chapter 4

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Chloe POV

I watched in silence as Robert tried to calmly explain to his wife what happened and why. She took it about as well as you would expect any mother. In other words she rushed around checking on us, repeatedly asking if we were ok, refusing to calm down and sending death threats towards my father. When Robert finally got his wife to calm down Callie and I were excused. We decided to leave most of my stuff for the night and just grabbed some pajamas. We didn't speak much, each of us busy still processing what happened. When we reached the two doors to our rooms I said "Well I'm going to take a shower and probably head to bed, it was a long night." She nodded her head not saying anything still wrapped up in her thoughts. I walked into my bedroom and went to the bathroom taking my clothes with me. I was about to start undressing when I realized I didn't have a towel. I walked over to Callie's bedroom knocking once before walking in. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I was sure my face was as red as Callie's because she had just taken her shirt and pants off to hop in the shower. Another minute and I would have walked in on her completely naked. She wrapped a towel around herself then looked up to find me still staring at her. "It's fine Chloe, not like you did it on purpose or anything. What did you need?" A little shocked at how cool she was taking this it took me a minute to find my voice. "Ummm, I uh, I needed a towel." She chuckled at me before walking into her bathroom and coming out with some in hand. "Here's a few that you can put in your bathroom." I took them nodding my thanks before turning around and hurrying out of there hearing her laughter behind me. I went into my bathroom and took care of the towels before hopping in the shower. Once I was done I towel dried my hair and brushed it so it wouldn't be so crazy in the morning. I slipped my pjs on and crawled into bed. For the longest time I just stared at the ceiling thinking about what a long ass day it had been. Finally though I drifted off to sleep around midnight.

I woke up in a cold sweat screaming until I remembered where I was and calmed down a little. Glancing at the clock I noticed I'd only slept for two hours. Suddenly I heard footsteps in the hallway before my bedroom door creaked open. "Are you ok?" I heard her voice whisper. "Yeah uh, it was just a bad dream. You can come in if you want." The door opened before being closed again. I felt the bed shift and knew Callie had crawled in with me. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me and I rested my head on her shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" All I could see in the dark were her eyes reflecting off my alarm clock light. "It was just the same one I always get, my mom dying, the abuse getting worse and my dad being drunk." Nodding her head she just held me closer. Laying down we cuddled up and I nuzzled into her neck. After a while she started to get up saying "I should let you get some sleep." Suddenly I realized that I would not be getting much sleep without her tonight so I responded automatically. "You can stay if you want, I won't be going back to sleep unless you're In here though." I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was smiling. "Alright then." She laid back on the bed and I turned my back to her. I felt her hand wrap around my waist and pull me back to her body so we were spooning. Sighing in content I quickly fell back to sleep not realizing just how tired I was until then.

 I woke up in the morning and was confused at first. I felt hair on my face and brushed it off before realizing it wasn't my hair. Feeling the warm body curled up next to me I remembered last night. I carefully moved away from the beautiful Latina not wanting to wake her up. I figured she probably wasn't a morning person. After getting out of bed I opened the door hearing movement downstairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing Robert pouring a cup of coffee. "Good morning Chloe, how'd you sleep?" Looking at his face and the broad grin stretched across it I figured he knew Callie slept in my bed. "A little rough at first but eventually smoothed out." I decided to just go along with what he already knew but I wasn't going to say anything to confirm it. "Well that's good, you can help yourself to some coffee if you want, Callie sleeps in when I let her, I take it you didn't wake her getting out of bed?" I blushed and shook my head. "I figured she wasn't much of a morning person." He laughed saying "Well you thought right, although I bet if you had been the one to wake her she'd be smiling pretty quick." I choked a little on my coffee I had just poured before saying "You are strangely ok with this." He nodded his head. "You make her happy, and I know things are changing a lot right now and moving fast but I see how she looks at you. And I see how you look at her, even if you're not ready to admit It yet." Smiling at him I say "You are amazingly good at reading people." He chuckles and says "Honey I am a detective, part of my job is reading people." I stared at him for a second before finding words. "I can see that now that you mention it." He pours another cup of coffee before grabbing his stuff and heading out the door saying "I'll see you after work, you and Callie have the house until Isabelle gets home, we've excused you both from school until you are ready to go back." I waved goodbye before pouring me and Callie some coffee and heading upstairs to test Roberts theory about a smiling Callie. I opened my bedroom door happy to see that Callie was still sleeping. I set the two cups of coffee on the nightstand before crawling on the bed towards Callie. Laying on my side and staring at her eyes I gently pushed her hair behind her face. Resting my hand on her cheek I felt her start to move a little bit. Leaning in I pecked her on the lips and pulled back seeing a smile on her face. Kissing her one more time while her eyes were closed her smile got bigger. I leaned back and saw her eyes flutter open. "Morning beautiful." She opened her eyes the rest of the way and smiled again at the compliment. "Your dad excused us both from school for the rest of the week so we get the house until your mom comes home. I figured we could spend the week getting to know each other more and just hanging out." Yawning and stretching she sat up in bed. I handed her the coffee before she said "That sounds good, getting to know you more." I smiled. "I'll be getting to know you well too. We will know each other very well by the end of today." She groaned at me immediately knowing I was mocking her from yesterdays slip up. "You are never going to let me forget that are you." Grinning I said "Not until the day we die." 

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