chapter 2

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Chloe POV

I woke up slowly and as I opened my eyes fully expecting to see the gym ceiling or possibly a hospital ceiling I saw a ceiling fan. Sitting up I looked around the room and saw a flat screen TV and deep purple walls. A chair was situated right next to the bed and I saw familiar dark hair laying on the bed. I poked her in the head. "Wha...what's going on?" she said as she jerked upright. "I was about to ask you the same thing actually." I said looking at her. Suddenly she stood up and looked at me. Before I could do or say anything she jumped up on the bed hugged me all weariness gone. "Oh my god you're finally awake. I've been waiting here since yesterday afternoon!" I stared at her. "How long was I out?" She shrugged and said "Oh about, fifteen hours or so. It's five thirty in the morning." Suddenly I realized she was still hugging/straddling me on what I assumed to be her bed. "Um, I am alive ya know, you can get off now." She blushed and quickly hopped off me. "Sorry, I forgot." She was extremely embarrassed now and I felt a little guilty. Throwing the covers off I got up and walked to where she was standing. "It's ok Callie, not a big deal." I said before I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug. She was stiff at first but soon relaxed into it. I released her and grabbed her hand leading her over to the bed. Sitting down indian style she copied my movements before asking "How's the pain?" I groaned when I realized the pounding headache I had. "Ugh, someone's hammering my head." She laughed a little bit at that and then met my gaze. "Um, your shirt you were wearing, it uh, it had some blood on it so I changed your top." She said nervously. The smile was practically slapped off my face when I realized she had seen all the scars. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the door bolting down the hallway determined to get away but had no idea where I was going having never been in her house before. Stumped I reached the end of the hallway and just saw Callie exiting her bedroom, or at least I assumed the room I was in had been hers, it smelled like her. Shaking lose my thoughts I bolted down the other hallway and reached stairs and ran down them as fast as I could but made a wrong turn and was cornered by Callie who looked a little scary and also upset. She stalked towards me and scooped me up over her shoulder. I struggled and squirmed but before I could do much I had been carried back up the stairs and had entered her bedroom where Callie had me pinned underneath her body. She had a much bigger build than I did and the struggle didn't last long. She looked down at me from her position and stared at my eyes. "I'm not trying to force you into telling me anything, when you want to tell me I'll be here, but I don't want you running away again." She said softly. Nobody had ever spoken to me like that about my scars, they wanted to know how I got them or they immediately ran from me, thinking I was a bad person. Suddenly it was too much for me to handle that Callie, whom I had known for a day, was giving me everything I didn't realize I needed. I started sobbing when I felt her shift her weight. Looking past the tears I saw her lean down and wrap her arms around my shaking body. She rolled so it was me laying next to her while she was on her back. Her arms were around my torso and I was half on top of her while I buried my face into her neck. She held me for a long time while I cried. Eventually I stopped crying and wiped the tears away. I sat up and so did Callie. She pulled me onto her lap and just soothed me while I calmed down. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I never would have changed you had I known, just please look at me." Callie said. "No, I'm not mad at you Callie, I barely know you but I have a feeling I won't be mad at you very often. I was just crying because you care and you didn't run. It has been so long since somebody cared about me and now you kind of know my secret and it's just really nice to not feel worthless. Instead of running or judging you stayed and for that I owe you an explanation." I finished and looked at her to see a tear running down her face. I wiped away the tear and pulled her close for a hug. "Chloe you don't have to tell me, it's ok, you don't even know me." She said sadly. "I know I don't have to Callie but I want to, for the first time ever I want to tell someone and that someone is you." So after I looked at her she nodded her head letting me know it was ok to start. So I did. I told her about the abuse from my dad and the scars I put on myself. I told her about my mom and the whole time she just held me in her lap like I was a child. After I was done I pulled off my shirt and pointed to the scars on my torso explaining how each one happened. Some from beer bottles he threw, others from being pushed into things. I slipped my shirt back on and saw the tears in her eyes. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that. If there was any way I could take away the pain of your past I would but for right now I'm just going to focus on what I can change in the present and future. You will not be going back to that house, you can stay here with me. I'll explain the situation to my parents and you will stay here." She said. I blinked a few times not believing what I was hearing. I could get out of that house, no more abuse, no more drunk father. The tears were overfilling my eyes and I let them flow freely. Callie wiped the tears away before I could and hugged me. "Really? You're letting me stay here? I don't have to go back to him?" Pulling me into her even more she replied with "Of course not, you're not going anywhere. I would tie you down before I let you go back." I smiled at her and said "This is so crazy. I hardly know you, and yet I'm going to live with you." She smiled at me and said "Well, personally I feel a strong connection with you, it makes it seem like I've known you forever. And after tonight you will know me very well." I gaped at her in shock of what she just said before she blurted out "Oh my god! I did not mean it like that! Totally a misunderstanding I meant we will talk and hang out so you can get to know me." I burst into laughter before replying with "Wow, I guess I'm not your type then huh?" She thought I was serious and was quick to say "No! You are totally my type I just..." She trailed off when she saw my face. I was openly staring at her now, no amusement, dead serious. "I am going to get up and go to the bathroom now, hopefully you will forget everything I just said and we can act like it never happened." She started to pull away but I grabbed her wrist and yanked her into my chest. "I don't want to act like it never happened Callie." She looked at me processing what I just told her before meeting my gaze again. "'re uh, you like me?" She asked looking very confused. Just as I opened my mouth to respond we heard the front door open and close before a female voice called out "Callie, I'm home honey. Where are you?" She responded quickly. "In my room mom! I have a friend over." Callie stated. She looked over at me before saying "This topic isn't over, but right now we need to go talk to my mom." I groaned at Callie before heaving myself out of bed and pulling her up with me. "Ok then, let's go say hi to the lady that determines my fate." I said dramatically before walking down the stairs.

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