chapter 3

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Chloe POV

I walked down the stairs entering the kitchen where Callie's mom was with Callie herself right behind me. "Hi sweetie, I'm Isabelle Torres, Callie's mom. Nice to meet you." she said extending her hand for me to shake. I accepted her handshake and replied with "I'm Chloe, Callie's friend, nice to meet you too mam." She laughed before saying "No need to call me mam hun, Isabelle works just fine, this is the twenty first century after all. And mam makes me feel old." We all laughed a little bit before Callie walked over to her mom giving her a hug and exchanging the usual greetings. I stood to the side a bit awkwardly while they did so. When the greetings were done Isabelle announced that she would be making dinner in an hour or so and sent us on our merry way. After walking up to her bedroom again we settled ourselves on the bed. "When do you plan on telling her about me?" I asked curiously. "I'm not sure yet. I want them to get to know you a little first." she said. I nodded my head agreeing with her before laying on my back and relaxing. "You're not getting out of the question you know, I haven't forgotten." All my relaxation faded in an instant at those words. I groaned before saying "Alright fine, ask away and I'll answer to the best of my abilities." Callie smiled brightly before asking me if I liked her. "I just met you a day ago Callie, but I do know that I'm gay and that I find you very, very attractive and you seem to slip past all my barriers I have set up. So to answer the question yes, I like you, but I also need some time to think and to figure out how much I like you." Callie nodded her head at me before grinning replying with "Hell, that's better than I thought I was going to get. So of course you can have all the time you need to figure yourself out, I'm a patient person. Well not really but I can wait." I laughed at her before wrapping my arms around her waist. "Thank you, but while we're at it, got any other questions for me?" She pulled back and looked at me without breaking eye contact, a very serious question on the tip of her tongue. "What's your favorite color?" We both busted our asses laughing because here I am expecting some serious deeply personal question and that is what she says?! This girl was too funny. "Well, to answer that very serious question I must say that it is orange. How about you?" I asked. She smiled and said "I like purple. Typical straight girl, I know." I smiled at Callie before saying "Huh, never kissed a girl then?" In response she put her hands on my shoulders and worked her way up to my face. Keeping eye contact she leaned in a little before glancing at my lips waiting and measuring to see if I would pull away respecting my wish to go slow I started to lean in a little as well before we were only an inch away from each other. Just as our lips were about to meet we jumped apart at the voice outside her bedroom yelling "Dinner's ready, come and get it!" Breaking apart completely she stood pulling me with her. "Guess we better go eat huh? I mean your mom did just cock block us." I asked while trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. "Yeah, guess so." We both headed downstairs breaking our handhold before entering the kitchen. "Hi sweetie, how was your day at school?" her dad asked before turning around and seeing me there. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we had company. I'm Robert Torres, Callie's father." I looked at the man and saw where Callie got her build from. He looked to be about 6'4 and had massive shoulders. At first glance he is a scary looking man but once I looked into his eyes I smiled realizing where his daughter got her eyes from. Nobody with Callie's eyes was scary to me because every time I saw them it reminded me of Callie and immediately calmed me down. I extended my hand and saw the look of surprise on his face. "I'm Chloe, nice to meet you sir."  Smiling he excepted the handshake and then looked to his daughter. "I like this girl Calliope, she's a keeper." I smiled at the use of her full name and managed to keep my blush away until Callie responded with "I like her too, and yeah, she's a keeper alright." The blush rippled across my face and I was quick to look away from her. Her dad gave us each a knowing look before telling us to sit down for dinner. Taking seats right next to each other I felt a hand brush my leg. Calming myself down I kept the blush under control. I never blush this much what on earth is happening to me? Dinner was served and it turned out to be some dish I'd never had but it turned out to be fantastic. "This is amazing...Isabelle." She smiled at my hesitation and at the use of her first name before replying "Thank you dear, I always enjoy making authentic Mexican dishes, it reminds me of home." After everyone had finished eating I stood up with Robert and began clearing the dishes. "I got it hun, you can sit back down." I smiled at him before saying "I know sir, but I want to help." We took all the dishes into the kitchen and began loading them into the dishwasher. Suddenly he stands up and looks me in the eye. "I see the way she looks at you Chloe, and she hasn't come out to me yet but I can tell. All I ask is that you be careful with her, she is a girl who falls first and gets to know you later." I was taken aback by his bluntness but pulled myself together enough to respond with "Of course sir, I will never intentionally hurt her." He smiled at me and we finished up with the dishes before walking into the living room where Callie and Isabelle were sitting talking. Callie pulled me into the hallway before saying "I want to tell them tonight, they took to you so quick I think now is the right time." I nodded my consent before she pulled me into the living room again. "Mom, dad, I uh, I have to ask you something and I need you to hear me out before you say anything." I walked over to the recliner before sitting down and hiding my face in my hands and pulling my knees to my chest. Looking