chapter 16

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Callie's POV

Deep breath Torres, you can do this. Pushing the door open I walked into Chloe's room to find her curled up in her bed, possibly still crying. "Hey Chlo, I uh, I got something to tell you." Her head snapped up to look in my direction and she hurriedly wiped her tears away. "Ok Cal, come on in and tell me I guess." Reluctantly I stepped forward into the room and sat on the bed next to Chloe. "I'm sorry Chloe, but I'm leaving. I can't be just friends with you, it kills me to see you with her, as much as I like her. This is the easiest way I can think to do things because I understand why you chose her. And I don't hate you or anything but this constant pain I feel has to go away, for once I have to think of myself." We were both staring at each other teared up but both of us refusing to let them fall in front of the other. I stood up from the bed and wrapped my arms around her for what I thought to be the last time. "Goodbye Chlo, I love you, always and forever." I once again fled the room before my resolve wavered and I took it all back. The door closed behind me and I checked myself out of the hospital, taking a taxi to my parent's house where I ran to my old bedroom and curled up with my pillow finally letting the sobs escape on the pillow that smelled of Chloe.

Chloe's POV

As the door closed behind her receding form I whispered out a few unheard words that I would forever keep to myself. "I love you too." I turned the lights off in my room and grabbed my iPod blasting music into my ears trying to drown my sorrow in the voices. "I can't handle this." Talking to myself I went into the bathroom and found a razor. Taking a blade in my unsteady hands I had a million thoughts run through my head. "You haven't cut in five years." "You know it'll be such a relief." "Don't do it, it's not what she would have wanted." I placed the blade on my wrist and dragged it across feeling the sting of the blade before I dropped it. One cut. That's all I was able to do before I gave in. Callie would be so disappointed in me. Guilt surged through me as I washed the cut out and wrapped a bandage over it. After cleaning everything up I went and crawled into my bed playing music in the dark loud enough to drown out my heartbroken sobs.

Callie's POV

I woke up in the morning and yesterday's events flashed through my mind before I pulled myself together. Getting out of bed I went about my normal morning routine finding everything where I had left it apparently five years ago. After I got changed into some sweats I pulled my suitcase out of the closet. Packing all my clothes into a suitcase and a duffel I went downstairs where we kept the keys. I smiled at my old Bronco keys and grabbed them before opening the garage to reveal my mom's car and a massive vehicle under a tarp. I walked over to my car and pulled the tarp back grinning when I saw it looked just like new. Throwing my stuff into the backseat I went around to the trunk and opened that up, getting ready for the boxes I was sure to pack. Walking back into the house I grabbed a half dozen boxes and put all my belongings that I wanted or felt I would need in them before loading them into the Bronco. The only thing I left unpacked was my laptop which I placed on the table before sitting down and opening it up. I was googling apartments and checking my bank accounts as well as checking out alternate high school diplomas. I had just found an apartment in the city and an online program that would allow me to finish high school when my parents walked in the door. "Oh honey you're home! We didn't know you were here or we would have been here sooner." I smiled and got up to hug my mom. When I pulled away and looked at my dad he had the saddest grin on his face. Meeting his eyes I nodded my head confirming what he suspected. He had always been capable of reading me with little effort. Hugging him we both started crying which left my mom utterly bewildered. "Why are you all crying?" I pulled her into the living room and onto the couch before I took her hands in mine and explained. "I'm leaving mom. I've contacted a landlord and am going into the city where I will rent an apartment and finish high school. Then I'm going to check out the local colleges where hopefully I will get accepted to one and when I have a degree...I guess I can go from there." She held back tears and wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug. "Honey why are you leaving home though?" Pulling away I stood up and wrapped my dad in a hug again before facing my mother. "I need a fresh start with new memories, the old ones are too painful." Understanding flashed through her eyes and I knew she finally got why I was leaving. Chloe. "You'll call as soon as you get there ya here me?" Smiling I nodded and said my final goodbyes before grabbing my laptop and walking into the garage and into my baby. Cranking the engine to life I pulled out of the driveway and began my journey to the city, waving to my parents on the way.

Several hours later I got out of the car and examined my surroundings. It was a tall beautiful building next to a park and within walking distance of a gym and store. Walking into the building I talked to the doorman who handed over the keys and led me to my new place. After showing me the door he walked away leaving me to explore the apartment myself. It was simple and modern walking right into a kitchen/dining/living area and straight ahead there was a hallway that led to the bathroom and my bedroom. After scoping everything out I headed back down the hallway into the elevators and began the process of bringing all my belongings to the apartment. When that was done I unpacked what I wanted before collapsing onto the couch and covering myself in the one blanket I brought with me.

Waking up the following morning I got up and stretched before changing into some skinny jeans and a purple blouse getting ready to hit the stores. Once dressed and in the car I pulled out and drove past the grocery store saving that for last. Finding an appropriate looking store I walked in and found everything I needed from appliances and dishes to blankets and a new bed as well as some lamps and basic cleaning supplies. After purchasing all my items and stowing them in the Bronco I thanked my grandma for her inheritance that allowed me to do this. Driving to the grocery store I got some essential items before heading home and unloading everything. By this time it was already seven in the afternoon and I was, starving and exhausted. Grabbing a frozen meal and warming it up I crawled in my new bed and ate dinner not bothering to change clothes happy with the day's work.

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