chapter 7

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Callie POV

I woke up to a small kiss on my cheek and a voice whispering that it was time to get up. Groaning I rolled over and stretched but while I was stretching my body started sliding and before I could catch myself I fell off the bed into a messy heap on the floor. Laying there for a moment trying to process things this early I saw a head peek over the bed giggling. "How's the floor?" I just let out a grunt and stood up before grabbing my outfit for the day and walking into the bathroom. "I take It that means not good!" I heard Chloe say through the door. I had just switched into a normal bra and was brushing my teeth at the same time when I swung the door open. Keeping my head up so not to drool toothpaste all over I said "You know I am not a morning person so why are you acting so happy? The only reason I'm up is because we have to go to school today and grab our things for the next week." I closed my mouth and looked down to see her gaze was directed at my chest. Without realizing it I had been in the middle of changing when I opened the door. I smirked a little before walking back into the bathroom and finishing brushing my teeth as well as finishing up getting dressed I walked back out and saw she was still sitting on my bed. Walking over I kissed her briefly on the lips and said "Bathrooms available, although you do have your own." She crawled out of bed and walked into my closet looking for something to wear. "And feel free to wear my clothes, that's totally fine too!" She came out grinning and walked into my bathroom. Gathering all my things I waited for her to come out. Eventually the door opened and I grabbed her hand before walking into the kitchen for breakfast. I froze in my tracks when I saw my mom sitting at the table. Before I could figure out what to do or say she stood up and looked at me. "I'm so sorry honey, I know last night must have been pretty terrible not knowing but I was just so shocked, you had never showed any interest in girls before." I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her too overwhelmed to speak. My mom accepted me, she didn't hate me or think any less of me or kick me out. The burden of uncertainty was released off my shoulders and I could breathe again. I took a while to compose an answer because that is so not what I was expecting to come out of her mouth, especially not so suddenly. Soon enough though I felt the warmth rush through me as I realized I had nothing to worry about anymore. All I could muster as a reply was "Thanks mom, and it's ok, I'm fine, Chloe helped me through last night." At the mention of Chloe my moms head snapped in her direction. "Thank you" was all she said to her. Chloe just smiled and said "No big deal, it's not like she hasn't helped me through worse." We all three hugged for a while before I broke off saying we had to go to school. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door with Chloe right behind me. Hopping into the drivers side I roared the engine to life. Being as girlie as I am most people think I have some chick car but no, there is no fun in doing the expected. I had a white bronco that me and my dad jacked up allowing it to sit way off the ground. After pulling out the driveway I took Chloe's hand in mine and smiled. All was well with the world. "Babe I had no idea this was yours! I assumed it was your dad's." She giggled at me. "You don't like my car?" I asked. Giggling some more she said "No, I love it, it's very you somehow, and sexy as hell that you drive this monster." I felt myself blush a little and grinned. Soon afterword we pulled into the school lot and quite literally hopped out of the bronco. Chloe looked a little nervous because she hadn't been to school except that one day, between her being knocked out and the incident with her dad we had both missed a few days. I walked around the side of the car and helped her down grabbing her hand as soon as we both had our backpacks on. "Are you sure you want to go public with me?" I stopped immediately and turned around. "Of course I do, I don't want to be with anyone else and I don't care what people think of me. If my friends aren't ok with it then they aren't very good friends anyway." She smiled and started walking into the school with me hand in hand. Of course we got some looks because it isn't everyday you see the shy new beat up girl walking into school hand in hand with the popular girl everyone likes. But nobody said or did anything mean to either of us so we just carried on with our day per the usual. Everything went without a hitch that day until we reached gym. I slipped on my clothes and headed out to the gym before Chloe was done not thinking anything of it. In a few minutes everyone started trickling out of the locker room except two people. Chloe and Michelle. Michelle was probably the only one in the school who didn't like me. I grew more and more concerned until eventually Michelle walked out with a smug look on her face. I didn't even think twice before running into the locker room searching for Chloe. I found her curled up in a ball with her hands over her ears like she was trying to block out voices. I knelt down next to her and uncurled her body. I saw the tears on her face and got pissed. And I mean absolutely pissed like never before. "What happened?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level. "Nothing, I'm fine, really I am." All I did was send her a look before she opened her mouth again. "Ok, well that chick who just walked out of here saw me changing and noticed the scars, the ones on my wrist and on my torso, and didn't have very nice things to say about it." I was almost shaking with the amount of rage I felt inside of me because I knew it was partly my fault. I should have stayed in here until she was done changing. Noticing the look on my face she was quick to try and calm me down. One thing she hadn't learned about me yet was that when I was this pissed off, I couldn't be calmed down no matter what she said. I stood up pulling her with me and just dried her eyes before we walked out to the gym. I kept my face neutral for Chloe's sake so she would think I had calmed down. The teams were being picked and naturally, me and Michelle were put on opposing teams. Today we were playing capture the flag and I knew that bitch was going to get body slammed. We put on our jerseys and Chloe was on my team today, judging by the look she gave me I knew she knew I wasn't calmed down. I took my spot and waited for the opportunity. Michelle was stupid enough to think I wasn't madder than hell so she had no idea what was coming her way. I watched her cross into my territory and make a beeline straight for our flag. I wasn't very fast but when I got going their was no stopping me. I was a brick wall when my body slammed chest first into Michelle. Being smaller than me of course I sent her to her ass a few feet away. She looked kind of dazed and just sat there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened. By now most of the gym class had gathered around us eager to see how it would all play out. She finally seemed to realize the situation and jumped to her feet. "Bitch what was that for?" she shouted at me. I just grinned at her hiding my anger until the right moment. Stupidly fearless she walked right up to me where I was standing with my arms crossed over my chest and got in my face. I just looked down at her and laughed. This got her mad so she decided to push my shoulder back. I stopped laughing. "You really do not want to touch me right now, it will end very badly for you." The anger was suddenly visible all over my body from my eyes to my posture. Everyone around us took a few steps back while Michelle held her ground. Stupid but brave, I'll give the girl that. "Do what? This?" She said while pushing my shoulder again. I uncrossed my arms and took a wider stance. "Touch me one more time. I dare you." Suddenly I saw her wind her fist back and thought wow, she is actually gonna punch me. Just as she was about to hit me I saw dark hair in my face and suddenly it was Chloe who had took the punch for me. She doubled over on the ground and clutched her stomach. Every cell in my body could feel what was about to happen as I literally lost my shit. Michelle looked at my face and realized her mistake too late. I had already reached out and grabbed a fistful of her shirt. "You'll regret that." I made a fist like my dad had taught me and threw one straight to her nose. It made a satisfying crunch on impact and Michelle was crying in pain but also anger. She slapped me in the face leaving a mark I was sure but before she could react from the slap she gave me I already had walked back against the wall and pinned her against it. "If you ever touch her, or harm her in any way, I will make this seem like child's play. Got it?" She nodded her head and I pushed her against the wall hard enough to knock the breath out of her. I knelt down to Chloe once again and helped her stand up through the pain. "Are you ok?" She nodded saying "Yea, I owed you one anyway." After a second I realized she was talking about the punch from her father that should have hit her but I blocked with my own body. "You never owed me for that but I am glad you seem alright. Let's go get changed and head home." We walked into the locker room and grabbed our stuff before heading to the parking lot and driving home ready to relax for the rest of our week.

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