chapter 9

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"No, no she can't." I was screaming into Robert's shoulder. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to his police car. "It'll be alright Chloe, she will be fine, she's a fighter." I calmed down while listening to Robert but the emotion in his voice was enough to send me into a frenzy. The car roared to life and pretty soon we were flying down the highway after the ambulance. "It's all my fault, I'm so sorry Callie, I'm so sorry." I was curled up in the backseat and the fifteen minute ride to the hospital was the longest one of my life. When we got there I bolted out of the car and rushed to the gurney where Callie was lying motionless. "Baby I'm so sorry. Don't give up, please." I grabbed her hand and ran into the hospital keeping pace with the gurney until it went past a set of double doors. After the doors swung closed I crumpled to a heap on the floor sobbing my heart out. A strong pair of arms lifted me up and carried me to a seat. Nothing could be said to console me until Isabelle showed up and wrapped her arms around me hugging me in my seat. We sat there for hours waiting to hear news on Callie. Eventually a very pretty doctor with blonde hair and butterflies on her scrub cap came out and walked towards us. "Family of Calliope Torres?" Robert stood up along with me and Isabelle. "Yes, can you tell us how she is?" The doctor introduced herself. "Yes sir, I'm Dr. Arizona Robbins, the one who's been operating on her this whole time. I am pleased to inform you that she is out of surgery and is expected to make a full recovery. The anesthesia should be wearing off and if all goes well she will be awake within the hour. I must warn you though she suffered a severe concussion and will be very groggy." We all sighed in relief. I walked over and hugged the doctor. "Thank you, that girl is everything to me, I'm not sure where I would be without her." The doctor hugged me back and when she pulled away she smiled at me. "It's moments like these that make the job worth it." With that said she walked away to leave us processing all the new information. "She's going to be ok, I can't believe it." We all hugged and I was so overwhelmed with happiness. "When can we see her?" Robert walked over to the receptionist and started talking for a little while. When he came back he was grinning. "Let's go see her." We all started walking towards the elevator and soon we were standing outside Callie's room. I entered first and the sight almost broke my heart. She was hooked up to machines and the consistent beeping of the heart monitor let us know she was alive. I sat down next to her bed and held her hand in relief. We all sat there for what seemed like hours and when the doctor came in I got a bad feeling. Dr. Robbins took one look at our faces and her smile faded. "How was she when she woke up?" At this I knew something had gone wrong. Robert answered for me. "She hasn't yet." This had an immediate reaction on Robbins. "I am going to have to ask you all to leave, I need to run some tests and see what happened." We were ushered out of the door and we stood in the hallway never leaving the door waiting for what the doctor had to say. After a while she came out and walked over to us. "Your daughter is in a coma. I am so sorry but I can't give you a time when she will wake up, if she ever does. Sometimes these things happen during surgery and they can't always be explained." Looking sad and defeated she started walking away. The emotions my body had been through were too much and I said "Dr. Robbins" but was cut off by blackness and the last thing I remember was a delicate pair of arms catching me.