slightly confused they both said yes and told her to continue. As Callie proceeded to tell them about the abuse I had suffered I peeked through my fingers to find different emotions on there faces. Robert looked beyond pissed and was ready to punch a wall while Isabelle looked sad and shocked. When Callie looked at me I stood up and took my shirt off. They both gasped when they saw all the marks on my body put there by my father. I slipped my shirt back on and watched Callie as she finished with "and I know I should have asked first but I told her she could stay here because I wasn't going to let her go back to that man." I looked down ashamed but soon found a strong pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. I was surprised that Robert was hugging me and looked him in the eyes. With a glance at his wife he said "Of course you will stay here." I felt the tears run down my face before two new pairs of arms wrapped around me. I found myself in the middle of a group hug and was overwhelmed by the fact that these people who barely knew me were taking me in and caring about me. "Thank you, it's a relief and a weight off my shoulders knowing I do not have to go back. But what about my stuff?" Robert broke away and said "You me and Callie will go get it." I breathed out a sigh of relief when I realized I would not have to go back to that house alone. "We can go get your clothes anytime you feel ready for it." Smiling I broke the hug with everyone except Robert. Having a father figure like this in my life was something I did not expect would ever happen again. "If we go tonight right now he shouldn't be home, this is generally when he goes to the bar. I'd rather not see him and I just want to get this over with." He nodded his head before turning to his wife. "We'll be back soon, get the guest room ready." Isabelle gave him a kiss on the cheek whispering "Be careful." then turned and headed upstairs to prep the guest room. The three of us walked out the door and got into the car, after I told him my address he pulled out of the driveway. It was a twenty minute drive but it seemed to drag on forever. We pulled into my old driveway and I was relieved to see his car was gone. Getting out we walked to the front door where I grabbed the spare key I hid and unlocked the door. Stepping inside I ignored everything focusing only on getting my stuff. The other two followed me into my room where I went into the closet, grabbed my clothes and threw them on the bed. Walking over to a box I had yet to unpack it was labeled "sentimentals" I grabbed the whole thing and put that on the bed as well. Callie and I walked outside to the car and threw my clothes in the trunk. I turned towards her and grabbed her hips pulling her into me. Resting my forehead against hers I whispered a thank you. Glancing towards the door and seeing her father wasn't coming she leaned in close to me. Our lips brushed against each other and the kiss was nothing but a peck on the lips due to the headlights that just pulled into the driveway. I blinked at the brightness before the fear set in. My father was home. "Callie stay away from him, I don't need you getting hurt." I stepped in front of her and squared off against my father. I would not be the good little girl anymore. "You disgusting little freak, I knew you were screwed up but I had no idea you were a fucking lesbian." He approached me after stepping out of his car. He walked towards me and slapped me across the face. "I'm leaving, you won't be seeing anymore of me so I guess you get what you want. I won't be a disappointment anymore." He raised his fist at me and just as he was about to knock me out again Callie spoke up. "Don't touch her." He laughed at her and turned to look at her instead of me. The anger in his face was obvious as he raised his fist saying "She's my daughter you little bitch and I will do whatever I want to her." His fist connected with Callie's stomach and she doubled over in pain. "You asshole, stay away from us, I never want to see you again." I rushed over to her where she was kneeling holding her stomach. Just as I got to her my father grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me to my feet. He starting swinging at my face and I knew it would probably knock me out but just as his fist neared my face a hand shot out and stopped it. My father is not a small man but standing next to Robert he was tiny. "Step, away, from the girls." Robert's voice was low and threatening. I crawled over to Callie and we both watched as our fathers squared off. "It is my daughter and I will do what I please." he sneered at Robert. Callie's dad looked at us and upon seeing the handprint on my face and his daughter doubled over his anger tripled. "Son of a bitch, you hit them. Normally I would not interfere in another mans business but the fact that you hit this innocent little girl and my daughter is too much." Robert pulled back and threw a punch straight to my dads nose. A crunching noise was heard as my father launched himself at Robert tackling him to the ground. Rolling so Robert was on top he proceeded to punch my dad in the face repeatedly until he was unconscious. He stood up before walking over to us and examining his daughter then looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock him out, but I lost control." The amount of respect that gushed through me for this man was overwhelming. Hugging him I said "Thank you, he deserves worse than what he got." After we all calmed down we finished packing all my stuff just ignoring and stepping around (or in my case on) the man on the ground. Once done Callie and I crawled into the back so we could talk somewhat privately. "I'm sorry he hit you." I said while placing my hand over her stomach. "It's ok, rather me than you." Shaking my head at her we both hugged. Holding her hand we sat in silence the rest of the way home. We opened the front door to find Isabelle waiting for us. "Oh my god what the hell happened to you guys?"

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