chapter 11

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Chloe's POV

How long I sat there and held Callie while she cried I do not and never will know, but I do know that when she was done crying my heart broke. Leaning away from me she wiped her tears off and forced a small sad smile. I could only manage a similarly small smile back. "I didn't think you two would get along, I mean I knew Arizona wouldn't have anything against you but you have every reason in the world to hate her, and me." Her head jerked up and looked me in the eyes when I said that last part. Grabbing my chin she made me meet her gaze. "Chloe, I never have and never will hate you, don't ever think that I do. And Arizona...she's great Chloe, I tried to hate her but then I got to talking with her and I realized just how much she cares for you. She was there for you when I couldn't be and for that I am grateful to her." I had a few tears running down my face but wiped them away. "What did I ever do to deserve two of the best women in the world? Must have been something big that's for sure." Chuckling we smiled and hugged. "Callie, I know how much this must hurt you but if you want, I'd love for you to be the maid of honor, only if you're willing." The look in her eyes told me the internal battle she was fighting. Eventually her heart and selflessness won out though. "Of course I will be glad to accept Chloe." I stood up and hugged her one last time before saying goodbye and walking out the door. I walked to Arizona's office and saw her hunched over in her chair head in hands. "What's wrong babe, what happened?" She looked up at me and I saw the tears in her eyes. "Nothing babe, I just lost one of my patients that I had grown rather fond of, he had been here for quite a while, cancer." I nodded my head in understanding and went over to hold her a little bit. "Seems like today was just meant for tears huh?" We smiled and I pulled her to her feet. "Come on, let's go home." We walked out of the hospital hand in hand pulling apart only to get in the car and rejoining as soon as we were seated. One hand in hers and the other on the wheel I drove home. Pulling in I parked the car in the garage where we hopped out and went in the house. Dropping the keys on the counter I wandered over to Arizona digging around in the fridge. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and kissed the back of her neck pulling her into me. "Come on babe, let's go to bed, I'm tired." She turned in my arms and pressed a kiss against my lips gently before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the bedroom where we both changed into some t-shirts and crawled into bed where I pulled her close to me and fell asleep with my love in my arms.

