chapter 12

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Callie's POV

My heart was in a million pieces. I was the maid of honor in Chloe's wedding. Chloe's wedding. How did this ever happen? My soul mate, she was getting married to a great girl, but that girl wasn't me. I'll see her walk down that isle and I will stand next to her on her wedding day, but I won't be the one she  is looking at, oh no, I will be the one she hands her bouquet to. I was drowning in my own self pity party and probably would have remained so had it not been for my parents who came rushing into the room instantly making me panic. "What? What happened? Please tell me what's wrong!" They stood there like statues, neither wanting to tell me what the hell was going on. Tentatively my dad spoke up. "Callie, there has been an accident and Chloe and Arizona stopped to help because they needed more doctors and more policemen. Arizona made it out with a messed up leg, but Callie, an oil tanker blew up, and Chloe got part of the impact." The tears were streaming down my face. I take it all back, I don't care if she marries Arizona, just please don't let her be dead! I can't lose her like this, not more than I already have. My silent prayers went up and in the next second I swung my feet over the side of the bed and grabbed my wheelchair. My parents helped me knowing I couldn't be stopped. When I was seated I wheeled myself into the hallway and to the nurses station. "Where is Arizona Robbins?" The nurse looked surprised by the use of the doctors first name but recovered enough to speak. "She's with her fiancé right now, she doesn't want to be bothered." Anger surged in me and I wanted nothing more than to get up and slap the lady. "That fiancé happens to be my best friend in this whole damn world now tell me where the hell they are!" My mom looked upset at my outburst as it was not very lady like but my dad looked proud, even in a wheelchair I was still a Torres, and a Torres is not to be messed with. The nurse cleared her throat and looked at her computer for a minute. "Dr. Robbins is in her office waiting for news on Chloe, Chloe is in surgery." As soon as she was finished I wheeled around and took off to her office needing to know what happened from someone that was there. When I entered the room I saw a different side of Arizona. She was in her chair with her head in her hands and was crying as silently as she could. At an utter lose for words I wheeled over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up surprised and let out a small smile when she saw it was me. "I suppose you want to know what's going on." I nodded my head. "Chloe was running from an oil tanker while I was being carried away by a stupid fireman because my leg was damaged. I watched as the fire got closer to the tank and then I knew it was going to blow up. I screamed her name and fought to get away from him but I couldn't. I watched as the tank blew and Chloe was pushed forward by the blast onto her face. I looked into her eyes as she was knocked out and rode to the hospital in her ambulance. Callie, I don't know if she'll be ok. Her back is covered in third degree burns and shrapnel was piercing her everywhere. I just don't know." I felt like crying but I knew I had to be strong for this woman. Getting up we moved to the couch together where I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close, both of us needing the comfort as she cried into my shoulder and I let the occasional tear fall. We waited like that for two hours hoping to get word about her when finally a short female doctor came in. Introducing herself to me as Dr. Bailey I shook her hand and waited for the news. "Chloe survived the surgery, all the shrapnel is out of her back and skin grafts are being prepared for when we will fix the burns. Some of the shrapnel pierced her head and ribs so we are not sure how she will be when she wakes up, and as for the ribs, it didn't pierce a lung so those will mend in time. As of right now it looks like she will be ok." I got up a little shaky and bent down to hug the short woman. "Thank you, so much." She smiled and walked to the door. "It was my pleasure." Then she walked away. Sitting back down I looked at Arizona. "Why don't you look happy right now? They said she would be ok." A small smile was given before she told me. "I'll believe it when she wakes up. I remember all those years ago when I told Chloe you would wake up in a few hours, and I remember well the look of pure devastation on her face when I had to tell her you might not wake up at all." Now I understood. Arizona was a doctor, she knew that things like this didn't always go as planned, so it was best not to get your hopes up. "Come on, let's go see her." I tugged on her hand before sitting back down in my wheelchair and together we made our way towards Chloe's room. When we got there I was at a loss for words. She lay on her stomach because all the damage was done to her back and numerous tubes were hooked to her body. The heart monitor was beeping steadily and I was simply lost for words not knowing how to process her condition. Before my coma Chloe was strong yes, but also slightly unstable because of the problems she faced. When I woke up from the coma Chloe was no longer weak in any way. Instead she was a grown woman who faced her problems head on. And now, she looked so fragile so very easily broken and oh so capable of leaving this world. Getting close to the bed I reached over and grabbed her hand while Arizona did the same on the opposite side of her. We sat there for hours holding her hand and hoping she would wake up without any luck and eventually I drifted off to sleep Chloe's hand still in mine. I was awoken by a squeeze on my hand. Looking up I saw Chloe's eyes slowly open as she blinked trying to see me in the dark of her room. "Calliope? Am I dreaming? You're in a coma, you are in a hospital bed and have been for the past month. What's going on?" I didn't know how to respond to that. Sitting up I looked over at Arizona who had a look on her face of utter devastation.

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