!" June called out the moment she saw her brother, quickly making her way over to him with the half-naked guy right next to her. She had to keep stopping herself from looking below Johnny's waistline, she really didn't want to flush an embarrassed shade right now.

"Hey, you guys!" Johnny yelled out at the same time, his hand still harbouring the side of June's coat, preventing the material from falling to the floor. He really didn't want it to fall off in front of his sister, but in front of June however ... he was okay with it. "You are NEVER going to believe what just happened to us." Gesturing his hand between him and June – most likely giving the siblings the wrong thoughts.

Reed and Sue looked at him with a frown, subtly glancing down Johnny's body to see him only wearing June's coat around his waist. They looked to June with a raised eyebrow, wanting an explanation to why Johnny was standing there - practically naked. Both silently wondering if something happened between them. The two knew a past was present between June and Johnny.

June sighed, not thinking that the older siblings looks could be insinuating something, "That's part of the non-believing part," Gesturing to Johnny's lack of clothing, "His incident left him naked in the middle of a water hole – his clothes had been burnt off. And, uh, I'm a different story." She paused, turning to her brother with a serious spark in her eyes, "Reed, something's happened to us ... and I think the cloud has something to do with it."


Reed, Sure, June and Johnny quickly walked through the facility and towards Ben's room, "I think June's right, Reed." Sue spoke, trying to get past Reed's stubborn thinking for once, "It HAS to be the cloud. It's fundamentally altered our DNA." It was the only reason to explain the fact that her own body disappeared, and Reed with his stretchy limbs.

Reed looked hesitant to believe that notion, because it was and is an impossible conclusion ... even if it did come from Sue ... and his brilliant sister, "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need a massive amount of evidence before making that leap." He still didn't believe that his arm really had stretched that far - he was leaning towards the conclusion that it could have been an hallucination.

However, that explanation couldn't work because the same thing happened to Sue ... at the exact same time. Similar events had happened to June and Johnny as well – they couldn't have all been having hallucinations at the same time.

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