I groaned when I woke up and suddenly the memories came rushing back. My father, the accident, waiting for her to wake up, receiving the news that she might not, and then finally the ground rushing towards me. Looking around I found a pair of blue eyes staring at me intently. "How are you feeling?" Meeting the gaze of Dr. Robbins I gave a half hearted smile. "Alright I guess. Where is Robert and Isabelle?" She gave me a real smile back. "They are in Callie's room. They were here but they decided to go see Callie when I came in to check on you." I wondered why a doctor like herself would bother waiting in my room. "Not that I'm complaining but aren't you supposed to be out there saving someone's life?" She laughed a little and smiled. "Actually my shift ended an hour ago but I wanted to come check up on you and your family." Well I guess some doctors really do care. "That's nice of you. Thanks." She stood up and moved her chair closer to the edge of the bed. We continued to talk for another hour or so about random things until the Torres' came back in. "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" She bent down and gave me a hug. "I'm doing good, feeling better and enjoying Arizona's company." Arizona smiled at the use of her first name. Standing up she said "Well I think I'll be off, time to get some sleep, but I will be back at eight tonight for my new shift. Nice meeting you all." With that said she walked away and left me wondering about all the information I had learned. They filled me in on Callie's condition and all my happiness vanished. She was in a coma and nobody could tell us when that might change. "I'm sorry guys, it's all my fault. If I had never met her she wouldn't be in a coma right now." The guilt of the situation was eating me alive. They hugged me and assured me it wasn't any of my fault, that it was an accident but I didn't believe them. After a while I noticed the bags under their eyes and urged them to go home for some rest. I had to be kept here for another day and night because they wanted to make sure I wasn't suffering from any side effects of the accident. After they left I fell back asleep still drained from the difficulties of the past few days. When I woke up again there was nothing for me to do so I just watched TV and ordered some lunch because I hadn't eaten in a long time. I thought long and hard about Callie but eventually there was nothing I could think about anymore that wouldn't eat me alive with guilt so I thought about Arizona and I's conversation. She was twenty two compared to my seventeen but we still got along pretty well. Lots in common but sadly, I had a feeling I would be at the hospital a lot visiting Callie. That made it hard to think positive about hanging out with Arizona and possibly being friends. Ugh my head hurts so much. I drifted off once again and when I woke up the Torres' were there along with Arizona. She spoke up soon. "Well I'm here to give you the good news, you're free to leave and go home now but if you feel any head pain or you pass out again I need to know immediately." Smiling she walked out of the room. I stood up and walked to the bathroom getting dressed. After I was ready to go we stopped by to see Callie again. After hanging out a while I was ready to leave and we took off heading for home. It felt so weird to be there and not have Callie with me. We all stayed silent during dinner and soon it was time for bed. I walked into my bedroom but after getting under the covers I gave up and instead crawled into Callie's bed curling up in a ball and hugging a pillow. A routine was soon established without Callie at the Torres household. I started going to school again and a normal teenage life was set for me with the only difference being my daily trips to the hospital. Sometimes I would go in the morning or at night, other times after school occasionally seeing Arizona. The school year passed in this fashion and soon I was off to the local college attending night classes. At this point Callie had been in a coma for two years and hope of her ever waking was very small. After the first few months I learned to deal with the grief but I still visited her at least three times a week when my night classes allowed. Over the course of two years I had managed to somewhat move on from Callie and I was now actually seeing Arizona. She had been there for me through the roughest parts and was always able to support me when I got depressed. Sometimes the guilt that I was feeling overwhelmed me because it felt like I was cheating on Callie but Arizona was always there to calm me down. We moved at a slow pace but another three years passed in this fashion wherein I graduated from college and got a job, also moving in with Arizona this past month. Tonight I was headed to the hospital to see Callie and Arizona. She never got jealous of the fact that I still saw Callie and for that I was forever grateful. When I had finished visiting with Callie I walked around the hospital finding Arizona. "Hey babe, what's up?" She smiled at me and pulled me in for a kiss. "Not much, just got done with a pregnant mother that was quite the mess of hormones but I smoothed it all out." We started walking down the hall when suddenly I looked around and saw nobody was there. "Where is everybody tonight?" On cue all the nurses came in from various rooms and arranged themselves in a certain order music playing softly in the background. Suddenly I started crying when I looked around the room and saw all the nurses had a letter that spelled out Will you marry and I looked around for me but couldn't find it. Arizona cleared her throat and I spun around to find her kneeling with a ring box in one hand and I sign that said ME on it. The sobs continued as Arizona poured her heart out to me. "Babe I love you so much and I know we've only been together for three years but in that time I've fallen so in love with you and I can't imagine life without you. So what do you say? Marry me?" I looked down at this wonderful woman and for a second I hesitated remembering Callie but then I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around her kissing her passionately. "Yes baby yes, I love you so much." We hugged while everyone cheered and after a while we all drifted apart. It had been three months since that wonderful night and I was headed into work when I got a phone call. Looking down at the caller I.D. I saw it was Arizona. Smiling I answered the phone. "Hey babe." Her voice blared through the phone and I almost dropped it. Ending the call I dialed Robert's number. Yes, I still kept in contact with them going there for dinner every week. "Robert, it's me. Come to the hospital right away. Callie's awake."

Yes I am that evil lol. Don't hate me for not updating but I'm writing five stories all at the same time right now so it's time consuming. Feel free to read my other books as well if you like this one.     

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