I woke in the morning before Arizona did and looked over at her sleeping form. Her blond hair was a mess and the light makeup she had on smeared a little but still, she was beautiful. Part of me wanted to say she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen but I couldn't bring myself to admit it when I thought of the gorgeous Latina lying in a hospital bed. Sighing I rolled out of bed and took a quick shower before heading downstairs to cook breakfast. Frying some eggs and steak I grabbed some plates before pouring some coffee and carrying it all upstairs into the bedroom. The door creaked when I walked in and Arizona moved, sitting up still sleepy. "Morning babe." She smiled and looked over at me with the breakfast. "Morning to you too." I placed it all on the bed and sat down where Arizona pulled me in for a kiss. "Thank you, it looks great." Smiling against the kiss we broke apart and dug in. We had just finished eating when her pager went off. She lazily looked over at it but when she read it she bolted out of bed and ran for the bathroom. "Emergency at the hospital, E.R. is going to be flooded with patients, all hands on deck." She told me all this while pulling on some clothes and throwing her hair in a messy bun. "Ok I'll drive." Hurrying down the stairs I grabbed the keys from the counter and jumped into the car pulling out of the garage and closing it before Arizona rushed out of the front door locking it and still trying to put on a shoe. As soon as she was in the car I took off out of the driveway and practically floored it on the highway. All of a sudden I had to slow down as traffic got all congested and slowed to a crawl. "Pull into the median and drive through there, this must be the emergency." I did as told and soon we were looking at the worst thing I had ever seen. At least thirty cars had wrecked on each other and the scene was crawling with paramedics cops and firemen all trying to work fast and save the people in the cars. I soon realized why when I saw one of the cars in the wreck was a semi carrying oil that looked banged up. With all the smoke from the various cars I shuddered at the thought of that thing blowing up. So many people were still trapped in their vehicles it would be instant death for many. A cop came running at us and I rolled down my window. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Get back out of the way and stay on the road." I hollered at him to stop. "Sir my fiancé is a doctor I had to get her to the scene so she could help out and hitch a ride to the hospital on an ambulance." Understanding was on his face when I pointed to Arizona who had bolted from the car as soon as I slowed down. "Ok miss, just get back on the road and stay away." I shook my head at him and then said screw it. Reaching into the glove box I pulled out my badge and flashed it at him. "I think I will help out here actually." That said I stepped out of the car and ran towards Arizona where she was kneeling by a bleeding child. When she saw me she pointed to the car. "His mom is still in there, go see if you can pull her out." All of the first aid training I had received was at the forefront of my mind when I walked over to the vehicle. It was upside down and the woman was lying on the ceiling of her vehicle having been tossed around inside. Time did not allow for proper care to be given so I didn't deal with a board or anything. Crawling through the front windshield I was hit with a sense of Deja vu. This is exactly like what I did when Callie was in her bronco. Shaking the thought away I finished crawling through and pulled out my pocket knife cutting the ladies seatbelt away from her and pulling her out of the car. Carrying her in my arms I jogged back to Arizona who had stopped the kids bleeding and covered him in bandages. Laying the mom gently in the grass she immediately bent over her and started working. Looking around it seemed that things had finally calmed down a little. Less people were milling about and most of the ambulances were off to the hospital. As I watched everyone suddenly began running from the semi. I soon saw why as I realized a fire had sprung up in the engine of a car right next to the tanker. People were running across the tops of cars having cleared everyone out and focusing on getting out of the pile of wreckage. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking all was good until I heard a scream ring out from the wreckage. I recognized that scream.  Looking back I searched for Arizona expecting to see her bent over the mom but she was gone, having went to help with some other person. Arizona was gone, I couldn't see her. The scream rang out again and that's when I knew it was her. Everyone stopped and appeared stunned at a loss for what to do. Nobody wanted to run back towards the tanker. Before I even thought about it I was climbing onto the roof of the nearest car and was running towards the tanker as fast as I could jumping from roof to roof. Shouts were heard all around me telling me to stop but I was blind to all. Finally I reached the tanker and hollered for Arizona. An answering yell for help greeted my ears. The fire was building but I paid it no mind and instead crawled into the wreckage of an SUV where Arizona was. She was performing CPR on a body in the front seat. "Arizona they're gone, look at the blood, you know it. Come on, I have to get you out of here." That's when I realized her leg. It was trapped in the wreckage. Somehow she must have gotten it wedged under there when trying to shift the stuff off of the poor person. "Let's get you free now, then we will get out of this car." Tears were running down her face and I wondered why because it's not like this was her first lost patient but then I looked at the face and a flash of recognition dawned on me. Amy, a nurse at the hospital, was Arizona's best friend and here she was, dead in the front seat. "No! I can still feel a pulse, she has to be freed, I won't leave her." I accepted that right then because I didn't have the time or strength to drag Arizona out of the car forcefully. Crawling towards her I began shifting the stuff on her leg working at it until eventually with a huge burst of effort I freed it. As soon as she was free I pulled out my knife again and cut the seatbelt off her which helped a little. Together Arizona and I pushed and pulled at the wreckage surrounding her until she too was free. "Arizona go, get out of here and run to the others, I will get her out." Stubbornly she refused. She crawled out of the car first and stuck her head through the sunroof of the car holding her arms out so she could help pull Amy out. Hauling her body over there took most of my energy left and Arizona grabbed her and pulled her out then leaned down to help me out. Grabbing my hand she pulled and soon we were all three standing on the top of the car, Amy wedged between us. We began walking across but it was slow going with Arizona's damaged leg and the unconscious nurse not helping any. Two fireman climbed up and ran towards us, each one scooping up a girl leaving me, the most capable, to start on my own. I had almost made it to the safety zone when Arizona's terrified scream rang through my ears. It was the sound of absolute terror for a person you loved and I soon realized why when a huge boom was heard and I felt a searing heat across my back before something hit me on the head sending me sprawling out onto a car roof. The last thing I saw was Arizona still over the fireman's shoulder kicking and screaming to be put down when I blacked out.

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