chapter 10

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I hung up the phone right after saying that knowing he would likely start grilling me with questions that I did not have an answer to. Running to my car I hopped in and drove like crazy to the hospital. Parking the car I ran to the elevators pounding the level three button furiously. When the doors opened I bolted straight for Callie's room and ran right into Arizona. Tears were falling down my face and she caught me and held me until I took some deep breaths and calmed down a little. "Babe, I just left her room but you need to understand something. Callie has been on that bed for five years, she is very weak and extremely confused because I told her what happened. So when you walk in there brace yourself because that girl in there is the same Callie you remember, but you are not. You've changed so she will need time to process." I sighed realizing the severity of the situation. She would still think we were together, oh my god she was in that coma because of me and here I am engaged to another woman! I was almost knocked out by that realization. "Arizona, she, she still thinks we're together. I don't know what to do." She gave me a small somewhat sad smile and I wondered about it for a moment until a voice rang out through the doorway. "Chloe? Babe is that you?" I turned away from Arizona and stepped into the room. "Hey Calliope, long time no see." We both chuckled a little bit at that before I stepped closer to the bed. "Your parents are on the way. They should be here soon." She nodded accepting the information. "This is so weird Chloe. I'm suddenly in the body of a twenty two year old and my girlfriend looks so different. You've grown, I can see it in your eyes too." I smiled and sighed nervous about the crazy that would soon be unleashed. "I can't imagine what you are going through right now Callie but I'm here for you. It's strange for me as well, I've talked to you these past years but to have you responding is so strange." I walked over and hugged her. "I've missed you so much." I could feel her smile against my neck. "I would say the same but I feel like I was asleep and just woke up." I released my hold on her and was about to sit when I heard Robert and Isabelle come rushing in. They were both smiling and talking quite a bit so I took that as my cue to bow out for a while, leaving the family time to celebrate. As soon as I was out the door the smile vanished from my face. She was still that girl who I fell in love with, the girl who was there for me all those years ago when my dad beat me, the only friend I ever had, and while she was in a coma, I fell in love with someone else. I sunk to my knees against the wall and started crying. I was so happy she was awake but god, how do I explain to her I moved on. I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up taking me to a small room with a bed. After sitting down I wrapped my arms around Arizona and cried my heart out on her lap and into her chest. "I'm so so happy she is awake, but I don't know how to break her heart Arizona, at the same time I can't just let her continue thinking that. We are getting married in a month for crying out loud and I can't imagine not keeping her in my life. We've been through to much for that to happen now that she's actually awake." After my rant her hold on me tightened and she cleared her throat. "It's ok Chloe, everything will work out, you can't expect to know what to do because things like this almost never happen. Callie is a miracle." My sobs were renewed, this is why I love this woman so much, the amount of understanding and compassion she displayed overwhelmed me. "Thank you, I think I'll tell her tomorrow. Tonight we can just celebrate her waking up." She released me and I stood up drying my eyes. After steadying my breathing I gave Arizona a quick peck on the lips and walked out the door heading back into Callie's room. They were all sitting on her bed hugging and talking joy evident on all there faces. I chose to sit in the chair and watch them letting the happiness infect me until I too was smiling. We all stayed and talked for hours in that room until her parents excused themselves pulling me out of the room with them after they hugged their daughter goodbye. After informing Callie that I would be back I followed them. "Chloe we love you like our own and we know how hard this has to be on you being engaged to Arizona and all but please be gentle." I gave them both hugs and replied. "Of course I will be, she is still important to me." With that I turned around and closed the door before sitting on Callie's bed. She smiled faintly at me and then moved a little closer. Leaning in she brushed her lips against mine and I almost lost all of my willpower then and there. 'Guess it can't wait until tomorrow.' I thought to myself as I pulled away and saw the pain flash through her eyes. "Callie I'm sorry, it's just-" I got choked up on my own words and froze. Understanding flashed through her eyes. "You're not mine anymore are you?" The emotion in her voice almost broke me. Shaking my head I lifted up my left hand and showed her the engagement ring. "Engaged until next month." The pain was evident but she still tried to smile through it. "Do I know her?" Just then Arizona opened the door and came in about to say something but froze with her mouth open when she saw we were having a serious conversation. She soon realized what it must have been about from the fact that I was still showing Callie my ring and we were both crying. She was about to apologize when Callie spoke up. "It's her isn't it? I see it in the way you both reacted when she came in. It makes sense, you would have been at the hospital a lot." I looked down in shame while Arizona's words died in her throat. "I'm sorry Calliope, I just, this is too much for me and I realize how selfish that is because if I am overwhelmed I shudder to think of what you must be going through but I have to go for a minute." Then I ran past Arizona and out the door where I made it to a bathroom before breaking down completely.

Callie's POV

I was still sitting in bed while Arizona remained frozen in the doorway horrified of having walked in on that conversation. "Arizona right?" My voice shook her into movement and she slowly nodded. "Can you come in for a minute? And close the door please." She did as I asked and took a seat at the foot of my bed. "So you're the lucky lady huh?" A dozen emotions carried across her face before she nodded. "Yea, I am." I smiled slightly which seemed to ease her a little. "Can you tell me what happened? How you guys met and how long you've been together?" Once again she nodded her head before filling me in on every question I asked her and more. "Thank you Arizona, thank you so much for taking care of her while I couldn't and being there for her. I have to ask you the most important question though. Do you love her? More than anything in this world?" At that her face started glowing and she smiled. "Yes, I do." I nodded my head in confirmation. When I did so she looked at me strange. "I thought you would hate me." I smiled and laughed a little. "I thought I would too. But now that I've spoken to you and I know you're genuine in your feelings for Chloe I can't hate you. You did the best you could in that situation, not to mention how you've kept her going all these years. She's a strong person and can handle a lot but sometimes she needs a person to be there for her, so once again I thank you. And for the record, not hating you isn't for a lack of effort on my part." We both smiled and I pulled her in for a hug when Chloe walked back in. She did an instant double take at the sight of us hugging. "Um, I guess I missed something." We laughed and broke apart. "Yea, quite a bit, but that's top secret information and you aren't classified enough to hear it." She giggled before walking over and sitting between Arizona and I. "Well ok then. But why are you two higher ranked than me?" I glanced over at Arizona and we locked gazes for a second sharing a look. "You shall never know or understand so I suggest you quit while you're ahead." We all three smiled but the look on Chloe's face told me she didn't believe me and my smiling attitude. She'd be right about that though, I was laughing on the outside but on the inside I was dying, my girl, the one thing I thought was permanent is gone. No longer mine. Claimed by this blonde who I can't help but like. Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? My thoughts were interrupted when Arizona stood up. "I think I'll leave you two alone now, you have some stuff to talk about." That done she walked out of the room and closed the door. I could feel the tears threatening to spill and she saw them to. I thought I could hold them in but when she moved closer and wrapped her arms around me I cried like a baby, sad that I lost the girl I thought I might possibly love.

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