chapter 18

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Callie's POV

Chloe smashed her lips against mine effectively cutting off my speech that I was about to give her explaining why I left her. Kissing Chloe felt so right I couldn't believe I ever tried to give that up and it was right then I remembered Arizona. Pushing her away I said stop. She looked up at me confused and asked what was wrong. "Chloe what about Arizona?" A sadness filled her eyes but she quickly shook it off and smiled at me. "We made the decision that it was best we not be together anymore, as it was clear I no longer loved her the way I was supposed to, that instead my heart had been claimed by a girl who saved me from my abusive father five and a half years ago." Smiling I rested my forehead against hers. "I love you." She met my eyes and responded. "I love you too Calliope, forever and always." I pulled her into a hug and just held onto my love for a while, not willing to break the embrace. Eventually though I remembered where we were and pulled away. "Come on Chlo, let's go to my apartment, I'm starving." Laughing she nodded her head in agreement so I grabbed her hand and led her back into the bar leaving the unconscious man in the alley. Holding her hand I stood next to my manager and told him I was quitting, immediately. He looked a bit upset at the prospect of me leaving (personally I think he liked me) but agreed to give me my paycheck and with that done I walked out the door and led Chloe to my bronco. Holding the door open for her she climbed up and into the passenger seat before I closed the door and hopped into my side. "What about my car?" I grabbed her hand resting it on the center console before I replied. "We can come get it in the morning or something, nobody will touch it." Quiet comfortable silence ensued and we calmly arrived at my apartment building. "Come on, this is it." Helping her out of the car I led her up the stairs and into my apartment before turning and locking the door behind me. She was smiling as she looked around the apartment and inspected things. "It's not much but it's worked out for me so far." She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "It's perfect." I kissed her forehead before walking into the kitchen and grabbing the stuff for grilled cheese. "You want one?" She walked into the kitchen debating but eventually said yes. I was humming under my breath as I cooked and Chloe just sat on the counter swinging her legs watching me. When they were done I put them on a plate and walked into the bedroom Chloe following close behind. Upon entering the room she stood in the door and looked around. "It's so very you Calliope." Smiling I couldn't agree more. The walls were dark grey and I had a white bedspread with dark purple pillows and a purple throw rug. Walking over to the bed I put the grilled cheese down and grabbed some pajamas from the dresser. Throwing Chloe a pair I saw her grin when she realized what they were. "The same pajamas? Really Callie?" Laughing I nodded my head. "It's not like they won't fit or anything. Stop complaining." She chuckled at me before we both changed into the sports bras and basketball shorts. I put Finding Nemo in and slid under the covers patting the bed next to me for Chloe. "God I haven't seen Nemo in years." Laughing I couldn't help my reply. "Really? Cause I seem to remember watching it about two months ago with you in these same pajamas." She faked a glare at me and replied with something that sounded deviously close to 'smartass' before turning and facing the movie. After eating our sandwiches I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in front of me resting my head on her shoulder and kissing the side of her neck. "You're so distracting." She tried to glare but I kissed her again and she couldn't hide her smile. "Babe I'm tired, let's just turn Nemo off and go to bed." Chloe nodded her head in agreement and I turned the lights off before laying on my side while Chloe did the same. Hesitating at first I reached my arm around her waist as she tensed up but after a second she relaxed and I pulled her to my body. "I haven't been held like this since you Callie, I never realized just how much I miss it." Smiling I planted a kiss on her shoulder and murmured a goodnight before drifting off into bliss.

I'm gonna do an epilogue soon but this is the end. Give me some feedback on the story and if there was anything you didn't like let me know for future reference.

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