chapter 14

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Chloe's POV

My head was pounding and I went to rub it when I felt a tug that stopped me. Opening my eyes I looked down at my wrist and saw an I.V. there. Great, I'm in the god damned hospital. I thought about things and eventually I remembered the accident with the tanker. Arizona. She hurt her leg pretty badly, I had to know if she was ok, and if her friend Amy survived. Hitting the button that signals the nurses I waited for one to show up before asking about Arizona. "Yea honey she's ok, I'll go tell her you're awake." She walked out of the room and not five minutes later a smiling Arizona came bursting in the room with a cast on her leg. "Hey babe." I smiled at her as she came to sit on my bed. "Are you ok?" She cracked a smile and laughed a little. "Yea, I'm fine, just a mildly broken leg that will heal soon enough for our wedding. How are you feeling?" Chuckling I responded. "I'm ok I guess, a little woozy and a headache but other than that I am all set." Arizona suddenly frowned at me. "Honey you have three degree burns covering your back, you can't feel it right now because you're on a lot of morphine but the entirety of your back has to have skin graphs on it. The shirt you were wearing protected you little but thank god you were wearing jeans otherwise you would have burns all down your legs as well." I frowned thinking about that. "Umm, with burns don't you guys have to take off all the damaged skin before a skin graph is put on? That's going to hurt a lot isn't it?" She nodded her head and looked at me with sympathy. "It will hurt a lot hun and I am so sorry but after that is done you'll be right as rain." Shaking my head I decided to dwell on the pain later. "How's Amy?" Arizona perked up and smiled at me. "Good, she lost a lot of blood and has a concussion but she can be released in a week if nothing goes wrong." I nodded my approval. Silence dominated the room until Arizona spoke again, in the softest voice I had ever heard from her. "I kicked the firefighter carrying me so hard it cracked a rib. He wouldn't put me down. I tried so hard but I could do nothing but watch as you were sent flying forward. I screamed myself hoarse." She was crying but I quickly pulled her into my chest and hugged her, letting her know it was ok. "You're fine Arizona, I am glad you don't have to deal with what I will have to later, I wouldn't wish it on anyone." Eventually she sat up and wiped away her tears bending down for a quick kiss. Licking my lips I tasted chap stick, but not Arizona's, Callie's. "Arizona, did you by any chance borrow Callie's lipstick?" It never dawned on me that the taste was from Callie herself. She quirked an eyebrow at me confused until comprehension dawned on her face. "Umm, it's possible. Speaking of, would you like me to go get her? That woman barged into my office as soon as she found out you were in an accident and I swear, nothing could have stopped her." I ignored the change in topic for now and smiled instead, thinking fondly of my girl storming into Arizona's office as imposing as ever, even in the wheelchair or crutches I am sure they made her use. "That sounds like her. Yes, if you could get her that would be great." Arizona smiled and stood up walking out the door after glancing back at me. I waited silently in my room thinking of how my lips tasted just like the chap stick Callie always used to wear. Snapping out of my thoughts I smiled at the girl wheeling into my room. "Hey Cal." She closed the door behind her and stood up, a little wobbly but still strong, before walking over to my bed. "Damn nurses make me use the thing even if I insist I do not need it." Grinning from ear to ear I sat up and wrapped my arms around Callie, loving the feeling of having her in my arms. "That sounds like you." I could feel her grin against my neck before pulling away. "So how are you?" I groaned at her knowing I would have to repeat what I just told Arizona. "I'm fine, a little pain in my head but right now the only thing really bugging me is the fear of the pain I'll have to go through later." She frowned at me and tucked some hair behind my face before cupping my cheek. "I'll be right there the whole time, holding your hand until you break it, and maybe even then." Smiling I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek into her hand more. "You're the best friend I could ever have, thank you." Honestly the biggest fear I had was being alone through that pain and I guess Callie could tell. "Not a problem babe, you should know by now I will always be here for you, never going to leave, even if I am unconscious and in a coma." Smiling I opened my eyes and looked at her, basking in the gaze of her loving, kind, soft brown ones. Staring at each other we were both lost in thought until a knock on the door separated us. One of the nurses came in and walked over to where we were both sitting before going about her usual business, blood pressure check and all that, until she stopped and spoke. "I am going to need to see your back, if it's ready we will start removing the burned skin." Callie stood up and helped me roll onto my stomach ever so gently before the nurse pushed aside the clothing and examined my back. Gingerly running her hands over it I looked over at Callie. "How bad does it look?" Staring back at me with sad eyes I could tell the answer wasn't good. "Don't worry about that right now, for the moment lets focus on how you're doing." We waited silently for the nurse to be done before I rolled onto my back again. "It looks like you are ready for the removal so I will call in the doctor and get a room situated for you." I nodded my head but Callie spoke up. "I'm going to be in there with her." The nurse looked at me with pity. "I'm sorry but-" She was cut off by Callie. "I will be in that room with her whether it is usual or not, and if you have an issue with that then take it up with Dr. Robbins." I looked at her with an amused expression on my face and quirked an eyebrow at her as the nurse left the room. "You, Calliope, are one stubborn and sometimes scary chick." Huffing a breath of annoyance at the nurse she turned to look at me. "I told you I was going to be in that room with you and so I will be, whether that's normal or not." My grin faded from view and suddenly I wasn't amused anymore. "I'm scared Callie, it's going to hurt so much." Moving me over she crawled in the bed next to me and held me like when we were teenagers and I told her about my dad. "It'll be ok baby, I'm going to be right there with you the whole time, who knows, maybe I'll even say something so crazy you will forget what's going on." Cuddling into her chest I realized something. While I would have to hold Arizona, Callie was always there to hold me. "Thank you Callie, I cannot describe in words how much you mean to me." We laid there for a good twenty minutes, Callie running her fingers through my hair, before the doctor walked in. "Good evening ladies, I'm Dr. Avery, and I will be the one removing the skin from your back. I talked to Dr. Robbins and unfortunately she is in surgery right now and can't be here, but she did give permission for Callie to take her place." We nodded and Callie got off the bed and into her wheelchair, following us as I was pushed into a different room where the procedure would take place. After entering the room I laid on my stomach with both arms hanging off the sides of the gurney and looked at Callie. I could hear him moving around and the occasional clang of metal on metal before he finally sat down and leaned over my back. "I am going to start now, and once I start I have to finish, please try to be as cooperative as you can." Staring at Callie's eyes I took a deep breath and grabbed her hand squeezing it with my own when I felt the first touch of metal on my skin. Almost immediately I was close to tears, having this been the worst pain I have ever dealt with, and was gripping Callie's hand in mine so tightly it might have cut her blood circulation off. I was keeping my screams contained until he reached a sensitive part of my back and I cried out, letting the tears burst free. Callie was directly in front of me and had such a look of pain in her eyes, as if she was being hurt just as much as I was. I screamed and screamed until I shut my eyes and gave in to the agony, wanting nothing more than to be done with the torture. I felt a hand on my face and opened my eyes just enough to see Callie inches away from my face. I stopped screaming and met her gaze, lost in her eyes. Moving so she was breathing into my air she said three little words that took away the pain if only for a moment. "I love you." Then I was gone, sent into a world of so much pain my body shut down, and the last thing I remembered seeing was her beautiful brown eyes staring back at me.

OK so sorry for the lack of updates I no longer have wifi which makes getting onto wattpad a pain but, I'm working on it. Anyways.....this is not the end, I don't know if any of you thought that but it is not over and I will continue writing as soon as I can. Any questions feel free to comment

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